Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 11 - Love and Monsters (Season 28, Story 175)

"You can't imagine it—the Doctor's machine. The most beautiful sound in the world." ~ Elton

"His name is the Doctor.  That's all anyone knows." ~ Ursula Blake

"So that's how I met Ursula. All thanks to the Doctor. Turns out we read all the same sites and she only lived half a mile away. She was like a proper mate. Poor Ursula." ~ Elton

"And that's when it all changed, that Tuesday night in March. That's when he arrived.  That's when we met Victor Kennedy, and the golden age was gone." ~ Elton

"I'd forgotten, til now. But it was that night.  I was just a kid. That's why I went downstairs. It woke me up. That noise." ~ Elton

"Use that cane on him and you'll get one hell of a smack off me! And then a good kick. Is that completely understood, Mister Kennedy?" ~ Ursula Blake

Elton: Well, I had to work very hard. She keeps everything very close to her chest.
Ursula: That's a hell of a chest.

"That was my daughter. She's so far away. I get left here sometimes and I don't know where she is. Anything could be happening to her, anything. And I just go a bit mad." ~ Jackie Tyler

"All of a sudden, a lot of things made sense. I'd got so lost in conspiracies and aliens and targets, I'd been missing the obvious, because I did like Jackie, but I liked someone else even more." ~ Elton

"Let me tell you something about those who get left behind. Because it's hard. And that's what you become, hard. But if there's one thing I've learnt, it's that I will never let her down. And I'll protect them both until the end of my life." ~ Jackie Tyler

Rose: Is it me or is he a bit... Slitheen?
The Doctor: You're not from Raxacoricofallapatorius are you?
Abzorbaloff: No! I'm not the swine! I spit on them. I was born on the Twin planet.
The Doctor: Really? What's the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius?
Abzorbaloff: Clom.

"Sweet...maybe. Passionate...I suppose, but don't ever mistake that for nice. Do what you want." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"There was a shadow in your house. A living shadow in the darkness. An elemental shade had escaped from the Howling Halls. I stopped it, but I wasn't in time to save her. I'm sorry." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"We forget because we must.  Turns out I've had the most terrible things happen, and the most brilliant things.  And sometime, it turns out, I can't tell the difference. They're all the same thing, they're just me.  You know Stephen King said once, he said 'Salvation and damnation are the same thing.'  And I never knew what he meant, but I do now." ~ Elton

"I had this nice little gang, and they were destroyed. It's not his fault, but maybe that's what happens if you touch the Doctor. Even for a second." ~ Elton

This is the first attempt at a 'Doctor-lite' episode; in these episodes, the Doctor's appearances are restricted to only a few select scenes, in order to allow two episodes of the series to be filmed at the same time; this scheduling was introduced with the 2006 season in order to allow production of a 14th episode, a Christmas special, in the same time it takes to produce 13 regular episodes. This would become an annual tradition henceforth, with a "companion-lite" episode, Midnight, being introduced during the 2008 season.

The original draft for this story involved a villain who has discovered how to drain things of their beauty, and has reduced his planet to a sterile grey landscape. In a way, that is what the Abzorbaloff does in the final draft, drains all the beauty from Elton's world.

In the episode commentary, Russell T Davies notes that in an early draft, Elton had been witness to more events in Doctor Who history: in this draft, Elton's third birthday party was evacuated because of the "Shoreditch Incident", his mother was killed by a plastic daffodil, and Elton also witnessed the Loch Ness Monster rising from the Thames. Davies had also considered making the viewpoint character of the story a woman.

This episode contains references to each of the first four series' story arcs: Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Mr. Saxon and missing planet Clom. There are also references to Rose, Aliens of London and The Christmas Invasion, with new footage showing Elton's point of view of those events.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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