Saturday, January 12, 2013

NuWho - Series 4, Episode 1 - Partners in Crime (Season 30, Story 189)

"No, I've met cat people. You're nothing like them." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"I know. It's just, the things I've seen, sometimes I think I'm going mad. I mean, even tonight I was in a...Doesn't matter." ~ Donna

"Oh, my God. I don't believe it. You've even got the same suit! Don't you ever change?" ~ Donna

"What do you mean, the bees are disappearing?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

Penny: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?
The 10th Doctor: What are you, a journalist?
Penny: Yes.
The 10th Doctor: Well, make it up.

"What do you mean lost? How do you lose a planet?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

Donna: What you going to do then? Blow them up?
The 10th Doctor: They're just children. They can't help where they come from.
Donna: Oh, that makes a change from last time. That Martha must've done you good.
The 10th Doctor: She did, yeah. Yeah. She did. She fancied me.

The 10th Doctor: No. Actually, no. But the last time, with Martha, like I said, it, it got complicated. And that was all my fault. I just want a mate.
Donna: You just want to mate?
The 10th Doctor: I just want a mate!
Donna: You're not mating with me, sunshine!

"Well, just as well, because I'm not having any of that nonsense. I mean, you're just a long streak of nothing. You know, alien nothing." ~ Donna

"Here it is. The Tardis. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside." ~ The Tenth Doctor

This episode is dedicated to Howard Attfield, who passed away shortly after filming scenes for this episode reprising the role of Donna's father, Geoff Noble. As Geoff was to have been a recurring character in the season, the producers chose to remove Attfield's scenes and bring back Bernard Cribbins to play Wilfred Mott, the character he played in Voyage of the Damned; the character was retconned to become Donna's grandfather. Attfield's scenes were preserved and included on the subsequent Series 4 DVD release.

The Adipose developed from Russell T Davies' idea that alien genetics were hidden in doses of a Botox-like drug, resulting in the people injected being overwhelmed by the genetic code and transforming into aliens; in his Writer's Tale he describes it as "Ladies Who Lunch/Lurch" (one of his cartoons included in the book shows his take on the idea). A similar plot was later used in The Vampires of Venice.

According to his memoir The Writer's Tale, Russell T Davies originally planned to introduce a new companion named Penny Carter in this episode, who he describes as 30-something, recently jilted by a boyfriend, and strong-willed in the vein of Donna Noble. When Catherine Tate became interested in reprising her role as Donna this idea was dropped, although a minor character in the episode (the journalist) was given the name Penny Carter.

A certain shot shows an army of Adipose in the streets of London. This was extremely complex and took the series' CGI team (The Mill) more time than most shots used for the series to complete. They used the software called Massive, which was created and used by Weta Digital, who created all CGI for the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

Pointing the functioning ends of a sonic screwdriver and a sonic pen at one another (or, as the Doctor put it, "two identical sonic devices") creates a sonic feedback in the surrounding area.

The Doctor says he's met 'cat people' before; he may be referring to the cat people he met in New Earth and Gridlock, or during Survival.

In The Fires of Pompeii the planet Pyrovillia, like Adipose 3, has also gone missing. In both cases, the mystery was solved in The Stolen Earth.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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