Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NuWho - Series 2, Episode 1 - The Christmas Invasion (Season 28, Story 167)

I either missed - or forgot about - the Athur Dent reference in the story...what a giggle.  Saving the world in your dressing gown.

"What do you mean that's the Doctor.  Doctor Who?" ~ Jackie Tyler

"I don't understand what they're saying.  The TARDIS translates alien languages inside my head all the time, where ever I am. Dunno...must be the Doctor.  Like he's part of the circuit and it's...he's broken." ~ Rose

"Am I...ginger?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"And you, Rose Tyler...fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me.  Oooo...that's just rude! Is the sort of man I am?  Rude and not ginger?" ~ The Tenth Doctor

"And how am I going to react when I see this?  A great, big, threatening button!  A great, big, threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances.  Am I right?  Let me guess, it's some sort of control matrix...hm?  Hold on, what's feeding it?  And what have we got in here?  Blood? Yup, human blood, A positive with just a dash of iron.  But that means...blood control!  Blood control!  Oh...I haven't seen blood control for years.  You're controlling all the A positives.  Which leaves us with a great, big, stinking problem.  Cause, I really don't know who I am.  I don't know when to stop.  So when I see a great, big, threating button, which should never, ever, be pressed, then I just want to do...THIS!"  ~ The Tenth Doctor

Sycorax leader: "Witch craft!"
The Doctor: "Time Lord"

"No second chances.  I'm that sort of a man." ~ The Tenth Doctor

"I gave them the wrong warning.  I should have told them to run.  Run and hide because the monsters are coming.  The human race!" ~ The Tenth Doctor

Before this episode was broadcast, a fictional tie-in website for the Guinevere One project was created and launched by the BBC. The site includes an introduction by Harriet Jones and an interview with the project director, Professor Daniel Llewellyn. The site claims that the probe was developed by the British Rocket Group. The organisation's logo partially appears in this episode, in the televised press conference with Professor Llewellyn. The name of the organisation was first mentioned in Remembrance of the Daleks and is a reference to the British Experimental Rocket Group from the Quatermass science fiction serials of the 1950s. David Tennant had previously starred in the 2005 BBC live remake of The Quatermass Experiment as Doctor Gordon Briscoe, and Quatermass' first line to Briscoe was changed by actor Jason Flemyng during the broadcast from "Good to have you back, Gordon" to "Good to have you back, Doctor" - Tennant's casting as the Doctor was announced two weeks after Quatermass went to air, and his castmates would have been aware of the speculation during rehearsals.

Just before the opening credits sequence, Jackie says the line "Doctor? Doctor who?", continuing a long-running in-joke.

The Tenth Doctor speaks with an accent similar to Rose's but unlike the Ninth Doctor's Northern one. In a radio interview broadcast on 23 December 2005, Tennant explained that a line of dialogue had been scripted for this episode which explained that the newly regenerated Doctor had imprinted on Rose's accent, "like a chick hatching from an egg", but the line was deleted from the final episode.

According to press reports released before this episode was broadcast, producer Russell T Davies stated that he believed Christmas specials should include traditional Christmas items such as sleigh bells, snow, reindeer, and Santa.

The song being played by the Santa Claus band which attacks Rose and Mickey is "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen". This song is traditionally associated with the novel A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, whom the Doctor and Rose met in The Unquiet Dead. The song shares its melody with the "Venusian Lullaby" the Third Doctor sang in The Dæmons and The Curse of Peladon. The carol can be heard again in The Next Doctor.

One of the outfits considered by the Doctor in the wardrobe is the costume worn by David Tennant in his previous role as Casanova.

This marks the first time in the new series that any room in the TARDIS other than the console room is seen on-screen.

In a scene filmed for the episode, but deleted before broadcast (though included on the DVD), the Doctor attempts to utter his predecessor's catchphrase, "Fantastic!" but due to his "new teeth" (ref. his comments at the end of The Parting of the Ways) finds it initially impossible to do so. This scene was intended to set up the final scene of the episode in which the new Doctor finally utters the word, "Fantastic!"


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