"It's not twelve hours. It's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year." ~ The Ninth Doctor
"Nine hundred years of time and space and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." ~ The Ninth Doctor
"Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there. The size of it. And I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things. And I'm the only person on planet Earth who knows they exist." ~ Rose Tyler
"Don't think I sat on my backside for 12 months, Doctor, I read up on you. You look deep enough on the internet, or in the history books, and there's his name, followed by a list of the dead." ~ Mickey Smith
"But the technology augmenting its brain—it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. Why would they do that?" ~ Dr. Toshiko Sato
Rose: My mum's here.
The 9th Doctor: Oh that's just what I need. Don't you dare go and make this place domestic.
Mickey: You ruined my life, Doctor. They thought she was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you.
The 9th Doctor: See what I mean? Domestic!
"You think you know your own name? How stupid are you?" ~ The Ninth Doctor
"There's aliens out there, and fake aliens. I want to keep this alien out of the mix." ~ The Ninth Doctor
" If aliens fake an alien crash, an alien pilot, what do they get? Us. They get us. It's not a diversion, it's a trap." ~ The Ninth Doctor
"Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?" ~ The Ninth Doctor
The scene where the pig-like "alien" is breaking thought the metal door with Dr Sato watching in shock is reminiscent of an almost identical moment in the 1996 Doctor Who television movie, in which the newly-regenerated Eighth Doctor breaks through the metal door of the morgue, terrifying a hospital worker.
A poster announcing Rose's disappearance states that she has not been seen since 6 March, 2005. However, the BBC-produced "official" UNIT website indicates that the climactic events of Rose happened on 26 March. The same site also dates this episode at either 26 May or 28 June 2006. If the June date is accepted, Boom Town (and also The Parting of the Ways) would have to take place in late December 2006 — the same week as The Christmas Invasion (dated to 2006 by the Guinevere One website). On the other hand, if only on-screen evidence is accepted, Aliens of London would take place in March 2006, Boom Town in September, and The Parting of the Ways later in the autumn or early winter.
The official police poster is the first reference to the Powell Estate on the television series. In whole, the notice says, "Rose Tyler has been missing from her home on the Powell Estate since 6 March 2005. Rose is described as 19 years old, 5 feet 4 inches in height, slim build with shoulder-length blonde hair. Anyone with information regarding Rose should contact 0207 946000." The photograph used is one of Billie Piper herself, rather than one of Piper playing Rose. Several other home-made posters are seen on Jackie's table, including one with a banner headline saying "WHERE IS ROSE?".
When the Doctor complains of being slapped by Rose's mother, Rose laughingly remarks, "You're so gay!" This remark has caused some controversy in fan circles, some seeing it as an anti-homosexual slur. Davies, who is gay, wrote in an e-mail response that it was the way people talked and claimed that he was trying to provoke discussion by using the phrase.
Another running joke, involving the Slitheens suffering from bad flatulence (due to the gas exchange) while in their human disguises, was also slightly controversial in fan circles, with some critics disapproving of the style of humour. It did, however, give rise to one of the most quoted lines uttered by the Ninth Doctor during the season: "Would you mind not farting while I'm trying to save the world?"
The armoured personnel carrier seen outside Number 10 is a Saxon, possibly foreshadowing future events.
According to Russell T Davies in Doctor Who Magazine, as well as Doctor Who Confidential, the decision to establish the Bad Wolf meme in the series did not occur until after the spur-of-the-moment decision to have the words "bad wolf" graffiti-painted on the TARDIS; subsequently Bad Wolf references were added to the scripts for most of the other Series 1 episodes, and notwithstanding a few minor or inferred references in the interim, returned in force in the Series 4 episodes Turn Left and Journey's End. With the origin of the meme established, the mystery that remains is exactly why the words "bad wolf" were chosen to be spray-painted on the TARDIS in the first place (as opposed to any other phrase).
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