The 3rd Doctor: What gave you that idea?
Jo: Oh, being dragged off to an alien planet five hundred years in the future, for example. Oh, you know, all that business with the miners and the colonists.
"No one's going to turn me into an interplanetary puppet." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, I'm not here. Don't worry. Well, that is, in a sense I am here, but you are not there. Yes, well, it's a bit difficult to explain really." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, it's a very complicated thing, time, Jo. Once you've begun tampering with it, the oddest things start happening." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, basically it's a form of ultra-sonic disintegrator. That's right, Jo, I mean a ray gun." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Do you believe in ghosts, Brigadier?
Brigadier: Let's be serious, Doctor.
The 3rd Doctor: I am.
Brigadier: Oh, come along, Doctor, come along.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, my mistake. I was forgetting the unimaginative nature of the military mind.
"Jo, how would you like to spend the night in a haunted house?" ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: And what was all that about?
Jo: Feeding the troops.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, quite right. Do you know, I remember saying to old Napoleon. Boney, I said, always remember an army marches on its stomach.
Jo: Well, Mike Yates certainly does.
"Whoever is operating the time machine is an enemy of the Daleks. All enemies of the Daleks must be destroyed! Exterminate them!" ~ Dalek
Anat: So, you are the man. Outwardly so innocent looking but capable of such crimes. Who would ever know?
The 3rd Doctor: My dear young lady, I'm afraid I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.
"You know, I've got a good mind to let you stay like that. So much more peaceful. In any case, even if I released you, you'd probably ask me a lot of fool questions." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Well, come on, Jo. What about trying out some of that escapology of yours?
Jo: Well, I've been trying but ropes are too tight.
The 3rd Doctor: I'll tell you what. Have a try at untying mine.
Jo: Right! Drop your guns! If you don't, I'll smash this to pieces.
The 3rd Doctor: Jo, put that thing down. I've only just got it in working order.
"I shall lead the expedition! This time there must be no mistake! The enemies of the Daleks will be destroyed!" ~ Gold Dalek
The 3rd Doctor: Now wait a minute. Before the time transference, I saw a Dalek.
Boaz: You know of the Daleks?
The 3rd Doctor: Indeed I do. I know them only too well. They've been my bitterest enemy for many years.
Boaz: Then you're a fool to have let yourself be brought here.
Controller: For every guerilla cell that you destroy, another one springs up. They have stolen your time machines and copied them. They steal your weapons, your explosives.
Dalek: These criminals will be exterminated. The Daleks will destroy them.
"Doctor? Did you say Doctor? The Doctor is an enemy of the Daleks! He must be found at once and exterminated!" ~ Dalek
Guard: He's not exactly being cooperative.
Manager: Isn't he? That's very foolish of him. Have you told him what will happen if he doesn't cooperate?
Guard: I've even given him a free sample.
"Then what you're saying is that the entire human population of this planet, apart from a few remarkable exceptions like yourself, are really only fit to lead the life of a dog." ~ The Third Doctor
[During a fight, Jo smashes the wine bottle over an Ogron's head.]
The 3rd Doctor: Pity. That was rather a good vintage.
Jo: What?
Dalek: The Daleks have discovered the secret of time travel. We have invaded Earth again. We have changed the pattern of history.
The 3rd Doctor: You won't succeed, you know.
Dalek: The Dalek empire will spread through all planets and all times. No one can withstand the power of the Daleks!
The 3rd Doctor: So the conference he called was just a trick?
Monia: He managed to lure the world leaders to a remote country house, and he pretended they needed absolute quiet if the meeting was to succeed. But then, there was a devastating explosion.
Anat: And Styles was killed with the others. He must have set a bomb and mis-timed the charge.
Monia: There were accusations, counter-accusations, and then the wars began. That was the turning point.
The 3rd Doctor: If Styles didn't cause that explosion, somebody else did.
Anat: Well, obviously, but who? Shura!
The 3rd Doctor: Isn't that exactly what he would have done? One last suicidal attempt to carry out his orders?
Monia: It's possible, I suppose.
The 3rd Doctor: You're trapped in a temporal paradox! Styles didn't cause that explosion and start the wars. You did it yourselves.
The 3rd Doctor: Your conference has been saved, Sir Reginald. Now it's up to you and your friends to make sure it's a success. You still have a choice.
Styles: Don't worry. We all know what will happen if we fail.
This was the first time that Daleks had been seen on a Doctor Who episode since "Evil of the Daleks", a five year gap. Terry Nation was unable to write this story due to his commitment to The Persuaders!
This story is noted for being one of only a few stories where the very nature of time travel is used as a main plot element.
According to the DVD production notes, Louis Marks originally wrote a version of this story without the Daleks; script editor Terrance Dicks decided to add the Daleks and a new version of the story was created.
Episode Four was originally to have featured a confrontation between the Doctor and the Daleks, in which the Daleks explain how they destroyed those of their number who were infused with the Human Factor in the events seen in The Evil of the Daleks, and then turned their attention to conquering Earth by means of time travel. This scene was actually recorded but had to be cut at the editing stage for timing reasons.
The Blinovitch Limitation Effect is mentioned here for the first time. It is this effect that prevents the guerrillas making multiple attempts to kill Styles.
This is the first story in which the Doctor encounters - and actually interacts with - a second version of his current incarnation.
Near the end of episode 2, the Doctor shoots a ray gun at an Ogron, vaporising it. This is one of only a few occasions in franchise history that the Doctor uses deadly force with a firearm.
There were only three Daleks to be had throughout the whole production; two grey and one gold. The DVD Special Edition was reshot and enhanced to make it look like there were in fact more Daleks attacking.
This story originally revolved around the Ogrons rather than the Daleks. The Ogrons were not named in the script. They were referred to as 'monsters' and were initially envisaged as dog-like humanoids who spoke fluent English. It was director Paul Bernard who suggested that they should be slow-speaking monstrous apes, and the race's name became Ogorons and then Ogrons.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Availalble on DVD from Amazon.com
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