"Allow? Look, Miss Shaw may have the misfortune to work for you, Brigadier. I am a free agent." ~ The Third Doctor
"Yes! As a matter of fact, some of the technicians have nicknamed this place the Inferno." ~ Sir Keith Gold
"Our liver playing us up again this morning, is it Professor?" ~ The Third Doctor
Stahlman: All those so-called experts. It's a waste of valuable time and money.
The 3rd Doctor: Give that more lateral compensation, old chap, or you'll blow the main condenser banks. Cost thousands to put that right. Waste of valuable time and money. Hmm?
Stahlman: I'm rapidly losing patience with that man.
"Look, Liz. Look, without the Tardis I feel rather lost. A stranger in a foreign land. A shipwrecked mariner." ~ The Third Doctor
"At that depth and that pressure, you'd never get it going again. The drill bit would seize up immediately. You'd have to abandon the bore." ~ Mr. Sutton
"Well, I'm afraid I was wrong, Professor. It's not so much your liver as your general disposition. Brigadier, come on." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Krakatoa, the Sundra Straits. During the volcanic eruption of 1883.
Brigadier: Doctor, are you telling me that there's some link between Slocum and the volcanic eruption in Krakatoa?
The 3rd Doctor: There could be.
"I wish I could hear it, Liz. I wonder if it screeches?" ~ The Third Doctor
"That you, sir, are a nitwit!" ~ The Third Doctor
"If I'd listened to all the others, Petra, this project would never have begun. And if I listen to them now, it'll never be completed." ~ Prof. Stahlman
"Venusian karate. It's very effective. Hold it long enough and the subject remains permanently paralysed." ~ The Third Doctor
"I've been more than reasonable. Up till now, I've tolerated these crackpot experts and advisors and only offered a token objection. But now that we've accelerated the drilling programme, I won't be obstructed any further." ~ Prof. Stahlman
"Professor Stahlman seems determined to blow us all to kingdom come, the Doctor has vanished into thin air and I have a number of unsolved murders on my hands. I promise you, Miss Shaw, I'm worried." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Who's been messing about with my equipment?" ~ The Third Doctor
"You will find it unwise to be insolent." ~ Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart
"I come from a parallel space-time continuum." ~ The Third Doctor
"We have not yet established his correct identity, Director. He gave an obviously false name. He spoke of having come from some other dimension." ~ Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart
The 3rd Doctor: But I don't exist in your world!
Stewart: Then you won't feel the bullets when we shoot you.
"The pressures and the heat are overwhelming the present velocity of the drill head. You can disperse the heat and the pressure by creating a reverse vortex at the bottom of the shaft." ~ The Third Doctor
"Elizabeth, I am trying to help you! You said the emergency was over. Well, it isn't. As long as you people go on drilling, you're rushing into terrible danger!" ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, it sounds ridiculous, but there's something ominous about the whole project. Your friend the Doctor felt it too." ~ Sir Keith Gold
"If you break through the Earth's crust now, you'll release forces you never dreamed could exist!" ~ The Third Doctor
"Somehow, I don't think he feels the heat as we do." ~ The Third Doctor
"Compared to the forces that you people have unleashed, an atomic blast would be like a summer breeze." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, the heat and the pressures'll continue to build up until the Earth dissolves in a fury of expanding gasses, just as it was billions of years ago." ~ The Third Doctor
"You know it's marvellous, isn't it? The world's going up in flame and they're still playing at toy soldiers!" ~ Greg Sutton
"I said nothing of the kind. This contraption is obviously incapable of taking anyone anywhere. We shall return to Central Control." ~ Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart
"No! No, I couldn't possibly do that. It would create a dimensional paradox. It would shatter the space-time continuum of all universes." ~ The Third Doctor
"Splendid. Well, we'll fight our way into Central Control using this. While Mister Sutton holds them off with his coolant, I'll repair the master switch." ~ The Third Doctor
"Sergeant, I want to see Professor Stahlman and I want to see him now, and I advise you not to come back without him. A chance to use your initiative, Sergeant! Carry him in here if you have to, but get him!" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Am I? Then it's about time that you learned that some problems just can't be solved by brute force and terror." ~ Dr. Petra Williams
"What did you expect? Some kind of space rocket with Batman at the controls?" ~ The Third Doctor
"Listen to that! Do you want to end your lives fighting like animals?" ~ The Third Doctor
"I can't. I literally can't! It'd create a cosmic disaster. Do you think I want to? I'd give anything to save you all." ~ The Third Doctor
"Safety margins are for cautious old women like Sir Keith. I know perfectly well what I'm doing. Pass on my instructions please." ~ Prof. Stahlman
Brigadier: I'll send for a doctor.
Liz: I happen to be a doctor, Brigadier, remember?
"As far as I'm concerned you can blow yourself to kingdom come!" ~ Greg Sutton
"Yes, of course, of course. An infinity of universes, ergo an infinite number of choices. So free will is not an illusion after all. The pattern can be changed." ~ The Third Doctor
"Goodbye, Liz. I shall miss you, my dear. But I've had about all I can stand of this pompous, self-opinionated idiot here." ~ The Third Doctor
"Pompous, self-opinionated idiot, I believe you said, Doctor?" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
At Doctor Who fan events, Courtney frequently recounted an incident which occurred during shooting of the scene with the revelation of the Brigade Leader and his eyepatch. The scene begins with Courtney's back to the camera (and to all the other actors), and then he spins around in his swivel chair to reveal the Brigade Leader's visage and eyepatch. When the scene was shot, Courtney spun around to discover that all the other actors and crew members were also wearing eyepatches. The "eyepatch story" became so closely associated with Courtney that Steven Moffat wrote scenes in which "everybody was wearing an eyepatch" into the 2011 episode The Wedding of River Song as a tribute to Courtney, who had died earlier that year.
Caroline John enjoyed her role as Section Leader Elizabeth Shaw and says that it was fun playing 'baddie' Liz. She also says she hated doing the scenes when she was playing the 'goodie' version because it was boring compared to being an evil character. She was particularly upset though about the scene in which Shaw shoots Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart, as she was pregnant at the time. As a result, the scene was recorded with the weapon fired from out-of-shot, after which Shaw was shown returning the gun to her holster.
The primordial mutant creatures are named 'Primords' in the closing credits of the episodes in which they appear and in publicity material, but are unnamed in the story's dialogue.
In spite of Douglas Camfield receiving sole credit as director, the second studio-recording block and studio blocks 3 & 4 were directed by producer Barry Letts after Camfield had a minor heart attack on 27 April 1970. Letts later stated that Camfield's preparations were so meticulous, that he just followed the other man's plans anyway. Camfield remained credited as director, as BBC regulations at the time forbade the same person being credited as producer and director.
The scenes on top of the Nuclear Reactor in Episode 2 were not easy for Jon Pertwee, as he was afraid of heights. It took him 15 minutes just to summon up the confidence to film the scene.
This story marks the last appearance of the original TARDIS console which had been used on the series since the very first story, An Unearthly Child.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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