"Look, I know I'm exceedingly dim, but would you mind explaining?" ~ Jo Grant
"May God bless the good ship women's lib and all who sail in her." ~ Mr. Hyde
Jo Grant: Yes, here we are. Believed by many modern historians to be all that remains of Plato's metropolis of Atlantis.
The 3rd Doctor: Of course. Of course.
Mike Yates: Atlantis? I thought that was supposed to be in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
Jo Grant: You're a bit out of date. Apparently it was part of the Minoan civilisation. Oh, you know, the Minotaur and all the Cretan jazz.
"You know, if this got out, you'd be the laughing stock of UNIT. A dream. Really, Doctor, you'll be consulting the entrails of a sheep next." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart
"Doctor Cook is not only chairman of the Grants Committee, but a colleague and a personal friend. Am I to tell him this afternoon that I am as gullible as that drunkard I have replaced? How is it that I can find no trace of your academic career before you visited Athens University, Professor? How is it that you publish nothing? That you refuse to reveal the hypothesis behind your so-called experiment? That the very name of your project is arrogant nonsense! TOM-TIT! What, pray, is interstitial time?" ~ Percival
"You know, Doctor, you're quite the most infuriating man I've ever met." ~ Jo Grant
"I say, Doctor, you're not going to disappear to Venus or anywhere like that, are you?" ~ Jo Grant
Jo Grant: It's a bit out on distance though. It says the Tardis is only a foot away.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, that's Venusian feet.
Jo Grant: Oh, they're larger than ours.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh yeah, much larger. Always tripping over themselves, the Venusians.
"Look, Doctor, please. I am lifelong pacifist. Now the association of the military with killing, with violence. Please bear with me." ~ The Master
"Well, gentleman, to begin with, time isn't smooth. It's made up of little bits. Temporal atoms, so to speak. So, if one could push something through the interstices between them, it would be outside our space-time continuum altogether." ~ Doctor Ruth Ingram
"Come, Kronos, come!" ~ The Master
"Then reverse the polarity! Reverse the temporal polarity!" ~ The Third Doctor
Brigidier: Well, whose arrogance? Doctor, I wish you wouldn't talk in riddles.
The 3rd Doctor: Perhaps a classical education would have helped you, Brigadier. Thascales is a Greek word.
Jo: Thascales? I get it. Thascales is Greek for Master.
"Strange place it is, too. A place that is no place. A dangerous place where creatures live beyond your wildest imagination. Kronovores, time eaters. They swallow a life as quickly as a boa constrictor can swallow a rabbit, fur and all." ~ The Third Doctor
Percival: E equals MC squared, not cubed.
The Master: Not in the extra-temporal physics of the time vortex. Oh dear, now you've made me lose my place. You're an interfering dolt, Percival.
"It was just after the cup and saucer appeared. I was about to switch off when it happened. Like a tongue of flame. All my body was on fire. All my life, all my energy, was being sucked out of me." ~ Mr. Hyde
"Time? Soon I shall have the time in the world, literally." ~ The Master
"You didn't really think you could fool me with a fake telephone call, did you? It's the oldest trick in the book." ~ Sergeant Benton
Krasis: You would dare profane, with your irreverent tongue, the great secret, the mystery which no man dare speak? Who are you?
The Master: I am the Master. Lord of time and ruler of Kronos.
"Comparative ratios remain constant throughout time. If you have nothing intelligent to say, do please keep quiet." ~ The Master
"For all your sorcery, you are as a child trying to control a rogue elephant. A puny child." ~ Krasis
"This isn't a picnic. One moment you're talking about the entire universe blowing up, and the next you're going on about tea. Doctor! What's happening?" ~ Brigidier Lethbridge Stewart
Ruth: Another nutcase.
Hyde: Fruit cake standard.
"Well, it's just like jamming a radio signal, Jo. We used to make them at school to spoil each other's time experiments." ~ The Third Doctor
Krasis: You have destroyed this, this Tardis?
The Master: No, it can't be destroyed. But people can.
"Look, mate, you're paid to play the James Bond games. I'm a scientist." ~ Mr. Hyde
"Master, what is this place? Is it a temple? So vast a space inside so small a box." ~ Krasis
"Now, Jo, you realise that what I'm about to do is going to be appallingly dangerous." ~ The Third Doctor
"Now, the two Tardis's are operating on the same frequency, you see? Now here comes the tricky part. You see this? This is the time setting. Now it's critical to a billionth part of a nanosecond, do you see? Now hold this. (the time detector) If it's infinitesimally low, we'll miss it entirely and goes whistling off to heaven knows where. But if it's too high, even by a fraction of a moment, whumph! Time ram. You see, the atoms making up this Tardis would occupy precisely the same space and time as the atoms making up the Master's Tardis." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Well, it's perfectly simple, Jo. My Tardis is inside the Master's.
Jo: Yes, but his is inside yours.
The 3rd Doctor: Exactly. They're both inside each other.
Mr. Hyde: Oh, come on now. It's not the end of the world, now is it?
Sgt. Benton: Isn't it? Well, the Doctor seems to think it might be.
The 3rd Doctor [on scanner]: One step outside my Tardis and that would be the end of me, wouldn't it?
The Master: You have a very poor opinion of me, don't you, Doctor.
The 3rd Doctor [on scanner]: You've noticed. Well, well, well.
"Once he realises that he's talking to himself, he'll be out here like a shot. Ah! He's realised it at last. That took a long time, the slow witted fool. Now you watch. He cannot bear not to have the last word." ~ The Master
"He's out there in the time vortex and there he's going to stay. Alive for ever in an eternity of nothingness. To coin a phrase, a living death." ~ The Master
"Brothers, silence! Peace! Peace, I say. I shall speak plainly too. You ask for the blessings of the golden years. Yet there came a time when Atlantis grew to hate them. What would you have, Hippias? If you were master of Kronos, lord of time. Ten crops in one season? A surfeit of fishes? An ocean of wine? Then take the barren soil as well, the stinking piles of rotting meat, an idle drunken people. I tell you Kronos was a curse! I have seen a temple twice the size of this fall through a crack in the very bedrock of the earth. I have seen a city drowned, a land laid waste by fire, so listen to the fears of an old man. For I tell you, if Kronos came again, Atlantis would be doomed, destroyed, never to rise again!" ~ Dalios
The Master: I shall go now. I have nothing more to say to you.
Dalios: You have said nothing to me yet. When you find the true words to speak, I will listen.
The 3rd Doctor: Good afternoon. Now where have I seen that face before? Can't think of anything to say?
Jo Grant: How about curses, foiled again.
"Yes, of course. It's just like the Tardis. It has its being outside time and its appearance is here." ~ The Third Doctor
"Look, I'll be quiet as a...Do they have mice in Atlantis? Well, that's what I'll be as quiet as. An Atlantean mouse, okay?" ~ Jo Grant
"The crystal! It's the crystal of Kronos! There you, Jo. That's what all the fuss has been about." ~ The Third Doctor
"Funnily enough, they didn't include Atlantean chains in my escapology course." ~ Jo Grant
"No, you're the one who's finished! Do you think that, that creature out there will ever let you control it?" ~ Jo Grant
"Do you think I'm going to dance to the Doctor's tune like some performing poodle? Look, Doctor, you want to stop me? Try!" ~ The Master
The 3rd Doctor: Dead? What are you talking about? You're no more dead than I am.
Jo Grant: Well, that's just it. Well, I mean, that's what I mean. I mean, you're dead too, and so's the Master.
"Yes. Right, Jo, we're about to land back in Cambridge. Just think. It all happened three thousand, five hundred years ago." ~ The Third Doctor
This is the only appearance of the "washing up bowl" interior for the TARDIS (designed by Tim Gleeson).
Dave Prowse, later to play (but not voice) the masked Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, features in an equally incognito role as the Minotaur. He was also well-known for playing the Green Cross Code man in 70's ITV public information films, as well as having a small part in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange.
The Doctor's TARDIS and the Master's TARDIS would again materialise inside one another in Logopolis.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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