Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 7 - The Age of Steel (Season 28, Story 172b)

"Finished chatting? Never seen a slower getaway in my life!" ~ Mrs. Moore

"Talk about executions and you'll make me your enemy, and believe me, you don't want to do that." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Pete: I'm Gemini. That's me.
Ricky: Yeah, well you would say that.
Pete: Encrypted wavelength six five seven using binary nine. That's the only reason I was working for Lumic. To get information. I thought I was broadcasting to the Security Services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van.

Lumic: My everlasting children. Tell me, how does it feel?
Cyberman: We feel nothing.
Lumic: But in your mind, what do you think?
Cyberman: We think the same. We are uniform.
Lumic: But you think of what?
Cyberman: We think of the humans. We think of their difference and their pain. They suffer in the skin. They must be upgraded.

"The human race. For such an intelligent lot you aren't half susceptible. Give anyone a chance to take control and you submit. Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Rose: The thing is, I've seen Cybermen before, haven't I? The head. Those handle shapes in Van Statten's museum.
The 10th Doctor: Ah, there are Cybermen in our universe. They started on an ordinary world just like this, then swarmed across the galaxy. This lot are a parallel version, and they're starting from scratch right here on Earth.

Cyberman: You are in pain. We can remove pain forever.
Lumic: No, not yet! I'm not ready.
Cyberman: We will give you immortality.
Lumic: I've told you. I will upgrade only with my last breath!
Cyberman: Then breathe no more.

Mickey: How do we do that?
The 10th Doctor: Oh, I'll think of something.
Mickey: You're just making this up as you go along.
The 10th Doctor: Yep. But I do it brilliantly.

"You haven't got a hot dog in there, have you? I'm starving. I know. It's the Cybermen of food but it's tasty." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"Oh, who needs family? I've got the whole world on my shoulders." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Cyberman: You are not upgraded.
Moore: Yeah? Well, upgrade this.

The 10th Doctor: Hmmm. Central nervous system. Artificially grown then threaded throughout the suit so it responds like a living thing. Well, it is a living thing. Oh, but look. Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything.
Moore: But why?
The 10th Doctor: It's still got a human brain. Imagine its reaction if it could see itself, realise itself inside this thing. They'd go insane.
Moore: So they cut out the one thing that makes them human.
The 10th Doctor: Because they have to.

The 10th Doctor: I've been captured, but don't worry, Rose and Pete are still out there. They can rescue me. Oh well, never mind. You okay?
Rose: Yeah. But they got Jackie.
Pete: We were too late. Lumic killed her.

"This is The Age of Steel and I am its Creator." ~ John Lumic

"Oh Lumic. You're a clever man. I'd call you a genius except I'm in the room." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Rose: Mickey, where'd you learn to fly that thing?
Mickey: Playstation. Just hold on, Rose. I'm coming to get you.

"Welcome to Mickey Smith's Airline. Please enjoy your flight. Woo!" ~ Mickey Smith

Mickey: With all those Cyber factories out there, do you think they'll be one in Paris?
Jake: Yeah.
Mickey: Then, let's go and liberate Paris.
Jake: What, you and me, in a van?
Mickey: There's nothing wrong with a van. I once saved the universe with a big yellow truck.

Upon learning about the emotional inhibitors, the Doctor say to Mrs. Moore, "Do I have that right?" This echoes the same line said by the Fourth Doctor when he is faced with the prospect of destroying the Daleks.

After forming the plan to infiltrate the Cybus conversion factory, the Doctor says that they will attack from "above, between, below," echoing the words of the nursery rhyme used by the Second Doctor in TV: The Five Doctors to determine the locations of the entrances to the Tomb of Rassilon.

Several elements of this story refer back to The Tomb of the Cybermen, specifically, the Cybermen using a form of mind control, characters being startled by a mock-up Cyberman, and Cybermen killing with electricity from their hands.

According to an interview with Andrew Hayden-Smith, and comments given by Russell T. Davies in a press conference, Ricky and Jake were initially intended to be gay and lovers. A deleted scene included in the Complete Series Two DVD box set confirms this, but a hint to this storyline remains in Jake's volatile response to news of Ricky's death.

In this episode, Lumic is "upgraded" to Cyber Controller. Roger Lloyd Pack who plays Lumic in human form, actually provided the controller's voice along with Nicholas Briggs. Listen carefully and you will be able to tell the difference between voices. Lumic's/controller's voice sounds more human in terms of tone.

As the Doctor says goodbye to Mickey, he jokingly calls him "Mickey the Idiot". This was a nickname the Ninth Doctor used for him more harshly. The Doctor also refers to this nickname when, during his debate with Lumic, he continuously uses the word "idiot" while trying to drop clues to Mickey.

As noted by Noel Clarke on the commentary, Mickey phones Rose and says "I'm coming to get you!", which echoes the Ninth Doctor's words to her at the climax of Doctor Who: Bad Wolf (2005). The words also constitute a catchphrase used by Davina McCall on the UK television program Big Brother (2000), the latest series of which started two days prior to the episode's broadcast and which also featured in "Bad Wolf".


Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series DVD is available at Amazon.com
Or watch via streaming on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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