Thursday, January 10, 2013

NuWho - Series 3, Episode 1 - Smith and Jones (Season 29, Story 179)

"Oh, look down there, you've got a little shop. I like a little shop." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Martha: Have you got a brother?
The Doctor: No. Not anymore. Just me.

"My mate Ben. That was a day and a half. I got rope burns off of that kite. And then I got soaked. And then I got electrocuted." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"No. But I like that! Good thinking. No, I wish it were that simple. They're making a catalog, that means they're after something non-human which is very bad news for me." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Oh! You see, they're thick! Judoon are thick. They are completely thick! They've wiped the records. Oh, that's clever." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Martha: How does it do that? It's wood. It's like a box with that room just rammed in. It's bigger on the inside.
The 10th Doctor: Is it? I hadn't noticed.

The line "Judoon platoon upon the Moon." was written as something of a joke towards David Tennant. The Scottish accent, which is Tennant's natural one, makes it difficult to pronounce the sound/syllable "-oon" in an English accent.

The head of the hospital is called B. Stoker. This is a clear reference to Abraham "Bram" Stoker, the author of the iconic vampire novel Dracula. In this episode, the character is attacked by a creature with vampire-like qualities.

The title of this episode alludes to the last names of Martha and of the Doctor, using his usual alias of John Smith. It may also be a reference to the comedy duo of the same name or the Western television programme Alias Smith and Jones. In the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Eight Doctors, the Eighth Doctor's new assistant Samantha Jones pointed out the same coincidence with their names. Martha's last appearance (in The End of Time) saw her married to Mickey Smith - a relationship between 'Smith and Jones'. 'Smith and Jones' is alluded to again by the Eleventh Doctor in Death of the Doctor when referring to Sarah Jane Smith and Josephine Jones.

Nicholas Briggs provides the voices of the Judoon. He had previously voiced the Daleks and Cybermen.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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