"Mutt mad he is. Sport to him." ~ Cotton
Jo: Lunch?
The Third Doctor: No.
Jo: Bomb?
The Third Doctor: No, nothing so exciting.
Jo: Hang on, wait for me. I'm coming too.
The Third Doctor: That's out of the question. It's bound to be dangerous, probably difficult.
Jo: All the more reason. You need me to look after you.
The Third Doctor: Sorry, Jo, a lot of rubbish. Not this time. Au revoir!
Jo: Oh, no you don't!
"Are you sure we're in the reception area? Looks more like a broom cupboard." ~ Jo
"Jo, this is like that. You see?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Yes, I know. I'm not sure I like being described as a malfunction." ~ The Third Doctor
"And that's your alternative to independence? Genocide?" ~ Administrator
"Well, the Earth these people know now, Jo, in the thirtieth century empire, is even more grey and misty. Land and sea alike, all grey. Grey cities linked by grey highways across grey deserts. Oh, yeah. Slag, ash, clinker. The fruits of technology, Jo." ~ The Third Doctor
"During the hours of daylight no human can survive on Solos without an oxymask. The soil contains a nitrogen isotope unknown on Earth. The ultra-violet rays of the sun cause a kind of poisonous mist." ~ The Marshal
Jaeger: I think that this whole thing is a senseless waste of time! Particle reversal. Nobody has ever achieved it.
The Third Doctor: On the contrary, my dear chap, I find it a very useful research technique.
Jaeger: What do you expect to happen?
The Third Doctor: I expect the particles to reverse and for the box to turn itself inside out.
"What you're proposing, and do correct me if I am wrong, is an all out rocket attack on a defenceless planet." ~ The Third Doctor
"Genocide is a side-effect? You ought to write a paper on that, Professor." ~ The Third Doctor
"Did I say I was an Earthman?" ~ The Third Doctor
"They're people. My people. Or at least they were before the Marshal's experiments." ~ Ky
"Jaeger, will you get this into your maundering egghead? I want the atmosphere on the planet changed and I want it changed now! Clear?" ~ The Marshal
"Gas. The Marshal's solution to what he calls the Mutt problem." ~ Cotton
The Third Doctor: Lead. What does lead mean to you, Jo?
Jo: Radiation?
The Third Doctor: Yes, exactly.
"Yes, I know. There are more now, many more, and as their numbers increase, so it seems does their aggression. Oh, it's not an isolated phenomenon. The same behaviour may be observed in rats when confined." ~ Prof. Sondergaard
Sondergaard: This, Doctor, is the story of how Solonian civilisation began.
The Third Doctor: And ended, if we don't get a move on, I think.
Sondergaard: The radiation cave? But I've only one suit. If you spend any time in there without one, Doctor, you will die. Any man would.
The Third Doctor: Any man, perhaps.
"Yes, of course. The Solonians are meant to mutate. The mutation is part of it. A part of an evolution. They're meant to change as their environment changes every five hundred years. A life cycle unique in the history of the universe. And now, thanks to the Marshal, threatened with extinction." ~ The Third Doctor
"It's rockets! That fool Jaeger's bombarding the planet with rockets. It seems to have died down for the moment. Let's get out of here and find Miss Grant and the others." ~ The Third Doctor
"So? Instead of seeding the atmosphere with ionisation crystals, the planet's surface itself has been contaminated. You've made yourself master of a desert, Marshal. A lethal desert. No one will be able to set foot on Solos for centuries now, once the crystals have taken effect. No one! Not you and certainly not the Investigator! As for this display of megalomania, how do you hope to conceal it from the Investigator? They are not all of them as loyal as those guards. Someone will talk, if only to save his own skin." ~ Prof. Jaeger
"Marshal, you are quite mad." ~ The Third Doctor
"If we don't come up with an effective control system, we'll particle reverse Skybase and we'll be in a bigger mess than we were before." ~ The Third Doctor
"The slightest accident in this stage of the proceedings and we'd all reverse instantly into antimatter. Blasted out to the other side of the universe, as a flash of electromagnetic radiation. We'll all become unpeople, undoing unthings untogether. Fascinating. Got it. Right, all we've got to do is switch on now and see what happens. Or unhappens as the case may be." ~ The Third Doctor
Investigator: I see. You are a Doctor, I take it?
The Third Doctor: I am, yes.
Investigator: Qualified in?
The Third Doctor: Practically everything.
"Investigator, I accuse that man and that man of the most brutal and callous series of crimes against a defenceless people it's ever been my misfortune to encounter." ~ The Third Doctor
"That is a rational and intelligent creature. To kill it would be murder!" ~ Prof. Sondergaard
"You do realise, Marshal, that you're about to destroy a life form unique in the history of the universe?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Doctor, who did you say?" ~ Investigator
This is Geoffrey Palmer's second appearance in Doctor Who; he had previously appeared in Doctor Who and the Silurians (as Masters). He would later appear in the revived series episode Voyage of the Damned as Captain Hardaker.
"The Mutants" was written as a negative commentary on Apartheid. Terrance Dicks changed the slang term for the Solonians from "Munts" to "Mutts", as the former was an authentic derogatory term used amongst the white settlers of South Africa in reference to the indigenous black population. A subplot about cloning was dropped from the script, as it was too complex.
Probably coincidentally, the opening scene of the story bears an uncanny resemblance to the Monty Python "It's..." openings.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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