Thursday, January 10, 2013

NuWho - Series 1, Episode 5 - World War Three (Season 27, Story 160b)

"Ah well. Yes. You see, thing is, if were you—if I was going to execute someone by backing them against a wall, between you and me, word of advice: don't stand them against the lift!" ~ The Ninth Doctor

"You want aliens? You got them.  They're inside Downing Street.  Come on!" ~ The Ninth Doctor

"Such fun! Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humans, come to me. Let me kiss you better! Kiss you with my big green lips." ~ The Slitheen

"Fascinating history, Downing Street. Two thousand years ago, this was marshland. 1730 it was occupied by a Mr. Chicken. He was a nice man. 1796, this was the cabinet room. If the cabinet's in session and in danger these are about the four most safest walls in the whole of Great Britain. End of lesson." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"You're a very violent young woman." ~ Harriet Jones

"That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle. 'Cause you lot, you get scared you lash out." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"I mean, this is what he does, Jacks.  That Doctor bloke. Everywhere he goes, death and destruction. And he's got Rose in the middle of it." ~ Mickey Smith

"That's the thing.  If I don't dare, everyone dies...Cause this is my life, Jackie.  It's not fun, it's not's just standing up and making a decision, because no one else will." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"They're just not ready. You're happy to believe in something that's invisible, but if it's staring you in the face—'Nope! Can't see it.' There's a scientific explanation for that. You're thick." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"Well, you can stay there if you want.  But right now, there's this plasma storm brewing in the Horsehead Nebula.  Fires are burning, ten million miles wide.  I could fly the TARDIS right into the heart of it, then ride the shock wave all the way out.  Hurtle right across the sky, and end up anywhere! Your choice." ~ The Ninth Doctor

When a Slitheen disguised as a policeman appears outside Mickey's flat, the word "Salford" appears as graffiti on the wall near the elevator. Salford is Christopher Eccleston's home-town.

According to Russell T Davies (among others), this episode was called Aliens of London Part Two until the last minute, when the name was changed to World War 3, soon amended to World War Three.

Elements of the story parody the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the actions of the Prime Minister, Tony Blair. This includes a pre-emptive strike based on incorrect information, namely the presence of "massive weapons of destruction" which could be deployed in 45 seconds (as opposed to Blair's "weapons of mass destruction" that could be deployed in "45 minutes").

The use of vinegar on calcium "just like Hannibal" references the story of how Hannibal's engineers, while crossing the Alps, heated boulders that blocked their way with wood fires, then poured vinegar over them. The rocks, weakened by the heat, were broken up by the vinegar into smaller pieces, which were then easily moved to clear a path.

The submarine HMS Taurean is completely fictional. Also, aside from the unlikelihood of being able to launch a missile over the internet, the Harpoon missile is primarily an anti-ship missile and not launched against targets inland (a variant, the AGM-84E, is meant for coastal targets and ships in port). The Trafalgar-class submarines do carry Tomahawk missiles, which would have been a more appropriate weapon.

Continuing the "bad wolf" theme, the American newsreader announcing the UN's decision is named "Mal Loup", French for "Bad Wolf". The name appears not in the televised clip, but the version on Mickey's website.


Available on Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes.

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