"Look at him. Archaeologist written all over him." ~ Viner
"This is an archaeological expedition. We're searching the universe for the last remains of the Cybermen." ~ Parry
"We know they died out many centuries ago. What we don't know is why they died out." ~ Viner
The 2nd Doctor: I'm afraid that that became impossible the moment that name was mentioned.
Victoria: What name?
The 2nd Doctor: Cybermen.
The 2nd Doctor: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit...
The 2nd Doctor: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh no, not really. It's all based upon symbolic logic, the same as you use in computers. The opening mechanism for this door, an OR gate. you call it.
Klieg: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, I use my own special technique.
Klieg: Oh really, Doctor? And may we know what that is?
The 2nd Doctor: Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.
"No, not really. I think it's about time we gave Mister Klieg a chance to show off his archaeological skills? I love to see the experts at work, don't you?" ~ The Second Doctor
"Will you please be careful. The first rule of archaeological work is that nothing must be touched until its been described and recorded." ~ Viner
Parry: Really, Doctor, for an archaeologist you seem to be curiously lacking in curiosity.
The 2nd Doctor: Some things are better left undone, and I have a feeling that this is one of them.
"You see, if you take any progressive series it can be converted into binary notation. If you take the sum of the integrants, and express the result as a power series, then the indices show the basic binary blocks. Only I wouldn't do it if I were you. Oh no, I really wouldn't do it!" ~ The Second Doctor
"You fool! Why couldn't you leave it alone! Perhaps the Cybermen aren't quite as dormant as you imagine!" ~ The Second Doctor
"Oh, I wouldn't touch it if I were you." ~ Jaime
"Oh, aye. A what?" ~ Jaime
"The tombs of the Cybermen must be below ground, together with all their records. If we can't get down there, all our work here and the sacrifice of that unfortunate fellow's life will go in vain." ~ Parry
The 2nd Doctor: Oh Jamie, don't touch that control!
Jamie: I already have. What's the matter Doctor?
"Cybermen? A live Cyberman? My dear Viner, they've been dead for the last five hundred years." ~ Parry
"No I don't think so. I think it's a testing room for weapons. This is a purely robotic Cyberman. There's no human material in it at all. He's a target for weapons." ~ The Second Doctor
"Yes, here we are. Yes, it's a Cybermat. I'd leave it alone if I were you. Come along." ~ The Second Doctor
(Victoria puts the Cybermat into her huge handbag.)
"This directly concerns my expedition. You will kindly take your place. Right, I'll come straight to the point. I have reluctantly decided to abandon the expedition and return to Earth. I feel as strongly about it as you. This expedition has been my dream for many years. But there were those like Mister Viner who said that more preparation was needed, more men and equipment. I refused to heed their warnings and the result is that two men have died. I'm sorry, but we must leave at the first available conjunction. We'll take back all we can for further study, of course, but that is my decision and that is what we must do." ~ Parry
"Everything yields to logic. Our basic assumption, Doctor." ~ Kaftan
"I think perhaps your logic is wearing a little thin." ~ The Second Doctor
Jamie: Tombs? I don't see any tombs.
The 2nd Doctor: In there, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked away with them. And so it must remain.
"Of course you're forgetting your logic. If it closes it can be opened, from here." ~ Klieg
"Back. Keep back! Let's see what happens. As the Professor says, this is a unique archaeological event. It would be such a pity to miss it." ~ Klieg
"Logic, my dear Professor, logic and power. On Earth the Brotherhood of Logicians is the greatest man intelligence ever assembled. But that's not enough by itself. We need power. Power to put our ability into action. The Cybermen have this power. I have come here to find it and use it." ~ Klieg
"You belong to us. You shall be like us." ~ Controller
"Well, don't you see? They only wanted superior intellects. That's why they made the trap so complicated." ~ The Second Doctor
"Now look, are you going to help me or not? They're probably freezing to death down there. If you're not going to help me, I'm going to pull every one of those levers on that board and see what happens." ~ Vicoria
"Our history computer has full details of you. We know of your intelligence. Our machinery had stopped and our supply of replacements been depleted. You had destroyed our first planet and we were becoming extinct. We will survive. We will survive. Now you will help us." ~ Controller
"Ah, you scream real good, Vic! Thanks a lot." ~ Hopper
"Is he always like that?" ~ Victoria
"Do you still think you can form an alliance with the Cybermen, Mister Klieg?" ~ The Second Doctor
"Release the cyber mats. We will use the power of cybernetics." ~ Controller
"But this time we have the power, at least you do. The gun, Eric, the gun. You have the Cybermen's own weapon, this laser to turn against them. Now they will have to obey. If they refuse, we shall destroy the opening device and seal them up in their tomb forever. Now do you understand?" ~ Kaftan
Victoria: You probably can't remember your family.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh yes, I can when I want to. And that's the point, really. I have to really want to, to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they sleep in my mind, and I forget. And so will you. Oh yes, you will.
"Yes, quite safe now. The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say that they've had a complete metal breakdown." ~ The Second Doctor
"You still think you can bargain with the Cybermen?" ~ The Second Doctor
Klieg: They're coming. And now, gentlemen, you will see how I shall use the power of the Cybermen.
The 2nd Doctor: Use maybe, but you'll never control the Cybermen.
The 2nd Doctor: I think not. I think there must be some sort of internal timing mechanism. Jamie, I hope you made those ropes secure.
Jamie: Oh, the King of the beasties himself couldnae get out of that one.
The 2nd Doctor: Good!
(The Cyber Controller punches his way out easily.)
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime.
"Cybermen do not promise. Such ideas have no value." ~ Cyber Controller
"Toberman, you see what these creatures have done to you? They've tried to make you like them. Do you understand? They've tried to make you their slave. They just want to use you. They are evil. Think of Kaftan. They must be destroyed, do you see? Evil must be destroyed, Now, come!" ~ The 2nd Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: You know, I've heard all this before somewhere.
Jamie: You know your trouble? You talk too much.
"Well now I know you're mad. I just wanted to make sure." ~ The Second Doctor
"I'm going to re-electrify the main doors. Only this time I'm going to include the hatch and the control panel. Anyone touching any of them will get a considerable shock. In fact, a fatal one." ~ The Second Doctor
"Tomb of the Cybermen" is the earliest Patrick Troughton Doctor Who serial to exist in its entirety and was the only serial from his first two seasons to survive until the complete serial "The Enemy of the World" from the same season was discovered in Nigeria in 2013. Believed lost for nearly 25 years, a complete copy of "The Tomb of the Cybermen" was recovered in 16mm format from TV Asia in Hong Kong in 1992.
Patrick Troughton and Frazer Hines worked out in secret, without the knowledge of director Morris Barry, the brief sequence where both the Doctor and Jamie go to take Victoria by the hand and end up taking each others, in the knowledge that, with the recording schedule and the likelihood that re-takes would not be possible, it would have to be left in.
The role of Kaftan was written especially for Shirley Cooklin. She was married to producer Peter Bryant at the time. Frazer Hines inadvertently embarrassed himself on this day when he began flirting with Cooklin, not realising that she was his boss' wife.
Toberman was described in the original scripts as wearing a hearing aid (tying in with the fact that he was virtually mute and perhaps with the story's theme of cybernisation), but this idea was dropped at the request of director Morris Barry.
A scene in which ooze pours out of a dying Cyberman was one of the first complaints the show had about violence. The content of the serial prompted a debate on the BBC series "Talkback", hosted by David Coleman, in which writer Kit Pedler defended the series against complaints from viewers that it was too violent for children.
Matt Smith watched The Tomb of the Cybermen in preparation for playing The Doctor. This immediately made him a fan of the series and was even inspired to wear a bow tie because of Patrick Troughton. Smith also said this was the scariest Cybermen story ever.
The planet of Telos is portrayed by Gerrards Cross Sand and Gravel Pit at Waspey's Woods in Buckinghamshire.
This episode is available for streaming on Amazon & Netflix.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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