Clara: Heels.
The 12th Doctor: What, do you have to reach a high shelf?
Clara: Right, got to go. Going to be late.
The 12th Doctor: For a shelf?
Architect [OC]: The Bank of Karabraxos is impregnable.
(The Doctor takes a mobile phone sized item from the case.)
Guard [OC]: Please stand away from the door. We do not wish to hurt you before incineration.
Architect [OC]: The Bank of Karabraxos has never been breached. You will rob the Bank of Karabraxos.
(Glass shatters.)
The 12th Doctor: Mutant human. What kind of mutant?
Saibra: Like he says, why are you in charge now?
The 12th Doctor: It's my special power. What's yours?
The 12th Doctor: Question one. Robbing banks is easy if you've got a Tardis. So why am I not using it?
Clara: Question two, where us the Tardis?
The 12th Doctor: Okay, that probably should be question one.
Psi: Ever tried not thinking about something?
Clara: No.
Porrima: You may have to.
The 12th Doctor: There must be a plan.
Clara: What if the plan is, we're blowing up the floor for someone else? What if we're not supposed to make it out alive?
The 12th Doctor: Oh, don't be so pessimistic. It'll affect team morale.
Saibra: What, and getting us blown up won't?
The 12th Doctor: Well, only very, very briefly.
Psi: No, no, no. This guy, your mate, is a lunatic.
The 12th Doctor: What do you want, Psi, more than anything else? Whatever it is, it's in this bank. You agreed to rob the most impregnable bank in history. You must have had a very good reason. We all must have. Picture the thing you want most in the universe, and decide how badly you want it. Well?
Psi: Still don't understand why you're in charge.
Saibra: Ah, so that's it. That's your plan?
The 12th Doctor: Yep.
Saibra: A thing will happen?
The 12th Doctor: A thing. Probably.
Saibra: Do we have time for this?
The 12th Doctor: Well, why not? There's no immediate threat.
(An alarm sounds.)
Computer: Warning. Intruders detected.
The 12th Doctor: I should stop saying things like that.
Saibra: Mutant gene. No one can touch me. If they do, I transform. Touch me, Doctor, and you'll be looking at yourself. I am alone.
The 12th Doctor: Why?
Saibra: Could you trust someone who looked back at you out of your own eyes?
Saibra: When you meet the Architect, promise me something. Kill him.
The 12th Doctor: I hate him, but I can't make that promise.
Saibra: A good man. I left it late to meet one of those.
Clara: Hey. You okay?
The 12th Doctor: No, I'm an amnesiac robbing a bank. Why would I be okay?
"Come on! Come and find me! Every thief and villain in one big cocktail. I am so guilty! Every famous burglar in history is hiding in this bank right now in one body. Come and feast!" ~ Psi
Clara: How would he know when a storm would hit?
The 12th Doctor: (laughs) Of course. Stupid, stupid Doctor. Of course, of course.
Clara: Of course, what?
The 12th Doctor: Whoever planned all this, they're in the future. This isn't just a bank heist, it's a time travel heist. We've been sent back in time to the exact moment of the storm, to be in exactly the right place when it hits, because that's the only time the bank is vulnerable.
"It explains why we're not here in the Tardis. The solar disruption would have made navigation impossible. The one time the bank is vulnerable is the one time we can't just land." ~ The Twelfth Doctor
"Must be noisy inside its head. Painful to listen to so much chatter, so many secrets. Must drive it wild. How can you force it to obey?" ~ The Twelfth Doctor
Karabraxos: Fired? I put all of the used clones into the incinerator. Can't have to many of moi scattered around.
Psi: Sorry, you don't get on with your own clone?
The 12th Doctor: She hates her own clones. She burns her own clones. Frankly, you're a career break for the right therapist.
The 12th Doctor: Shut up. Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shutetty up up up. What, what did you say? What did you say? What did you say about your own eyes? De-shut up. Say it again.
Saibra: How can you trust someone if they look back at you out of your own eyes?
Karabraxos: What in the name of sanity is going in this room now?
The 12th Doctor: We're getting sanity judgment from the self-burner.
"What have I told you about pessimism? That's it, that's it. There are so many memories in here. Feast on them. Tuck in. Big scarf, bow tie, bit embarrassing. What do you think of the new look? I was hoping for minimalism, but I think I came up with magician. In the last few days, there's been a block. Can you see the block? Tell me why I'm here. Show me why I'm here. Show me!" ~ The Twelfth Doctor
"So much mental traffic in the universe. Solitude is the only peace." ~ The Twelfth Doctor
The 12th Doctor: Don't worry. Calories consumed on the Tardis have no lasting effect.
Clara: What? Are you kidding?.
The 12th Doctor: Of course I'm kidding. It's a time machine, not a miracle worker.
The script and rough-cut of this episode were leaked online before it was broadcast.
Keeley Hawes (Ms Delphox) is not credited as Karabraxos.
Mr. Porrima, the bank customer copied by Saibra to gain access to the safety deposit boxes, is only identified in the credits, not in dialogue.
The episode contains an image of Abslom Daak, a character who originated in comic stories. This is one of the few examples of a TV episode referencing a character who originated outside of the TV series itself. Daak's image appears among a number of other characters from past seasons of Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures. An image of James Marsters as Captain John Hart is also seen.
This is the third series 8 episode to not feature Missy, the first was Robot of Sherwood and the second was Listen.
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