"Then how could I remember this? The very first word I ever said to you, trapped in the cellar, surrounded by shop window dummies, oh...such a long time ago...I took your hand. I said one word. Just one word. I said run! And we never stopped did we, right acrossed the universe. Running, running, running. And I once told you to hop, remember? Hopping for our lives. Yeah. Remember hopping? Hopping for your life? Yeah? Hop...no?" ~ The Tenth Doctor
This is a short scene for the charity Children in Need.
In addition to the broadcast, this story was available for viewing on the BBC's website until 25 November 2005, when the link was removed.
This story, along with The Edge of Destruction, Time Crash, Amy's Choice, Space, Time, Bad Night, Good Night, First Night and Last Night are the only TV stories to be set entirely in the TARDIS.
The pre-credits sequence for the mini-episode was a montage of the climactic scenes of The Parting of the Ways.
Post-regeneration instability has been present, to varying degrees, in every one of the Doctor's regenerations.
Rose's suspicion that this new Doctor may be an impostor recalls similar suspicions on the part of Ben Jackson and, to a lesser extent, Polly Wright, regarding the identity of the newly regenerated Second Doctor in The Power of the Daleks.
The Doctor's manic behavior towards the end of the story recalls similar, though much more violent, "fits" displayed by the Sixth Doctor in The Twin Dilemma. Such behavior would later be displayed the Master following his regeneration in Utopia.
The Cloister Bell, an invention of Christopher H. Bidmead for the story Logopolis, is heard here for the first time in a BBC Wales production. However, RTD's role in bringing back the Cloister Bell is unclear; the script specifies only that "an alarm sounds". (DWMSE 14) Given the relatively localised threat ultimately seen in The Christmas Invasion, it's unclear why the Cloister Bell would've sounded, since the Fourth Doctor says it's supposed to sound "only in the gravest emergencies".
Links (Watch on YouTube.com)
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