Saturday, December 14, 2013

NuWho - Series 7, Episode 13 - Nightmare in Silver - Season 33, Story 237

"Well, here we are. Hedgewick's World. The biggest and best amusement park there will ever be, and we've got a golden ticket. Eh? Eh? Fun." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"No need to panic, my young friends. We all know there are no more living Cybermen. What you are seeing is a miracle. The six hundred and ninety ninth wonder of the universe, as displayed before the Imperial court, and only here to destroy you at chess." ~ Webley

The 11th Doctor: Insects. Funny insects. I should a them to my funny insect collection.
Clara: You collect funny insects?
The 11th Doctor: Yeah, I'm starting to, right now.

"Don't wander off. Now, I'm not just saying don't wander off, I mean it. Otherwise you'll wander off and the next thing you know, somebody's going to have to start rescuing somebody." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Cybermen. Technologically upgraded warriors. We couldn't win. Sometimes we fought to a draw, but then they'd upgrade themselves, fix their weaknesses and destroy us. It's hard to fight an enemy that uses your armies as spare parts." ~  Porridge

"That was a Cyberman. But they're extinct." ~ Captain Alice Ferrin

"I'm getting Angie, finding Artie and looking for funny insects. Stay alive. And you lot, no blowing up this planet!" ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Firstly, if anybody's watching this, those children are under my protection. I'm coming to get them. And secondly, little metal machine, you are beautiful.  Not even a Cybermat any more, eh? Cybermites." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"We needed children, but the children had stopped coming. You brought us children. Hail to you, the Doctor, saviour of the Cybermen!" ~ Webley

Clara: I trust the Doctor.
Captain: You think he knows what he's doing?
Clara: I'm not sure I'd go that far.

"There. That was easy. The game has just started. Doctor, why is there no record of you anywhere in the databanks of the Cyberiad? Oh, you're good. Oh, you've been eliminating yourself from history. You know you could be reconstructed by the hole you've left." ~ The Cyber-Doctor

Porridge: You knew it was me.
Captain: I was in the Imperial Guard on Caspertine. Mostly just parades, but I had the honour to guard the old Emperor during the ice picnic.
Porridge: When the snow bears came and danced for us. That was a day.

Cyber-Doctor: Actually, he has no better than a twenty five percent chance of winning at this stage in the game. Some very dodgy moves at the beginning. Hello, flesh girl. Fantastic. I'm the Cyberplanner.
Clara: Doctor?
Cyber-Doctor: Afraid not. I'm working the mouth now. Allons-y. Oh, you should see the state of these neurons. He's had some cowboys in here. Ten complete re-jigs.

"It's time to get up. Wakey, wakey, boys and girls. Wakey, wakey." ~ The Cyber-Doctor

"Your move. But before you take it, just so you know, sacrificing my queen was the best possible move I could have made. The Time Lords invented chess. It's our game. And if you don't avoid my trap, it gives me mate in three moves." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Please stand by. You will be upgraded. Welcome to the Cyberiad. You will be upgraded. Welcome to the Cyberiad. You will be upgraded." ~ Cyberman

Clara: Do you think I'm pretty?
The 11th Doctor: No. You're too short and bossy, and your nose is all funny.
Clara: Good enough.

"Oh yeah. Nice ship. Bit big. Not blue enough." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"Impossible girl. A mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too tight. Oh yeah. What are you?" ~ The Eleventh Doctor


The working title for this episode was The Last Cyberman.

According to "Behind the scenes...", the Cybermen were redesigned for this episode and got a variety of new abilities and features. These new Cybermen share several similarities with the Borg of Star Trek franchise - which were in turn originally based somewhat upon the Cybermen. The Cybermen's ability to adapt to attacks is reminiscent of the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Additionally, the Borg used nanoprobes to convert individuals, similar to the cybermites, and Webley's cyber-appearance is reminiscent of the Borg's "half machine, half human" face. And as of "Star Trek: First Contact" they, like these Cybermen, assimilated new members by use of something coming out of their wrists. Voice notifications for individuals to convert were also typical for the Borg and the Cybermen, both new and old.

This episode uses a camera technique known as "Bullet Time", popularised in the science fiction film The Matrix to frame out the high-speed movements of the new Cybermen, as shown in the "Behind the Scenes" featurette for Nightmare in Silver.

The Cyber-Planner makes its first appearance within the revived series. However, this is not the first time it has been incorporated into the elements of the revived timeline. Cyber-Planners previously appeared in the video game The Eternity Clock.


Watch instantly via online streaming at Amazon.

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