Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Classic Who - Season 5, Story 39 - The Ice Warriors

Garrett: If we fail, the whole programme for glacier containment is in danger.
Clent: I'm fully aware of that fact.
Garrett: But in two hours the ioniser will be useless.
Clent: And then the glaciers will move again. Five thousand years of history crushed beneath a moving mountain of ice.

Walters: I could swear there's something inside.
Arden: Oh, not another mastodon.

The 2nd Doctor: It was a blind landing.
Jamie: Is that what you call it?

The 2nd Doctor: It sounds like electronic machinery. Like a computer. There's something wrong with it's pitch.
Victoria: Oh, no. Now look, it might be dangerous. Now let's leave it.
The 2nd Doctor: No.
Victoria: Doctor!
The 2nd Doctor: Let's go in.

"Yes, that should hold it steady. It's not a perfect job, mind you. You ought to get an expert in, you know." ~ The Second Doctor

Walters: See the kind of armour he's got on?
Arden: Yes, that's rather strange. He looks pre-Viking. But no such civilisation existed in pre-historic times, before the first ice age.
Walters: Proper Ice Warrior, isn't he, sir?

"Oh. Oh, well, in that case the answer's simple. A severe drop in the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's lower atmosphere. Is that it? I would use ionisation." ~ The Second Doctor

"Well, the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's atmosphere helps retain the sun's heat. Take that gas away, and there's a sudden freeze up." ~ The Second Doctor

Jamie: Victoria? You see how those lassies were dressed?
Victoria: Yes, I did. And trust you to think of something like that.
Jamie: Well, I couldn't help thinking about it.

"This headpiece is no warriors tin-hat. It's a highly sophisticated space helmet!" ~ The Second Doctor

"Our spaceship crashed at the foot of the ice mountain. As we came out to investigate, a great avalanche of snow buried us." ~ Varga

Jamie: Spacecraft! Hey, do you reckon that's where the warrior's gone back to?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, he didn't come by Shetland Pony, Jamie.

"What I like about you is if a polar bear got you you'd give him indigestion. Feeling fuzzy in the head, eh?" ~ Penley

"Well, there are advantages to living in a plant museum, even this close to the glacier. There's warmth and food. Selected ancient food plants. Tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, strawberries. A world out of Atlantis." ~ Penley

Victoria: What is that?
Varga: Sonic gun. It will burst your brain with noise.

"Well, he's a scientist and a bit inclined to have his head in the air. You know what they're like." ~ The Second Doctor

"You've been out on the mountain too long. It takes some people that way. Especially the brainy ones." ~ Storr

"If more of them come, we will destroy them. If no more of them come, we will know there are not enough of them to resist us." ~ Varga

"What do you mean, I'm only human? Well as a matter of fact..." ~ The Second Doctor

"No, please, please listen to me. Arden's dead, and Jamie's disappeared.  Don't you understand? They're ruthless killers and they'll stop at nothing. Now please, listen to me. There's no time to lose." ~ Victoria

"You are wrong, Zondal. She must answer some questions first. Why are they so interested in our engines? Why are they afraid?" ~ Varga

The 2nd Doctor: May I? There's something I need rather desperately.
Clent: Oh, what's that?
The 2nd Doctor: Water.

Garrett: Is that all you're taking?
The 2nd Doctor: Why, what else do I need?

"You don't expect me to face Clent alone? That mouth piece of the computer? He's got a printed circuit where his heart should be." ~ Penley

"Oh, my word!" ~ The Second Doctor

"Well, what good will that do? You are buried alive in the heart of this glacier. Time is desperately short. You've got no time to bargain over hostages." ~ The Second Doctor

"Weapon? But the ioniser is not a weapon.  It'll melt the ice and set you free!" ~ The Second Doctor

"If the ioniser sets off a nuclear holocaust, it will all have been in vain." ~ The Second Doctor

"The computer is playing for time. Now listen, all of you! We risk destruction either by a radioactive explosion or by the slow grind of the glaciers. Now there you see that the ice has advanced one hundred metres today." ~ Clent

"We only fight to win." ~ Varga

Penley: Oh don't be a fool, Clent. You're not a man, you're just a machine slave.
Clent: Don't you spit your stupid liberty in my face, Penley. We know your kind of freedom. Freedom to run away from responsibilities, from service, from moral judgement. I may be a physical coward, Penley, but you're a coward in the mind.
Penley: Well at least I have a mind and not a transistorised junction box. I would act, but you daren't. And so you're going to be destroyed along with your mechanical master.

"Our trust is in the great computer. With its aid, we cannot fail." ~ Garrett

"And it's supposed to come up with all the answers, isn't it? Well, a fat lot of good it's doing us now. Wait, it says, wait! With glaciers on the one hand, and warriors on the other! Well, what price your computer now. What we need is someone like Penley, or that Doctor. Somebody who can think. Not with a machine. And what good's your precious computer done anyway? Nothing! Nothing but trouble! And it's time somebody put a stop to it." ~ Walters

"It's not just a question of escape, Victoria. We've got to take some action. It's this gun that's given Varga control of the base. Without it he'd be helpless." ~ The Second Doctor

Varga: It can melt rock. What a weapon.
Garrett: It is not a weapon. It is a scientific instrument.
Varga: I see it differently.

Victoria: If it works, what happens?
The 2nd Doctor: That's just it. I don't know.

Victoria: You mean, it'll knock them out and leave the scientists a bit dizzy. Well, is that it?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, that's what I'm hoping, but there is just a vague risk that it'll kill everybody. Clent and Penley included.
Victoria: And Jamie?

"Varga, this is the Doctor. Are you going to retreat, or shall I fire again? The trouble is I dare not use it again. If it hasn't killed them all already, another firing most certainly will. Varga! Answer me or I fire again!" ~ The Second Doctor

"Because Jamie, the computer is faced with an insoluble problem. Either way it risks destroying itself and this it cannot do. It must play safe." ~ The Second Doctor

"This is a decision for a man to take, not a machine. The computer isn't designed to take risks, but that is the essence of man's progress. We must decide." ~ Penley

Notions about Mars, current in 1967 but now known to be false, also inform the programme, such as the nitrogen atmosphere of Mars which causes the Ice Warriors' breathing difficulties on Earth. In truth, the atmospher of Mars is about 96% Carbon Dioxide and only 1.9% nitrogen.

The theories of a "nuclear winter" and "a New Ice Age" are the basis for the setting of the story. The disputes between the scientists seem to represent the debate amongst scientists over the validity of these theories. The idea of weather manipulation had appeared in The Moonbase and would reappear in The Enemy of the World, which followed from this story, and in the next Ice Warriors story, The Seeds of Death.

A real bear was used in specially shot film inserts (as opposed to stock footage).

Miss Garrett's entire costume unexpectedly changes between the fifth and sixth episodes. Her outfit in the sixth episode is the same one she was wearing in episode one.

Brian Hayles envisioned the eponymous Ice Warriors as Viking-like cybernetic creatures, with high-tech instruments on their armour and helmets. Costume designer Martin Baugh, however, saw the creatures as more reptilian, with the armour and helmet actually appearing as part of the monsters' carapace. 

This story was thought lost until 1988, when four surviving episodes of The Ice Warriors turned up at The BBC Enterprises' Villiers House. They were only discovered as the company was in the process of moving out of the building.  The film for parts 2 & 3 remain lost in time, but the episodes have been reconstructed with animated action to go along with the original soundtrack.

Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

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