Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 5, Story 42 - Fury from the Deep

Jamie: Trust you to bring us right down in the middle of the sea.
The 2nd Doctor: The Tardis is perfectly capable of floating you know.

"It's a sonic screwdriver. Never fails." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: It wasn't the valve I was interested in.
Harris: Oh?
The 2nd Doctor: I heard a movement coming from inside the pipes.

Baxter [OC]: Something seems to have got inside the pipe line.
Robson: Inside the pipe line?

The 2nd Doctor: That's the noise I heard on the beach.
Victoria: What is it, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: I don't know but we're going to find out. Come on, Jamie.

"Oh, Doctor, a horrible creature. Didn't you see it? It was in there. It came straight towards me covered with seaweed and foam and this horrible hissing sound, and then I screamed. I didn't know." ~ Victoria

Robson: These people are in my custody until I decide what to do with them.
Harris: But my wife!
Robson: Don't bring your domestic affairs into the refinery, Harris. That goes for the rest of you.
Harris: Mister Robson, my wife is ill. If anything happens to her, I'll
Robson: All right, one hour.
Harris: Thank you. Doctor, please, this way.

"What's the matter with you, Van Lutyens? You've been trying to teach me my job ever since you came here. I've been drilling for gas in the North Sea for most of my life. I don't need people like you or Harris to teach me how to do it." ~ Robson

The 2nd Doctor: No, don't touch it.
Harris: Why?
The 2nd Doctor: Well in the first place, you don't want to get stung like your wife, do you? And in the second place, whoever put it in your file meant you to touch it.
Harris: But that's ridiculous. Wait a minute. I was sure I put that file in my briefcase this morning, but it wasn't there when I went to get it. I was on my way home when I met Maggie. But why? Why should anyone want me to get stung by a piece of seaweed?

Van Lutyens: Robson! Robson! What's the matter with you? Are you children? Can't you do anything on your own initiative?
Chief: Look, I can't send men down there without his approval.
Van Lutyens: Can you not also blow your nose without approval?
Chief: Now listen to me, Mister Van Lutyens. I've worked for Mister Robson a long time. We were out there on those rigs together in the early days. You may think he's wrong to run this place in the way he does, but I trust him. And I take orders from him purely because I trust his judgement. No other reason.

"It's down there, in the darkness, in the pipeline, waiting." ~ Mister Van Lutyens

Victoria: That's it, Doctor. That's the creature I saw back at the Compound.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes. Yes, I was afraid it would be.
Victoria: But how did it get in this book?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, I told you, Victoria, this is a book of legends and superstitions. This particular drawing was supplied by ancient mariners in the North Sea in the middle of the eighteenth century, Jamie.

Victoria: Doctor, why is it that we always land up in trouble?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, Victoria, it's the spice of life, my dear.
Victoria: Oh, well I'm not so sure. I don't really like been scared out of my wits every second.

Jamie: What do you mean, what then?
Victoria: Where will we be next?
Jamie: Oh, Victoria, you know better than to ask a question like that. We never know where we're going to land one place to the next. It's half the fun, isn't it?
Victoria: Is it?

Victoria: Isn't it? Even you don't know really how bad is it, do you?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, no, not exactly.
Victoria: Every time we go anywhere something awful happens. Daleks. Cybermen.
The 2nd Doctor: Yeti?
Victoria: Yes, and Yeti. Why can't we go anywhere pleasant, where there's no fighting. Just peace and happiness.

Jamie: Oh no, we're not.
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, you wouldn't let me go down there on my own, now would you?
Jamie: Er, well, no. Oh.

The 2nd Doctor: No wonder they didn't see the lift shaft signal. There's no one here.
Jamie: Victoria wouldn't desert us.
The 2nd Doctor: No. Not unless she'd been persuaded to. Jamie, I think we'd better go and look for her.

Jamie: Victoria. Victoria. Say something. No. No, you can't be dead. Victoria, if anything happened to you, I'd never forgive myself.
Victoria: Oh Jamie, I didn't know you cared.

Victoria: Oh Jamie, why are we always getting into trouble like this? It's the same everywhere we go.
Jamie: How do you mean?
Victoria: I don't know. I'm just fed up. I'm tired of one crisis on top of another. I just want some piece and quiet.

"The advance guard. The first part of the invasion. It's begun. The battle of the giants." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Well, it's only a theory at the moment.
Jones: Well as Mister Harris said before, you've been right so far. There's no reason why you shouldn't be now.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, how nice to be trusted. But I only hope I am right.

Jamie: That soon put paid to him, didn't it. Didn't know what hit him, did he.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, Jamie, I'm sure you're right.
Jamie: There's a wee bit of power left in the old McCrimmon punch yet.
The 2nd Doctor: I'm sorry to disillusion you, Jamie, but I don't think it was the punch that did it.

Harris: You mean they want you?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, they must think I'm a serious menace.
Harris: But you won't go, surely?
The 2nd Doctor: But of course.

Jamie: It's like walking into the lion's den.
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, we're already in the lion's den. What we've got to concentrate on is keeping our heads out of his mouth. Now come on.

Robson: You cannot escape. You must join us. You must join us. You will join us.
The 2nd Doctor: Scream again, Victoria!
Robson: No! No! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

"There's Robson's helicopter in there.  I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Come on. Come on." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Well, we're airborne, aren't we, Jamie? Anyway, Astrid Ferrier. We watched her fly one of these things.
Victoria: That's the only time.
The 2nd Doctor: Now, don't worry, Victoria. It's a very primitive machine, you know. It should be easy to control.

The 2nd Doctor: Victoria discovered it.
Victoria: I did?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, yes. You screamed.
Victoria: I screamed.
The 2nd Doctor: It's her scream, her particular pattern of sound that does the trick.

Jones: I hope he knows what he's doing.
Jamie: Of course he does. I think.

Robson: To think I wanted to keep you locked up, Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, lots of people have tried.

The 2nd Doctor: No, that's all right. Mrs Harris, I wonder if you'd mind if Victoria stayed with you for a little while. You see, she's got no parents or home and it is a bit difficult
Maggie: Well, of course. We'd be delighted to have you for as long as you want to stay.
Victoria: Oh, would you?

This story had a working title of The Colony of Devils. This was changed as the BBC was concerned about the use of 'devils' in a family programme.

This story features the first appearance of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, here having the appearance of a small penlight torch.

Very little footage survives of this story, making its episodes several of the missing episodes that do not exist in the BBC's archives. However a full set of telesnaps and soundtrack do exist for this story. The recreation of this episode was done by Loose Cannon Productions.

In July 2003, 3 minutes 32 seconds of footage from episode 6 of this story were recovered from the BBC Archives at Windmill Road by Andrew Martin. The footage was on 16mm negative film and consisted of scenes of the Weed Creature attacking the Control Room. However, this footage is not from the broadcast episode, but is actually shots that were removed during editing and was never broadcast. This footage has no audio.

38 years after she appeared in "Fury from the Deep" as Megan Jones, Margaret John would appear in Doctor Who, this time playing Grandma Connolly in The Idiot's Lantern.

This was the final serial in which Victoria Waterfield appeared as a regular member of the cast. It concluded her overarching story arc by ostensibly giving her foster parents to replace the father she had lost in her introductory story, The Evil of the Daleks.

The TARDIS is seen to take off like a rocket; it's not seen to do this again until The Runaway Bride.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969 DVD is available at Amazon.com.

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