Saturday, January 12, 2013

NuWho - Series 4, Episode 2 - The Fires of Pompeii (Season 30, Story 190)

"Pompeii. We're in Pompeii. And it's volcano day." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"It has come, as foretold in the prophecy. The box. The blue box." ~ Soothsayer

"But that's what you do. You're the Doctor. You save people." ~ Donna

"Is that so, man from Gallifrey? The strangest of images. Your home is lost in fire, is it not?" ~ Lucius

"Even the word Doctor is false.  Your real name is hidden, it burns in the stars in the cascade of Medusa herself.  You are a Lord, sir.  A Lord of Time." ~ Evelina

"I don't know. Isn't that brilliant? I love not knowing. Keeps me on my toes." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Do you know, I met the Sibyl once. Yeah, hell of a woman. Blimey, she could dance the Tarantella. Nice teeth. Truth be told, I think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last. She said, I know. Well, she would." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you." ~ Donna

"Because that's how I see the universe.  Every waking second I can see what is, what was, what could be, what must not.  It's the burden of the Time Lord, Donna. And I'm the only one left." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"I can invert the system, set off the volcano, and blow them up, yes. But, that's the choice, Donna. It's Pompeii or the world." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Don't you think I've done enough? History's back in place and everyone dies." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"That's just it. Don't you see, Donna? Can't you understand? If I could go back and save them, then I would. But I can't. I can never go back. I can't. I just can't, I can't." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Oh, I was never here. Don't tell anyone." ~ The Tenth Doctor

One of episode writer James Moran's favourite stories is City of Death, so there's a deliberate reference to that when Caecilius buys the TARDIS, thinking it's a piece of modern art. In City of Death, the TARDIS is parked in an art gallery, causing a pair of critics (John Cleese and Eleanor Bron) to discuss its artistic merits. Coincidentally, City of Death was the first episode of the classic series to involve filming outside of the UK, while The Fires of Pompeii was the first episode of the series revival to have major filming done outside the UK.

This is Karen Gillan's first appearance in Doctor Who. She would later be cast as the Eleventh Doctor's first companion Amy Pond.

The Pyrovile were originally called Pyrovillaxians. This was shortened to Pyrovellians, then Pyrovile.

In the accompanying edition of Doctor Who Confidential (The Italian Job) Russell T Davies confirms that Caecilius and his family were based on characters from a series of Latin text books used in secondary schools.

The fountain in this story is used as the cloning vat in The Sontaran Stratagem.

The 'Petrus Dextrus' in Lucius Petrus Dextrus translates roughly to 'stone right-hand'. This is a reference to his right arm, which had turned to stone.

The Doctor jokes that Donna is from Barcelona, a reference to a running gag in Fawlty Towers. The Ninth and Tenth Doctors also talked of visiting the planet Barcelona.

The episode addresses a long-standing issue of the "gift of translation" the Doctor or the TARDIS bestows upon companions. It is revealed that while the Doctor and Donna hear the Romans speaking colloquial English (with Cockney accents in some cases), the Romans hear them speaking Latin. When Donna and the Doctor actually speak Latin phrases, the Romans hear this as Celtic (as the English language hadn't yet developed).


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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