Victoria: Now, is it safe?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, I shouldn't think so for a moment.
"Covent Garden. Oh yes, of course. It's an underground station. We're standing on the platform." ~ The Second Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: Funny, isn't it?
Jamie: What?
The 2nd Doctor: How we keep landing on your Earth!
"Yeti? Did he say Yeti?" ~ Jaime
"Don't you see it makes sense, Victoria. If the Yeti are in London, then the Intelligence is here too. Aye, and not only them. Look, it must have been the Intelligence that got hold of us in space, and it must have brought us here." ~ Jaime
Prof. Travers: The time machine. It was all true then?
Jamie: The Tardis you mean? Aye, of course it's true.
Prof. Travers: Eh? Victoria, try and explain to Anne, will you? It's all right, Victoria. You were born. I mean. She was born years before I was!
(Travers and Jamie leave.)
Anne: [disbelieving] A time machine?
Victoria: Oh, dear.
Anne: Do you think she heard?
Travers: No. In any case, what you say is nonsense, Anne. I saw the Doctor defeat those robots and save Detsen Monastery. He wouldn't do that if he was in league with them, now would he?
Anne: No, no, I suppose not. In a situation like this one imagines all sorts of things.
Weams: Tibet? Tibet? You're joking.
Blake: That's where old Travers says they come from. He reckons they're Abominable Snowmen.
Weams: Well, he's off his chump, ain't he? How'd they get here in the first place?
Blake: Come through the post, don't they?
"Well before you begin this rapturous reunion, there are one or two questions I'd like answered. For a start, is there anyone else down here playing hide and seek?" ~ Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: Professor, I'm told you know this man.
Travers: Huh? I'd have thought that was obvious. And if it comes to that, who are you?
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart. New C.O. So you can vouch for the Doctor here?
Travers: Well, of course I can.
"That's why we're dependent on you three coming up with the answers. If you fail, London's finished. England itself, perhaps." ~ Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart
The 2nd Doctor: Well, as far as I can see, what we most need is time. Now if we were to blow the tunnel here, just above Goodge Street, we could seal ourselves in for a bit.
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: Good. Practical suggestion. Staff, have we got any explosives?
"Don't you worry, my dear. Why, the Doctor will find a way. Once we've blown the tunnels and sealed ourselves off, we'll be able to get on with the job in hand. Why, with Anne's technical knowledge, and the Doctor and I, the Intelligence won't stand a chance." ~ Professor Travers
"Someone here is in league with the Yeti. Maybe even controlling them." ~ The Second Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: Why doesn't he want them to blow up the tunnel?
Victoria: He thinks he'll be cut off from the Tardis.
The 2nd Doctor: You didn't tell him about the Tardis, did you?
Victoria: Oh dear! Oh no! No, do you think that
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, I do think!
Jamie: Hey, come back, Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: It's all right, Jamie. I'm not going to do anything silly. I just want to try and get a little bit for analysis.
Victoria: Oh Jamie, stop him.
The 2nd Doctor: It's all right, Victoria. Has anyone got a box?
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: I can't make out why the Yeti broke in. I mean, they could have destroyed the place if they'd wanted to.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, the answer's simple. They came for something, and they got it.
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: What was that?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, Travers.
"Well, I wish I could give you a precise answer. Perhaps the best way to describe it is a sort of formless, shapeless thing floating about in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will." ~ The Second Doctor
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: This craft of yours, this time space craft. Could it get us out of here?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, yes, but it's at Covent Garden.
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: What does it look like?
The 2nd Doctor: It's a police box.
Knight: Oh really, Colonel, you're surely not going...
"But this is what brought the Yeti to the explosives store. It's obviously been reprogrammed as a homing device and you've given it to me!" ~ The Second Doctor
"Listen to me. I speak to you with this man's voice because the time has come for you to understand my purpose. Now you have fallen into the trap that I have so carefully prepared for you. Through time and space, I have observed you, Doctor. Your mind surpasses that of all other creatures. Your mind will be invaluable to me. Therefore I have invented a machine that will drain all past knowledge and experience from your mind." ~ The Great Intelligence
Jamie: Let me go! Victoria! Let me past, Colonel.
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: No, the Doctor's right. There've been enough lives wasted.
Jamie: And what are we going to do? Just sit around and wait for the next thing to happen?
Col. Lethbridge-Stewart: Don't be a fool, boy! We can't fight those things bare-handed. We must work out a plan!
The 2nd Doctor: This control box. We've got to get it working!
Anne: Doctor, we've only got twenty minutes.
The 2nd Doctor: Then there's no time to lose, is there? Oh, come on, Anne, don't give up. I need your help.
Travers: Don't run, Victoria, but there's a Yeti over there, on the platform.
Victoria: I know.
Travers: Yes, well, we'll try and give it the slip. What did you say?
Victoria: I know. That's the one that brought us here.
The 2nd Doctor: Were you scared?
Evans: Eh? Oh no, no, I mean, I just got up here to get a better aim, that's all. How did you make it stop then?
The 2nd Doctor: Simple, I told it to.
Arnold: You're not disobeying an order, are you, Evans?
Evans: Now look here, Staff. If we go up there, and this stuff breaks out, we'll be trapped.
Arnold: Now look, lad, you're scared, that's understandable. But you've been in the Army long enough to know that orders is orders. There's four people up there. If we don't warn them, they're for the chop.
Evans: So? Four of them's getting the chop. There's no reason to make it six, is there?
Victoria: I'm sure the Doctor will think of something.
Travers: No, not this time, Victoria. The Doctor would never risk the chance of the Intelligence harming you.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, never mind, I want you to take this microphone and keep on calling our Yeti to you.
Jamie: How will I know I've got the right one?
The 2nd Doctor: You'll soon know if you haven't got the right one, won't you.
The 2nd Doctor: Now don't worry, Victoria.
Victoria: Oh, but
The 2nd Doctor: Everything's under control. Don't be frightened.
Victoria: But Doctor, what are they going to do?
The 2nd Doctor: Everything is under control. Tell her, Anne. You understand.
Anne: Yes, yes, I think so.
The 2nd Doctor: You blithering Welsh imbecile! Why can't you do what you're told!
Jamie: Hey, now just a minute, Doctor. If we hadn't pulled you out of that, you'd have been a heap of dust by now.
The 2nd Doctor: You're just as bad. I told you to leave it to me! Now you've gone and ruined everything.
Voted by fans as the tenth greatest Doctor Who (1963) serial in Outpost Gallifrey's poll in 2003 to celebrate 40 years of the series.
The story "The Web of Fear" was largely set on the London Underground. The BBC were not allowed to film on the Underground so they constructed their own studio sets of the tunnels and the stations. These were so realistic that when the episodes were broadcast, London Transport accused the BBC of surreptitiously sneaking into a real station for the filming.
Until the 10th of October 2013 this episode was believed to be the only surviving part of the Web of Fear. However, the BBC announced that 4 of the missing 5 episodes had been recovered, leaving only part 3 missing.
This story marks the first appearance of Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart, played by Nicholas Courtney.
Writer Neil Gaiman disclosed in Doctor Who Magazine that earlier drafts of his script for The Doctor's Wife implied that House, the villain of that story, was actually the Great Intelligence. These hints did not make it into the episode as aired.
Deborah Watling had difficulty acting opposite her father Jack Watling, because the sight of him in old age make-up kept making her laugh.
The scenes in Julius Silverstein's museum were originally meant to take place in The Natural History Museum. The producers were denied permission.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion )
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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