Thursday, January 10, 2013

NuWho - Series 1, Episode 3 - The unquiet Dead (Season 27, Story 159)

"Go out there, dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella. There's a wardrobe through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up!" ~ The Ninth Doctor

"On and on I go. Same old show. I'm like a ghost, condemned to repeat myself for all eternity. Even my imagination grows stale. I am an old man. Perhaps I've thought everything I'll ever think." ~ Charles Dickens

The 9th Doctor: Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm The Doctor, by the way.
Charles Dickens: Doctor? You look more like a navvy.
The 9th Doctor: What's wrong with this jumper?

"But it's like...think about it though. Christmas, 1860.  It happens once, just once, then it's gone, it's finished.  It will never happen again.  Except for you.  You can go back and see days that are dead and gone, a hundred thousand sunsets ago.  No wonder you never stay still." ~ Rose Tyler

The 9th Doctor: Honestly, Charles—can I call you Charles?—I'm such a big fan.
Charles Dickens: What? A big what?
The 9th Doctor: Fan. Number one fan, that's me.
Charles Dickens: How exactly are you a fan? In what way do you resemble a means of keeping oneself cool?

"You're from London.  I've seen London in drawings, but never like that.  All those people rushing about, half naked, for shame. And the noise and the metal boxes racing past. And the birds in the sky, they're metal as well.  Metal birds with people in them.  People are flying in.  And you, you've flown so far, farther than anyone. The things you seen.  The darkness.  The big, bad wolf." ~ Gwyneth

"Now don't antagonize her. I love a happy Medium." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"Once we had physical form like you, but then the war came. The Time War. The whole universe convulsed. The Time War raged, invisible to smaller species, but devastating to higher forms." ~ The Gelth

"Time isn't a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You can be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th and it's all my fault.  I brought you here." ~ The 9th Doctor

"What about me? I saw the fall of Troy. World War V. I pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party. Now I'm going to die in a dungeon. In Cardiff." ~ The Ninth Doctor

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Even for you, Doctor." ~ Charles Dickens

Simon Callow, who plays Dickens, has also written extensively about the writer and is well known for playing Dickens on television and in a one-man show. He was seriously considered for the role of the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 TV movie.

The address on Sneed's hearse indicates his mortuary is in Llandaff where the BBC Wales production offices are. Terry Nation, creator of the Daleks, was also born there.

According to Mark Gatiss on this story's commentary, there was originally going to be a scene in which the Doctor was mistaken for Sneed's new cleaner. Someone would have stated, "I thought you'd be a woman" to which the Doctor replies "No, not yet", hinting that Time Lords can change sex.

Dickens cries, "What the Shakespeare?", a play on the common exclamation, "What the Dickens?" Contrary to popular belief, the phrase has nothing to do with Charles Dickens; "Dickens" is a euphemism for the Devil. Riffing on this comment, in the 2006 Big Finish Productions audio drama The Kingmaker, William Shakespeare cries, "What the Geoffrey Chaucer?". Shakespeare used the phrase "What the Dickens" in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act III, scene ii.

Mark Gatiss stated in the Radio Times that the original script was bleaker and more frightening, but he was advised by Davies to "make it more of a romp."

When Eve Myles was cast as Gwen Cooper in Torchwood, it was noted that the character she played in The Unquiet Dead had a similar name. Russell T Davies initially stated that there was no relationship between the two characters. In the fourth season finale episode, Journey's End, written by Davies, there is a short conversation between the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler, which suggests that Gwyneth's physical characteristics remained as an echo in the Time Rift and eventually imprinted themselves into Gwen. Russell T Davies has explained it as "It's not familial as we understand it. There's no blood tie. Spatial genetic multiplicity means an echo and repetition of physical traits across a Time Rift."


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