"No, Hepesh! The decision has been taken. If the committee of assessment judges favourably, then Peladon will join the Galactic Federation. And I shall expect your loyal help and support at this difficult time." ~ The Peladon of Peladon
"So, the spirit of Aggedor has risen again. The ancient curse of Peladon will be fulfilled." ~ Hepesh
The 3rd Doctor: Must be on the blink.
Jo: I might have expected it. The Tardis always is.
The 3rd Doctor: I hope you're as in good condition when you're as old as she is.
"Jo, the Tardis may have its faults, but it is indestructible." ~ The Third Doctor
Jo: Which way now?
The 3rd Doctor: Which way indeed? Eenie, meenie, mynie, mo.
(Roar in the distance.)
Jo: Meenie?
"That, Jo, was an Ice Warrior. A native of the planet Mars...believe me, they're not very pleasant company." ~ The Third Doctor
"The legend of the curse of Peladon has been handed down through countless centuries. It concerns the royal beast of Peladon, now extinct. It is written, Mighty is Aggedor, fiercest of all the beasts of Peladon. Young men would hunt it to prove their courage. His fur trims our royal garment. His head is our royal emblem. It is also written there will come a day when the spirit of Aggedor will rise again to warn and defend his royal master, King Peladon. For at that day, a stranger will appear in the land, bringing peril to Peladon and great tribulation to his kingdom. " ~ Hepesh
"Your Majesty, as delegate from Earth, I greet you. May I present Her Royal Highness, the Princess Josephine, of Tardis." ~ The Third Doctor
Peladon: Greetings, Princess. I'm sorry to hear that your journey ended so uncomfortably.
Jo: The whole affair was most deplorable. The pilot was exceedingly inefficient.
Peladon: Well, I'm glad it was nothing more. You bring a welcome beauty to a serious occasion.
Jo: Thank you, your Majesty.
"Do my ears deceive me? Members of the Galactic Federation squabbling like a gang of small children?" ~ The Third Doctor
Hepesh: It is a sign of Aggedor's anger. His ghost walks amongst us.
The 3rd Doctor: It must have been a pretty substantial type of ghost to have shifted a solid granite statue.
Hepesh: The spirit of Aggedor can move mountains.
"Your Majesty is an enlightened ruler, but who will your people believe? King Peladon or Aggedor?" ~ The Third Doctor
Jo: I see. All you want is a political ally.
Peladon: No, I want you as a friend.
Jo: Oh, no. No. I'm strictly neutral. Count me out!
"The foremost of the King's enemies is the chairman delegate from Earth, the one they call the Doctor. Destroy him, Grun!" ~ Hepesh
"Well, believe me, I know the Ice Warriors, Jo. They're a savage and a warlike race." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: This is the work of a skilled, technical knowledge. Your medieval monster, Hepesh, would simply have tried to smash Arcturus' protective globe.
Izlyr: What are you suggesting? I reject the accusation.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, of course, you would. But nevertheless, you can't deny that you do have the necessary technical knowledge.
Izlyr: The technology of Centauri is competent enough. And so is that of Earth. And it was you, Doctor, that we discovered.
"You say you see this monster when there is no monster." ~ Izlyr
Jo: I'm sorry if I might have misjudged you, but the Doctor did say you were a race of warriors.
Izlyr: We were once, but now we reject violence except in self-defence.
"Sacrilege! Seize him, Grun! You have defiled the inner sanctum of the holy temple of Aggedor! Your mind, your word, your being, all are evil! Take him before the King." ~ Hepesh
Peladon: You forget, Hepesh, he is a man of rank, and as such, an honourary nobleman of the citadel. What do you say, Doctor?
The 3rd Doctor: Very well, your Majesty, I accept the challenge. But who do I fight?
Peladon: You will be held captive in your room until dawn. Then you will lowered into the pit beneath the citadel, where you will engage in combat to the death with the King's Champion, Grun.
"Yes, you're a wily old bird, aren't old you, Hepesh? But you do realise, don't you, that my death would cause a major interplanetary scandal? Consider the consequences, Hepesh." ~ The Third Doctor
"Our ally has plotted well, Grun. Whatever the Doctor does now, he'll be discredited. Oh, I know you wanted to kill him yourself, fulfil your oath as King's Champion, but never fear. He is moving into ever greater danger. I promise you, the King's honour will be maintained. Trust me." ~ Hepesh
"Well, I must say, you seem quite partial to old Venusian lullabies, don't you, Aggedor, old chap, hmm? Right, let's see how friendly you really are. All right, take it easy." ~ The Third Doctor
Jo: Are you all right?
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, Jo, you idiot. I'd just started to get through to him.
Jo: How?
The 3rd Doctor: By a kind of technical hypnosis.
Jo: You weren't talking to him?
The 3rd Doctor: No, not exactly. Merely empathy.
Izlyr: Yes, Mars and the world of Arcturus are old enemies. That would mean war.
The 3rd Doctor: Exactly. And then all the rest of the Galactic Federation would take sides and
Alpha Centauri: The Federation will be ripped! There will be interplanetary conflict!
The 3rd Doctor: And Peladon would become the first battlefield. Blasted and sterile.
Izlyr: I take it there is no doubt that the Earth government will ratify your decision, in view of the special circumstances?
Jo: Circumstances? Well, I'm not quite sure. What circumstances?
Izlyr: Your forthcoming marriage with King Peladon.
"Grun. Yes, he's quite under now. Not such a terrifying creature after all, is he? Right, I think it's about time that King Peladon learned the truth, don't you? Come on, Aggedor. Come on, old chap, that's it. Come on, Aggedor. That's it. Come on, Grun." ~ The Third Doctor
Hepesh: Do not listen to the alien! I am your High Priest!
The 3rd Doctor: And I speak for Aggedor. And I accuse you, Hepesh, of being not only a traitor to your king, but also to your sacred trust.
Hepesh: Do not listen to the alien! This is not Aggedor's spirit! I will show you the reality of this creature! I am his master! When I speak he obeys! Aggedor! Aggedor! Kill him!
"You don't really think that our appearance on the planet of Peladon at this precise crisis in their history was just coincidence, do you?" ~ The Third Doctor
"You know, I haven't seen a coronation since Elizabeth the first's. Or was it Queen Victoria?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Doctor? What Doctor? Doctor who?" ~ Amazonia
"The Curse of Peladon" is probably best known for staring Patrick Troughton's son, David, in the role of Peladon. The story also introduced the character of Alpha Centuri, and returned the Ice Warriors to the show after a three year absence.
David Troughton would make a return appearance in the show, but not until the revival series, when he guest stared as Professor Hobbes in Midnight
The story was inspired by Star Trek, particularly the episode Journey to Babel. It was written as a commentary on Britain's entry into The European Union. The alien delegates representing foreigners, King Peladon representing a younger generation of hope in agreement with joining the Federation, and Hepesh, who wants to preserve the status quo, representing the decision to not join.
The scene where the Doctor soothes Aggedor was to feature the Doctor intoning the Tibetan chant "Om mane padme hum", but it was decided to instead use an expanded version of the Venusian nursery rhyme "Kokleda partha mennin klatch" introduced in The Daemons at the end of the previous season. Jon Pertwee sang this to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
Jo's line about going for a night on the town with Mike Yates was added by Terrance Dicks as an explanation for her outfit. A similar line was inserted later in the episode commenting on the "weird" storm on Peladon which featured lightning but no rain. This was felt necessary to account for the fact that no rainmaking machine had been pressed into service at Ealing. It was later cut.
Aggedor was originally conceived as being ape-like in appearance. The finished costume turned out to be more ursine.
Alpha Centauri's phallic resemblance was not lost on the crew. Costume designer Barbara Lane elected to outfit Centauri in a yellow cloak to mask the body shape.
This episode takes place on Peladon in 3885. It is heavily implied that the Time Lords were responsible for the Doctor and Jo appearing on Peladon at such a crucial point in the planet's history.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon (Story 61) DVD is available at Amazon.com,
or watch via streaming at Hulu Plus.
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