Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 10, Story 66 - Carnival of Monsters

"Roll up and see the monster show! A carnival of monsters, all living in their natural habitat, wild in this little box of mine. A miracle of intragalactic technology! Roll up! Roll up! Roll..." ~ Vorg

"Are you certain we are here? Well, where you think we are. Are you sure you can steer that Tardis properly?" ~ Jo Grant

The 3rd Doctor: No, that's impossible.
Jo: Don't you ever admit that you're wrong?
The 3rd Doctor: No. That's impossible too.

"That's a plesiosaurus!  It's incredible! If this really is 1926, the plesiosaurus has been extinct for a hundred and thirty million years!" ~ The Third Doctor

"I suppose the name of this ship means nothing to you, Jo? Well, in its time, the SS Bernice was as famous a sea mystery as the Marie Celeste. A freak tidal wave was the popular explanation, although the Indian Ocean was as flat as a millpond on that night. Two days out from Bombay on June the 4th, 1926, the SS Bernice just disappeared off the face of the Earth." ~ The Third Doctor

Jo: Sonic screwdriver?
The 3rd Doctor: No, that only works on electronic locks, Jo. We need something far more primitive.
Jo: Skeleton keys.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, they'd do fine if only we had any.
Jo: Allow me, Doctor.

"Oh, I do love being with you, Doctor. You make me feel so young." ~ Jo Grant

"What is happening? I mean, it's like a gramophone record. A stuck gramophone record." ~ Jo Grant

Jo: Where are you going?
The 3rd Doctor: To find the Tardis, and that means finding a way off this ship.

"These creatures are Tellurians, a species discovered in a distant galaxy. Scientists have been amazed at the remarkable similarity between these little chaps and our own dominant lifeform. These are the only Tellurians in captivity. Some scientists think that their discovery refutes Valdek's theory that life in the universe is infinitely variable." ~ Vorg

"What is it? My dear girl, this is a perfect example of an early pulse mechanism based on the principal of caesium decay. Oh, this is absolutely vintage stuff." ~ The Third Doctor

"I've never been small enough to get inside one of these things before. It's fascinating! It's like walking around inside a wristwatch. It's wonderful. It really is magnificent." ~ The Third Doctor

"The Interstellar Ecology Commission expressly forbids the transference of zoological specimens between planets." ~ Kalik

The 3rd Doctor: Come on, Jo, get up.
Jo: Not yet, I'm only half-cooked.

"Silence! It is an alien artefact. Where did it come from? How did it get in there?" ~ Pletrac

"Eaten? They ate a spaceship?" ~ Pletrac

Jo: Oh, Doctor, I've got to rest.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, I'm beginning to feel the century's myself.

"No. Oh no, believe me, I'm just as angry as you are. As a matter of fact, I had a great deal to do with the banning of these miniscopes.  I managed to persuade the High Council of the Time Lords they were an offense against the dignity of sentient lifeforms." ~ The Third Doctor

"Not impossible, Jo. Nothing's impossible. There's always an answer if you can find it." ~ The Third Doctor

"The generators were built by the old Eternity Perpetual Company. They're designed to last forever. That's why the company went bankrupt." ~ Vorg

Pletrac: The function of this tribunal is to keep this planet clean. This Tellurian creature comes from outside our solar system and is a possible carrier of contagion. Furthermore the creature may be hostile.
The 3rd Doctor: Will you kindly stop referring to me as the creature, sir, or I may well become exceedingly hostile.

"And, oh yes, just as I thought. A miniscope. Now this is outrageous! Who is responsible for this device? Is it yours?" ~ The Third Doctor

"If you will allow me to rescue my young companion, and give what help I can to the rest of the unfortunates trapped in here, then I am prepared to overlook the entire matter.  If not, then you'll just have to take the consequences. Let me know when you've made up your mind." ~ The Third Doctor

"The collection of the simplest animal lifeforms is a dubious enough pursuit in itself, sir, but the collection of civilized intelligent beings is a positive crime. Now let me warn you that I intend to put an end to this shameful business." ~ The Third Doctor

Working titles for "Carnival of Monsters" included The Labyrinth and Peepshow.  The broadcast title is the same of a Ray Bradbury short story "Carnival of Monsters" published in the 1940's. In it, a millionaire on Mars lures several Health Officials into his house. They meet a variety of gruesome fates inspired by different horror writers. However, the title of this episode may be unrelated.

The story is best remembered as being the first Doctor Who appearance for Ian Marter, who would join the regular cast in Season 12 as Harry Sullivan.  He portrays a character named John Andrews in this story, one the Tellurians captured on the SS Bernice.

This is the first story to feature the term Tellurian to mean human being. This term would appear in other stories written by Robert Holmes, such as The Two Doctors.

Robert Holmes added the subplot about the attempted overthrow of the Inter Minoran president, because Terrance Dicks was concerned that otherwise the only real threat facing Vorg and Shirna was the penalty for breaking the planet's importation policies.

Both Cheryl Hall (Shirna) and Jenny McCracken (Claire Daly) were earlier considered for the part of Jo Grant. According to the DVD commentary for the 'Special Edition' of the story, they were on the final shortlist of six actresses seen for the role. Barry Letts promised both actresses he'd use them in the future after casting Katy Manning.

The Doctor compares the disappearance of the Bernice crew to that of the Mary Celeste; an encounter between the First Doctor and the Daleks was behind the disappearance of the earlier ship's crew, although at the time the Doctor was unaware of what happened to the crew. (The Chase)

While filming on the RFA Robert Dundas (doubling for the SS Bernice), production was interrupted when it was discovered an old brass ship's compass had been stolen. The culprit turned out to be none other than Jon Pertwee, who believed that the compass was to be scrapped along with the ship and so wouldn't be missed. In fact, it was to be auctioned off along with other ship artifacts.

The appearance of a cyberman in the Miniscoop is the only appearance of the cybermen during Jon Pertwee's tenure. This was due to Terrance Dicks disliking them, as he found them boring. Vorg's line about people not wanting to see a blurry image of them is a reference to this.

Originally, the planet of Inter Minor was named Odron for a time, with the world hosting a convention of showmen.

Drashig is an anagram of dish rag.

For timing reasons, episode three's cliffhanger was edited. This would have seen the Doctor falling down a shaft when a Drashig comes upon him in the Scope interior. In the episode four reprise, the Drashig plummets after him and the Doctor is seen to have been saved by catching his foot in a rope. As broadcast, this sequence was skipped over altogether, and the Doctor's emergence from the Miniscope - originally to have occurred during episode four - was brought forward to serve as the cliffhanger instead.

Jo gets a chance to use her skeleton keys and show off her self-hyped escapology skills, first seen in Terror of the Autons.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters (Story 66) - Special Edition DVD is available at Amazon.com,
download from iTunes or watch via streaming at Netflix, or Hulu Plus

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