Thursday, January 10, 2013

NuWho - Series 3, Episode 2 - The Shakespeare Code (Season 29, Story 180)

Martha: Blimey, did you have to pass a test to fly this thing?
The Doctor: Yes, and I failed it.

"I'm not even human.  Just walk about like you own the place.  Works for me." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Elizabethan England, not so different from your time. Look over there. They've got recycling... water cooler moment... global warming." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"This lot have still got one foot in the Dark Ages. If I tell them the truth they'll panic and think it was witchcraft." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"And you, you look at him like you're surprised he exists. He's as much of a puzzle to you as he is to me." ~ Shakespeare

"I'll get my answers tomorrow, Doctor. And I'll discover more about you and why this constant performance of yours." ~ Shakespeare

"Oh yeah, but the theatre's magic, isn't it? You should know. Stand on this stage, say the right words with the right emphasis at the right time. Oh, you can make men weep." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"It's curious. Her name has less impact. She's somehow out of her time. And as for you, Sir Doctor. Fascinating. There is no name. Why would a man hide his title in such despair?" ~ Lilith

"How should I know. I haven't even met her yet. That's time travel for you. Still, can't wait to find out. That's something to look forward to." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Near the climax, the Doctor admonishes Shakespeare that "We can have a good flirt later." Shakespeare coyly replies, "Is that a promise?", to which a stunned Doctor says, "And 57 academics just punched the air!" This is a reference to current academic theories that claim that many of Shakespeare's sonnets were penned as love sonnets to a man, and that Shakespeare himself was either bisexual or homosexual.

Shakespeare's attraction to Martha and referring to her as "The Dark Lady" seem to be references to Shakespeare's purported lust for black women, also referenced in Anthony Burgess' novel Nothing Like the Sun.

The episode bears some similarities to the previous Gareth Roberts' penned comic story featuring Shakespeare and the Ninth Doctor, A Groatsworth of Wit, which may have provided some of the inspiration for this episode.

The title appears to be a play on The Da Vinci Code, which is also a story based around a well-known figure of the Renaissance.

This was the second appearance of a famous writer in the revived series, the first being Charles Dickens in The Unquiet Dead.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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