Sunday, November 17, 2013

NuWho - Series 7, Episode 5 - The Angels Take Manhattan - Season 33, Story 229


Rory: What's the book?
The 11th Doctor: Melody Malone. She's a private detective in old town New York.
Amy: She's got ice in her heart and a kiss on her lips, and a vulnerable side she keeps well hidden.
The 11th Doctor: Oh, you've read it?

"You walk among fire pits, Centurion." ~ Amy Pond

"Beware the yowzah. Do not, at this point, yowz." ~ Amy Pond

"This city's full of time distortions. It'd be impossible to land the Tardis here. Like trying to land a plane in a blizzard. Even I couldn't do it." ~ River Song

The 11th Doctor: And if you read ahead and find that Rory dies? This isn't any old future, Amy, it's ours. Once we know what's coming, it's fixed. I'm going to break something, because you told me that I'm going to do it. No choice now.
AMY: Time can be rewritten.
The 11th Doctor: Not once you've read it. Once we know what's coming, it's written in stone.

"Okay, landing a plane in a timey wimey blizzard. I could push through, but if I'm out by a nanosecond, the engines will phase and I'll shatter the planet. I need landing lights." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

River: Oh, you bad boy. You could burn New York.
Grayle: What does that mean?
River: It means, Mister Grayle, just you wait till my husband gets home.

River: Mmm. Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently, there's no record of him. It's almost as if someone's gone around deleting himself from every database in the universe.
The 11th Doctor: You said I got too big.
River: And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?

The 11th Doctor: Why did you lie to me?
River: When one's in love with an ageless god who insists on the face of a twelve year old, one does one's best to hide the damage.
The 11th Doctor: It must hurt. Come here.
River: Yes. The wrist is pretty bad too.

"That was a stupid waste of regeneration energy. Nothing is gained by you being a sentimental idiot. ~ River Song

"Never let him see the damage. And never, ever let him see you age. He doesn't like endings. ~ River Song

"The Angels take Manhattan because they can, because they've never had a food source like this one. The city that never sleeps." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

"We got lucky. We could've blown New York off the planet. I can't ever take the Tardis back there. The timelines are too scrambled. I could have lost you both. Don't ever do that again." ~ The Eleventh Doctor

The 11th Doctor: I'm sorry. Amelia, I'm so, so sorry.
Amy: No. No, we can just go and get him in the Tardis. One more paradox.
The 11th Doctor: Would rip New York apart.
Amy: No, that's not true. I don't believe you.

River: What matters is this. Doctor, don't travel alone.
The 11th Doctor: Travel with me, then.
River: Whenever and wherever you want. But not all the time. One psychopath per Tardis, don't you think?


In-universe, Melody Malone: Private Detective in Old New York Town is written by River Song based on what happened to her in New York just before and during the events of The Angels Take Manhattan.

The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery is an e-book tie-in novel, written by Justin Richards, that segues into the events of River's book and TV: The Angels Take Manhattan. It was released on 4 October 2012.

This is the first episode to feature River Song that is neither part of a two-parter nor at least preceded by a cameo appearance of River in the previous episode.

As with all of the Series 7 part 1 episodes, this episode has individually stylized opening credits: the time vortex appears blue and grey, and the Doctor Who logo resembles the Statue of Liberty in colour and pattern.

The text inside Melody Malone: Private Detective in Old New York Town is visible for a second just after the Doctor and Amy bounce off 1938 and land in the graveyard. The book used in the episode is actually The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett. Melody/River refers to her father as "the skinny guy" when describing his arrival in 1938. Hammett wrote hardboiled detective stories, and the film of one of them, The Maltese Falcon, is the original film noir, a genre which this episode pays extensive homage to.

Watch instantly via online streaming at Amazon.

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