Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 10, Story 65 - The Three Doctors

"So there you are. Mrs Ollis says her husband's down there, I see him wave, get there and there he is, gone. So I got in touch with you lot." ~ Doctor Tyler

The 3rd Doctor: Lightning? Yes, I suppose it could look like lightning, only it isn't. No. If there where such a thing I would say it was compressed light. A sort of controlled superlucent emission.
The Brigadier: A what?
Jo: He means it travels faster than light.

"I'm delighted to hear it. Make yourself at home. We're only supposed to be a top secret security establishment. Liberty Hall, Doctor Tyler. Liberty Hall." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"When I tell you to run, you run. Right, run!" ~ The Third Doctor

"Well, now it's arrived, and it's hostile, and it's still here, so what do we do and how do we find it?" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The 3rd Doctor: Well, Sergeant, aren't you going to say it that it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Everybody else does.
Sgt. Benton: It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Anyway, nothing to do with you surprises me anymore, Doctor.

"You can't allow him to cross his own time stream. Apart from the enormous energy it would need, the First Law of Time expressly forbids him to meet his other selves." ~ Chancellor

"Oh. I can see you've been doing the Tardis up a bit. Hmm. I don't like it." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Not, not just Time Lords. We're the same Time Lord.
The 3rd Doctor: Now please, you're only confusing my assistant. Jo, it's all quite simple. I am he and he is me.
Jo: "And we are all together, goo goo ga joob?"
Doctors: What?
Jo: It's a song by the Beatles.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, how does it go?
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, please be quiet.

"If we were to leave things with you, my dear fellow, we'd be in a fine pickle, wouldn't we." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh, so you're my replacements. Huh. A dandy and a clown." ~ The First Doctor

"As far as I can see, that stuff's gone to a great deal of trouble to find me, er, him, so whoever or whatever it was that sent it can't merely want to kill him. No, no, they've been transported somewhere." ~ The Second Doctor

"Yes, well, I'm sorry. Well, I don't believe a word of it. Look, just tell me this. Are you or are you not the Doctor that I met during the Yeti business, and then later when the Cybermen invaded?" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"It's no use your asking me about all this, Brigadier. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't happened yet. Don't you see? I'm just a temporal anomaly." ~ The Second Doctor

"Oh, I don't think that'd do any good. At the moment they're far from being all-powerful. That's why it's been left up to me and me and me." ~ The Second Doctor

"The Doctor is our only hope. There is no one else." ~ High Lord President of the Council of Time Lords

"Keep it confused. Feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy." ~ The Second Doctor

"No doubt. It seems to be your forte, Doctor, confusing people." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

The 2nd Doctor: Yes, it's quite cozy, isn't it? Oh, you'll soon get used to it, old chap. Relative dimensions and all that.
The Brigadier: So this is what you've been doing with UNIT funds and equipment all this time. How's it done? Some sort of optical illusion?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, no, no, no. They come like this. Really.

"Care for a jelly baby?" ~ The Second Doctor

"An anomaly within an impossibility." ~ The Third Doctor

"Are you still worried about your other Doctor, Sergeant? Well, I shouldn't worry too much if I were you. In fact, I rather envy them. I think they're having a very interesting time." ~ The Second Doctor

"Jo, we're dealing here with a creature of great intelligence, and superior intelligence and senseless cruelty just do not go together." ~ The Third Doctor

"Yes, that's exactly what this place is, a scientific conjuring trick of a very high order." ~ The Third Doctor

The 3rd Doctor: The histories say that you were lost in the supernova.
Omega: I was sacrificed to that supernova. I generated those forces, and for what? To be blown out of existence into this black hole of antimatter? My brothers became Time Lords, but I was abandoned and forgotten!

"A hero? I should have been a god!" ~ Omega

The 3rd Doctor: And if I give you my help, do you really think you can defeat the Time Lords? All of them?
Omega: But I am defeating them, Doctor. All of their power is insufficient to prevent the cosmic energy drain which I have caused.

"Brigadier...I think you should prepare yourself for a bit of a shock." ~ The Second Doctor

"Do you realise what you've done? You've stolen the whole of UNIT HQ. Now what am I going to tell Geneva? That the whole blessed building has been picked up and put down on some deserted beach? We're probably miles from London!" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"Doctor, when are you going to face the facts? You've lost your recorder and that's that." ~ Sargeant Benton

"The High Council must be desperate indeed to transgress the laws of time." ~ Omega

"Look, for heaven's sake, stop twittering on." ~ The Third Doctor

"Well, singularity is a point in space time which can exist only inside a black hole. We are in a black hole, in a world of antimatter very close to this point of singularity, where all the known physical laws cease to exist. Now, Omega has got control of singularity and has learned to use the vast forces locked up inside the black hole." ~ The Second Doctor

The 3rd Doctor: What the hell do you think you're trying to do?
The 2nd Doctor: Testing the limits of his self control. They're not very good, are they.
The 3rd Doctor: No. No, they're not, but it'll be dangerous if you push him too far.
The 2nd Doctor: We'll have to risk that. That temper is his only weakness.

"Yes. I created this world through the power of my will. I created the organisms which brought you here. This is the source of the light stream you travelled along, and I created it. I alone! Omega! And it is not enough. None of it is enough. I am still trapped. As trapped as I was the moment I arrived in this, this desolation. Huh. Ironic, is it not?" ~ Omega

"You exist only because your will insists that you exist. Your will is all that is left of you." ~ The Third Doctor

"If I exist only by my will, then my will is to destroy, and all things shall be destroyed! All things! All things!" ~ Omega

The 2nd Doctor: If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time.
The Brigadier: We must be thankful for small mercies.

"Nobble him? You're talking about one of the most powerful blokes in the cosmos. Nobble him?" ~ The Second Doctor

"Three of them. I didn't know when I was well off. Doctor!" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"Commands? You command me? This is my world! I command! And you pester me with trinkets!" ~ Omega

"Wonderful chap, both of him." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"So, big bang, and the black hole becomes a supernova!" ~ Doctor Tyler

"Yes, well, as far as I'm concerned, Doctor, one of you is enough. More than enough." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

This story celebrated the start of the tenth season of Doctor Who on television.

This was William Hartnell's last appearance as the Doctor and his final ever performance as an actor before his death in 1975. Hartnell was too ill to play a more active role in the story. Instead his scenes were filmed in Ealing Television Film Studios while he read his lines from cue cards. The script was rewritten with the explanation that the First Doctor was stuck in a time eddy due to the power drain caused by Omega.

This is the first appearance of Omega. Originally Omega's name was supposed to be Ohm, the word resulting from turning "WHO" upside-down. "Ohm" was later used as the name of an ancient Gallifreyan god in The Infinity Doctors.

This story featured a new redesigned TARDIS console room set by Roger Liminton. The one used in the  The Time Monster warped in storage and had a design which Barry Letts disliked.

he Second Doctor does not like the way his future self has "re-decorated" 'his' TARDIS. Much later, the Fifth Doctor would make a similar criticism when meeting the Tenth. (Time Crash)

The Second Doctor offers a Jelly baby to the Brigadier. Several years later, jelly babies became the confection of choice of the Fourth Doctor and continued to be referenced from time to time on the series for many years thereafter.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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