Saturday, January 12, 2013

NuWho - Series 4, Episode 8 - Silence in the Library (Season 30, Story 195a)

The Doctor: A million million life forms. And silence in the library.
Donna: But there's no one here. There's just books. I mean it's not the books, is it? I mean it can't be the books, can it? I mean books can't be alive.

"All of you, stay in the light. Find a nice bright spot and stand. If you understand me look very very scared. No. A bit more scared than that. Okay, good for now." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Alright you lot.  Let's all meet the Vashta Nerada. It's not darkness down in those tunnels.  This is not a shadow.  It's a swarm.   The paranahs of the air, the Vashta Nerada.  Literally the shadows that melt the flesh.  Most planets have them, but usually in small clusters.  I've never seen an infestation on this scale, or this aggressive." ~ The Tenth Doctor 

"Oh God, do I know that man.  We go way back, that man and me.  Just not this far back.  He hasn't met me yet.  I sent him a message, but it went wrong.  It arrived to early. This is the Doctor in the days before he knew me.  And he looks at me, he looks right through me and it shouldn't kill me, but it does." ~ River Song

"Where there's meat there's Vashta Nerada. You can see them sometimes. The dust in sunbeams." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"She's a footprint on the beach. And the tide's coming in." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Russell T Davies feels this episode is more frightening than Steven Moffat's series 3 episode Blink, which rated a 5.5 out of 5 on the official Doctor Who website 'Fear Factor' feature.

Steven Moffat continues his theme of highlighting childhood fears. In Blink it was statues coming to life, in The Girl in the Fireplace it was monsters under the bed, and in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, it was the fear of losing your parents.

Steven Moffat stated that British newspaper The Sun got a hold of the script for the episode and threatened to publish it. Moffat jokingly told them to do it; he later remarked, "I'd like to see The Sun publish that many words in a day."

While the Doctor is hacking into the girl's TV, she is watching the CBBC show Pedro and Frankesheep. Previous real-life kids shows whose clips have been shown on Doctor Who include the Doctor watching Tommy Zoom in The Poison Sky, the Master watching The Teletubbies in The Sound of Drums, and the Master (again) watching The Clangers in The Sea Devils.

The spoilers theme may be an in-joke about DW spoilers (especially online). Additionally, the word "spoilers" is said twice in rapid succession in the trailer for the next episode, which may be a comment on the nature of the trailers themselves.

There is, perhaps, unintentional irony to the Doctor's line, "No, I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring." Given that Saturdays are "good", according to The Stolen Earth, it could also be a reference to the fact that the day after a new episode of Doctor Who is broadcast is comparatively boring. Former companion Ace also once mentioned that she found Sundays boring in Survival.

The Library's front desk looks like a redecorated version of a control console from The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky or the teleport control unit from Voyage of the Damned.

In the associated Doctor Who Confidential episode, Steven Moffat says that he imagined River found the gun (as left behind by Jack) in the TARDIS during her future travels.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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