Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 6, - The Rise of the Cybermen (Season 28, Story 172a)

Kendrick: It might still be in shock. Bear in mind the brain has been welded to the exoskeleton.
Lumic: Skin of metal and a body that will never age or die. I envy it.

The 10th Doctor: We fell out of the Vortex. Through the Void into nothingness. We're in some sort of noplace. A silent realm. A lost dimension.
Mickey looking outside: Otherwise known as London.

Rose: And he's still alive.
[Rose is staring at an advert for Vitex Lite, cherry flavour, starring Pete Tyler.]
Rose: A parallel world and my dad's still alive.
The 10th Doctor: Don't look at it, Rose. Don't even think about it. This is not your world.

Pete: It's just that I promised I'd help the wife out tonight.
Lumic: If the President of Great Britain can make this meeting, then so can you.
Pete: Oh, I don't know. He's not married to Jackie, is he.

"Not in the real world. Used to be easy. When the Time Lords kept their eye on everything. You could pop between realities, home in time for tea. Then they died and took it all with them. The walls of reality closed. The worlds were sealed. And everything became a bit less kind." ~ The Tenth Doctor

Rose: There's no Rose Tyler. I was never born. There's Pete, my dad, and Jackie. He still married mum but they never had kids.
The 10th Doctor: Give me that phone.
Rose: They're rich. They've got a house and cars, and everything they want. But they haven't got me. I've got to see him.

Pete: He's very sharp, I'd say. Sharp as ever. Very clever man. Brilliant, in fact.
President: Then you don't think he's insane?
Pete: That's not the word I would've used, no.

The 10th Doctor: You lot, you're obsessed. You'd do anything for the latest upgrade.
Rose: Oi, not my lot. Different world, remember.
The 10th Doctor: It's not so far off your world. This place is only parallel.

Moore: Bad news is, they've arrested Thin Jimmy. So that just leaves you.
Mickey: Leaves me what?
Jake: The Number One. Top of the list. London's Most Wanted.
Mickey: Okay, cool. Say that again?

"The most precious thing on this Earth is the human brain, and yet we allow it to die. But now Cybus Industries has perfected a way of sustaining the brain indefinitely within a cradle of copyrighted chemicals. And the latest advances in synapse research allows cyberkinetic impulses to be bonded onto a metal exoskeleton. This is the ultimate upgrade. Our greatest step into cyberspace." ~ John Lumic

Rose: You're in charge of the psychic paper. We could've been guests. Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame Rose. We end up serving. Did enough of this back home.
The 10th Doctor: If you want to know what's going on, work in the kitchens.

Ricky: We? We are the Preachers. As in Gospel Truth. You see? No ear plugs. While the rest of the world downloads from Cybus Industries, we, we have got freedom. You're talking to London's Most Wanted, but target Number One is Lumic, and we are going to bring him down.
Mickey: From your kitchen?
Ricky: Have you got a problem with that?
Mickey: No, it's a good kitchen.

Rose: They're people.
The 10th Doctor: They were. 'Til they had all their humanity taken away. It's a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body. With a heart of steel. All emotions removed.
Rose: Why no emotion?
The 10th Doctor: Because it hurts.

Cyberman: We have been upgraded.
The 10th Doctor: Into what?
Cyberman: The next level of mankind. We are Human point two. Every citizen will receive a free upgrade. You will become like us.

Pete: Who are you? How do you know so much?
The 10th Doctor: You wouldn't believe it in a million years.

Cyberman: You will be deleted.
The 10th Doctor: But we're surrendering! Listen to me, we surrender!
Cyberman: You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman, but you will perish under maximum deletion.

This is the first episode of the new series to be directed by Graeme Harper, the only classic series director to direct for the new series.

According to Russell T Davies, the fact that Jackie has her 40th birthday in this episode was a deliberate, if obscure, reference to the fact that Rise of the Cybermen occurred in the 40th anniversary year of The Tenth Planet, the story that introduced regeneration, the Second Doctor and the original Cybermen. .

This is the first episode in which the Doctor breaks tradition of wearing white plimsolls with his brown suit, red plimsolls with his blue suit and black plimsolls with his black suit by wearing black ones with his brown suit. This occurs again later in The Impossible Planet, Love & Monsters and Fear Her in which he wears the same combination as in this episode.

There was an unused script submitted for Season 19 and penned by Gerry Davis called "Genesis of the Cybermen". It concerned the Doctor arriving on Mondas at a point in time when the Cybermen are being created. The script was later turned into the Big Finish Audio Play, "Spare Parts", and both the play and the script were heavily borrowed from to create Rise of Cybermen/The Age of Steel. Mickey even has a line " I'm just a spare part.", giving a nod back to the Big Finish story.

Mickey's alternate world counterpart is named Ricky. This is the name the ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) mistakenly and repeatedly called Mickey -- although it was ambiguous whether the Doctor did this because he forgot, or simply to irritate Mickey.

Roger Lloyd Pack and David Tennant previously appeared as father Barty Crouch and son Barty Crouch Jr. (respectively) in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005). In that story, Lloyd-Pack was on the side of the heroes and Tennant was a villain.


Doctor Who: The Complete Second Series DVD is available at Amazon.com
or watch via streaming on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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