"An advanced engineering technique pioneered by the Lammerdenes. A remarkably gifted race. They have nine opposable digits." ~ The Third Doctor
3rd DOCTOR: How do you do, Miss Grant? I really don't think you're suitable.
JO: I'm a fully qualified agent, you know. Cryptology, safe breaking, explosives...
3rd DOCTOR: Fire fighting? Yes, well, I'm sorry, my dear, but what I need is a scientist.
JO: I took general science at A-Level.
"The Brigadier's an idiot!" ~ The Third Doctor
"Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably." ~ Brigadier
"You are incorrigibly meddlesome, Doctor, but we've always felt that your hearts are in the right places. But be careful. The Master has learnt a great deal since you last met him." ~ Time Lord
The 3rd Doctor: I refuse to be worried by a renegade like the Master. He's a, he's an unimaginative plodder.
Time Lord: His degree in cosmic science was of a higher class than yours.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, well, er, yes, well, I, I was a late developer.
"The people I represent, Mister Farrel, can never have too much plastic." ~ The Master
"A Nestene is a ruthlessly aggressive intelligent alien life form." ~ The Third Doctor
"The weapons that you have on Earth are quite nasty enough as it is." ~ The Third Doctor
"You thought that under hypnosis it was impossible for a subject to be persuaded to do anything that was against his nature? Well, it's a fallacy, Captain. The Master can completely control the human mind." ~ The Third Doctor
"I am many things." ~ The Master
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, well don't. It'll only make things worse. Leave your mind alone. Something may pop up of its own accord.
Brigadier: Yes, well, we can't just sit about waiting for something to pop up from Miss Grant's mind. If my agents don't turn up something soon, I'm going to surround and search every factory on that list.
The 3rd Doctor: You know, Brigadier, your methods have all the refined subtlety of a bull in a china shop.
"Oh, nothing. Life's just wonderful. I've really got off to a terrific start, haven't I? I find the man everybody's looking for, I forget where he is and I end up by trying to blow you all sky high!" ~ Jo Grant
"You're an insulting ruffian, aren't you?" ~ The Third Doctor
Jo: What on earth is he doing inside a horsebox?
The 3rd Doctor: It isn't exactly a horsebox. It just happens to look like one.
Jo: You mean there isn't a horse inside.
The 3rd Doctor: No more than there's a policeman inside my police box.
"They're Autons! Bullets can't stop them!" ~ The Third Doctor
"Because the Doctor's escaped again? No. He's an interesting adversary. I admire him in many ways." ~ The Master
"Do you know, Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms." ~ The Third Doctor
"What's wrong with being childish? I like being childish." ~ The Third Doctor
"Days of exhaustive investigation by the Brigadier's band of bloodhounds and what have they discovered? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The incompetent imbeciles." ~ The Third Doctor
"Now just a moment, Doctor. I'm aware for your preference for acting as a one-man band, but this does happen to be a UNIT operation." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Well, remember what I told you, Brigadier? The Nestenes can put life into anything made of plastic. Anything at all." ~ The Third Doctor
Brigadier: I've got the RAF to lay on a rocket strike. In a few hours time, that coach should be a pile of scrap iron.
The 3rd Doctor: The military mind at its most scintillating. Faced with a problem they blast it off the face of the earth.
"You see, Doctor, you're my intellectual equal. Almost. I have so few worth opponents. When they've gone, I always miss them." ~ The Master
"Now, come, come, Doctor. Death is always more frightening when it strikes invisibly." ~ The Master
"Doctor, you do disappoint me. We Time Lords are expected to face death with dignity." ~ The Master
"Doctor, if you're going to drive, I want to get off." ~ Jo Grant
Brigadier: Can't you do anything, Doctor?
The 3rd Doctor: Not unless we change the polarity.
The working title for "Terror of the Autons" was "The Spray of Death".
The Auton invasion was much different in the original script. The daffodils (and the troll dolls) would be animated when the temperature reached a certain level - a level which would be obtained thanks to a fortuitous oncoming heat wave in Britain. Terrance Dicks felt this was illogical, as it would make more sense for the Master to carry out his plan in a tropical locale. It was decided to replace this with a broadcast activation signal.
The troll dolls originally played a greater role in the story's climax and explained the Master's interest in the circus, which would have been used to distribute the toys.
Dicks made a number of other changes to the scrip as well. Originally, The Master's bomb went off when the Doctor tried to open the box by remote control. This was changed in order to give Jo a more prominent role.
Also, Dicks added the dialogue explaining previous companion Liz Shaw's absence.
The idea that the elder Farrell be immune to The Master's hypnosis, thus justifying the Master's decision to kill him, was also one of Dick's.
Originally, it was The Brigadier, rather than The Doctor, who was attacked by the phone chords. Nicholas Courtney suffered a bout of depression during filming. His condition was noted by Jon Pertwee and Barry Letts, who elected to excuse him from filming when necessary. In some scenes, he is played by a double or his lines are given to others.
The scene where an Auton is hit with a car and tumbles off a cliff, was quite real. Dinny Powell was driving the vehicle in place of Richard Franklin, and stuntman Terry Walsh, as the Auton, fell further down the slope than intended, being injured in the mishap. He nevertheless got back to his feet in the same take as planned.
Katy Manning was also injured during the filming, pulling all the ligaments in her foot jumping out of a car and running across a quarry.
"Terror of the Autons" was a soft re-boot for the Jon Pertwee era, as Jo Grant was introduced as a new assistant, The Master as a new arch enemy, and Mike Yates as a new UNIT contact. A Radio Times cover was used to introduce Delgado to the public.
Additionally, John Levene was given an annual contract for his role as Sgt. Benton, instead of just employment as a day player. New uniforms were introduced for UNIT, a sharp standard green look, and a new UNIT laboratory was also introduced, which would be used by the Third Doctor until the end of his exile.
It also featured the first return of the Autons since their debut in Season 7, and the first direct contact between the Doctor and the Time Lords since the end of Season 6. The Autons would not appear on television again until Rose, the first episode of the revived series, in 2005.
The story is set in part in the fictional town of Tarminster. In The Sarah Jane Adventure episode "The Mark of the Berserker", Sarah Jane Smith visits a hospital in the same town. The town is also mentioned on the Harold Saxon promotional website, which states that Lucy Saxon's father was Lord Cole of Tarminster.
The color master tapes of this four-part serial were wiped by the BBC in the 1970s and the BBC only held 16mm black and white telerecordings. The serial remained only in black in white until the 1990s, when the color signal from a domestic NTSC recording was used with the black and white telerecordings to create new color masters on D3 digital tape.
The BBC's Head of Serials Ronnie Marsh objected to the Doctor's final line about the Master, in which he avows that the Master will stay on Earth "until I destroy him. Or until he destroys me". As a result, the line was changed, and the Doctor would instead suggest that he was looking forward to their next encounter.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons (Story 55) DVD is available from Amazon.com,
or watch via streaming on Hulu Plus.
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