Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 10 - The Satan Pit (Season 28, Story 174b)

"Oh! Oh, in a second. But then again... that is so human. "Where angels fear to tread." Even now, standing on the edge. It's that feeling you get, hm? Right on the back of your head. That impulse. That strange little impulse. That mad little voice saying, "Go on! Go on. Go on. Go over, go on!" Maybe it's relying on that. For once in my life, Officer Scott, I'm going to say... retreat." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"If you really are the Beast then answer me this: which one? Hm? ’Cause the Universe has been busy since you’ve been gone. There's more religions than there are planets in the sky. The Arkiphets. Quoldonity. Christianity. Pash Pash. Neo-Judaism. Sanklaar. The Church of the Tin Vagabond. Which devil are you?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"This one knows me and I know him. The killer of his own kind." ~ The Beast

" I... believe. I believe I haven't seen everything, I don't know. It's funny, isn't it? The things you make up—the rules. If that thing had said it came from beyond the universe I'd believe it, but before the universe... that's impossible. It doesn't fit in my rules. Still, that's why I keep travelling. To be proved wrong. Thank you Ida." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Except that implies—in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils—that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this Universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods. And out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing—just one thing—I believe in her." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Sorry about the hijack, Captain. This is the Good Ship TARDIS. I'm just towing you home. Gravity schmavity. My people practically invented black holes. Well, in fact they did. Couple of minutes we'll be nice and safe. Oh and Captain, can we do a swap? Say if you give me Rose Tyler I'll give you Ida Scott. How about that?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

Coincidentally, this episode was shown in the week of 6/6/06. It followed a wave of Devil-related stories in the media.

During the Tardisode for this episode, the letters "SB6" (presumably standing for Sanctuary Base 6) are seen on a display changing into the numbers "666".

According to DWM 401, when the production team couldn't figure out what would be at the bottom of the pit, they considered using Davros.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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