The 2nd Doctor: Yes, that's it! I knew it, I knew it. It's incredible. Right. Oh no. No, not India. This is Tibet. That's where we are, Tibet. Now, there's no time to be lost. Come along, Jamie, we must find the ghanta.
Jamie: The what?
The 2nd Doctor: The ghanta, the ghanta. I put it here somewhere. Come along, Jamie, help me.
Victoria: Down there?
Jamie: Oh, don't ask me. When you've been with the Doctor as long as I have, you begin to realise you don't know what he's talking about. We'd better find this bell of his.
Victoria: Oh, wait a minute, Jamie.
Jamie: What. Hey, what's that?
Victoria: Where?
Jamie: A great sort of hairy beastie. Turn the thing back.
Victoria: Oh.
Jamie: No, to the right.
Victoria: I am.
Jamie: Downwards. That's it, there. Oh no, my mistake. The great hairy beastie, it's the Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: No, I think it'd be better if I went alone.
Jamie: You've seen something haven't you? Would it not be better I went with you?
Victoria: Is there something dangerous then, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, good heavens, no. No, there's nothing for you to worry about. Now, you stay here with Jamie, inside, and I'll be as quick as I can.
Travers: Don't pretend. They're here, somewhere on these mountains.
The 2nd Doctor: What are?.
Travers: You know. The Yeti. The Abominable Snowmen.
The 2nd Doctor: No, no. Just wait. No one seems to want to listen to me and everyone is jumping to the wrong conclusions. Now, you seem to be a reasonable sort of chap. What's going on here?
Thomni: We are besieged. The Yeti have turned upon us. At least, that is what we thought until
The 2nd Doctor: Until I turned up. I see. Every time I visit Detsen the monastery seems to be in some sort of trouble or another.
Khrisong: You heard the word of Travers. He's an Englishman, a stranger. He's a killer. Let me tie him to the gate. If the Yeti come to rescue him, we will know the truth, and my warriors will be waiting.
Sapan: But if he is innocent?
Khrisong: My warriors will protect him.
Khrisong: Is this true?
The 2nd Doctor: Of course.
Khrisong: Then why did you not tell me?
The 2nd Doctor: You'd already accused me of murder. You were hardly in the right frame of mind to listen to my story of how I came by the bell, now where you? Oh please.
Jamie: Hey, Doctor, if you really want to capture one of these beasties, I think I have an idea which might just work.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh. Victoria?
Jamie: Eh?
The 2nd Doctor: Victoria, I think this is one of those instances where discretion is the better part of valour. Jamie has an idea. Come along.
Songsten: What have you been doing, my brothers?
Sapan: We have built a spirit trap about the monster, my Abbot.
Songsten: This is well thought, Sapan. You are wise.
"They came to get their ball back." ~ The Third Doctor
"Now, Songsten, observe. These three Yeti are waiting for you. Take this pyramid I have prepared. Take it to the caves. Then the Great Intelligence will focus upon this planet. Soon it will begin to grow and at last take on physical form. At last its wanderings in space will be at an end. My work will then be done. Go now, Songsten. Do as I have asked." ~ Padmasambhava
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, that's what's worrying me. It's too quiet. We've not seen a sign of the Yeti since we left those three back there.
Jamie: Well, let's just be grateful and get to the Tardis.
The 2nd Doctor: I don't like it. There's something happening on this mountain. I can feel it.
Jamie: Here, you're giving me the willies. Come on.
Jamie: Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, Jamie, I believe I have.
Jamie: What are you going to do?
The 2nd Doctor: Bung a rock at it.
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, you don't seem to understand.
Jamie: Oh, don't I though? While you're fiddling with that thing, this sphere is calling up all the Yeti in creation.
The 2nd Doctor: What a perfect opportunity to trace the main transmitter.
Jamie: Aye, and a perfect opportunity to get ourselves killed.
Victoria: A stranger? Of course, the Doctor. They're one and the same man.
Thomni: But three hundred years?
Victoria: Oh, dear. Well, I know this sounds silly, but the Doctor can travel through time and space. He has a machine, you see, and, well, I don't really understand it myself. It's rather difficult to explain.
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, give me the sphere. Give me the box.
Jamie: What now?
The 2nd Doctor: Move forward very slowly. Jamie, when I say run, run. Run like the wind. Don't worry about me.
Jamie: Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Now, Jamie, please. No heroics, Jamie.
The 2nd Doctor: What are those readings again, Jamie? Jamie, the readings?
Jamie: What? What?
The 2nd Doctor: The readings?
Jamie: I'm sorry, I was thinking of Victoria.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, I know, but there's nothing we can do about her.
Victoria: Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, Victoria.
Victoria: There is great danger. You must take me away. Take me away. Take me away!
Padmasambhava: Intelligence. Formless in space. I astral travelled.
The 2nd Doctor: I see. You made mental contact with this intelligence?
Padmasambhava: It used my mind. It controls my body.
The 2nd Doctor: But why?
Padmasambhava: Experiment. Wished material form. A voice, it said. I believed. Experiment. But now. Help. You must help me.
Travers: Look, I've been taking a look up the mountain. Those robots are still there. They're just standing, not moving. I don't like it.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes. I think things are coming to a head.
Travers: What are they up to? What are they waiting for?
The 2nd Doctor: Instructions.
Thomni: You have killed him.
Songsten: I?
Voice [OC]: Songsten, kill them!
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, grab hold of him. His hands.
The 2nd Doctor: I will stay here, Thomni.
Jamie: Oh, me too.
Victoria: Why?
The 2nd Doctor: I have to. This things that's here, this evil, it will spread. It has to be stopped and I think I can do it. Thomni, will you help me? It will be dangerous.
Thomni: You can rid us of this evil?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, I think I can. And if we succeed, the monks will be able to return.
The 2nd Doctor: These small Yeti models. Their movements must be mirrored by the real robots?
Songsten: True.
The 2nd Doctor: But there must be a control. A machine that gives out the orders. Now, where is that control?
Songsten: The sanctum.
The 2nd Doctor: But I have seen the sanctum.
Songsten: Throne. Behind the throne there lies a hidden room.
The 2nd Doctor: Now don't forget. I will go into the sanctum first and deal with Padmasambhava. And, as soon as it's safe, make for the curtain behind the throne. That's where the control room is.
Thomni: But when we have destroyed the machine, what'll happen?
The 2nd Doctor: I haven't the faintest idea.
Jamie: What?
The 2nd Doctor: Don't worry, Jamie. It's going to be all right.
Jamie: Hey, we might all be blown to smithereens.
Jamie: A nip? A nip? Just look at my knees. They're bright blue.
The 2nd Doctor: What a horrible sight.
Jamie: Could you not land us somewhere warmer next time?
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, you never know, do you?
"The Abominable Snowmen" marks the first appearance of Professor Travers, the Great Intelligence and the Yeti. Reg Whitehead, who was known to Who fans as the first Cyberman, also had he somewhat dubious distinction of being the first Yeti.
The story takes place in Tibet in 1935, with the North Wales mountain pass at Nant Ffrancon doubled as Tibet.
The weather in the Welsh locations proved problematic. A lack of snow - compounded by several days of rain, making the ground muddy and slippery - meant that the filmed footage failed to convey the wintry setting suggested in the script.
Whitehead relays a story in which, after several days of rain, the weather finally decided to cooperate, and they went up the mountain to find two college students camped out in the middle of their location. Director Gerald Blake sent Whitehead up to shake the tent lines, scaring the occupants, who fled in terror. It turned out well in the end though, as they explained to the students that they were filming a story and invited the pair to watch.
The rain also caused trouble for the actors, particularly those in the Yeti costumes, who found themselves falling frequently. Deborah Watling recalled an incident in which she was being chased down the mountain by the Yeti, only to suddenly the see the Yeti go rolling past her down the mountain, after the actor had lost his footing.
The character of Professor Travers is played by Jack Watling, the father of actress Deborah Watling, who portrayed Victoria.
Only Episode 2 remains of the original broadcast, and it is available on the Lost In Time DVD. The episode was thought lost until 1982, when it was recovered by a private collector.
Good snapshot reconstructions of the remaining episodes were done by Loose Cannon Productions.
A shot of Padmasambhava's wizened head melting, was filmed for the final episode, but was considered too horrific and went unused.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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