"Police? Commandant here. In-bound aircraft reports obstruction on intersection of runways Five and Two. Investigate and report back. Police Box." ~ Commandant
The 2nd Doctor: This man was electrocuted. His clothes are all scorched!
Polly: It was definitely some kind of a gun, Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Maybe. But not one that's not been developed yet on this planet.
Commandant: You say this girl actually witnessed a murder?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, she saw the man killed.
Jamie: He was electrocuted with a ray gun.
Commandant: A what?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, what does it matter what sort of gun. The point is he was killed and my friend saw it happen.
Commandant: Ray gun, burnt fibres, foreign stamps...
The 2nd Doctor: Unused foreign stamps.
Commandant: All right, unused foreign stamps. I must be as mad as you are even to be listening you.
The 2nd Doctor: Now where have you been, Polly?
Polly: Polly? My name isn't Polly. You must have made a mistake. I've never seen them before in my life
"Jamie, I don't think we're very welcome here. When I say run, we run." ~ The Second Doctor
Jamie: A fine chance we have of doing that with Polly kidding on she doesnae know us.
The 2nd Doctor: I don't think Polly was kidding on. In fact I don't think that was Polly.
Jamie: Of course, it was Polly. You saw her.
The 2nd Doctor: You don't want to believe everything you see, Jamie.
Jamie: What is this place?
Ben: It's a machine that takes your photograph.
Jamie: Photograph?
Ben: Well, you see, you've got your...
The 2nd Doctor: No, Ben, not now.
Commandant: All right, Jean. I'll handle this. Take this man away, put him under lock and key and keep him there.
The 2nd Doctor: One step nearer and I'll blow you all to smithereens! Catch!
Crossland: Can you describe them to me?
Jenkins: One was a scruffy-looking man, medium-height, wearing a frock-coat. the other was a Scots boy dressed in a kilt.
Crossland: Oh, they shouldn't be too hard to find.
Samantha: Oh, do you always do everything you're told?
Jamie: No. But the Doctor trusts me.
Samantha: Yeah, that's your trouble isn't it. All right, stay here. After all, they can only murder me. Ta-ra.
The 2nd Doctor: Very well. Next, I believe Chameleon Tours to be merely a front, a cover.
Commandant: For what?
The 2nd Doctor: For the mass kidnapping of young people.
Commandant: And is all this supposed to be taking place in my airport?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, in view of the facts that I've already presented, the ray gun, this pen and one or two other things, I think we're dealing with people who are not from this planet.
Commandant: That hardly answers my que...What did you say?
The 2nd Doctor: You see, I knew you wouldn't believe me.
Crossland: I personally will investigate Chameleon Tours. Then I'll report back to you here if I've found out anything. But in the meantime, if you could just keep everything going as normal, you understand? We don't want them to get wind of anything.
Commandant: No, no, no, no, no. Doctor, I'll give you the freedom of the airport for twelve hours, heaven help me. At the end of that time I shall expect you back here with some real facts this time.
The 2nd Doctor: Thank you, Commandant.
Meadows 2: Sorry.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, it's all right. It's quite my fault. Haven't I met you somewhere before?
Meadows 2: I don't think so.
The 2nd Doctor: You must have a double.
The 2nd Doctor: Jamie, have you ever known me to be mistaken?
Jamie: Aye.
The 2nd Doctor: Commandant, did the Inspector say where he was going?
Commandant: Hmm? Oh, he said he was going to make some enquires about Chameleon Tours.
The 2nd Doctor: And now he's disappeared?
Commandant: Aren't you rather jumping to conclusions?
The 2nd Doctor: I don't think so. My two friends became involved with Chameleon Tours and they've both disappeared. However, you know what I think's happened.
Commandant: Yes, and you know what I think about your ridiculous theory. People from outer space, indeed.
Commandant: What do you mean? Never deliver any passengers.
Jean: It's absolutely true, sir. They all say the same thing. Dubrovnik, Athens, Rome. They say they pick up young passengers to take them off to other places, but none of them ever arrive anywhere.
Commandant: Well in that case, they must be flying these young people to some secret airfield. But why?
The 2nd Doctor: You're still thinking in Earth terms.
Ann [on monitor]: S Briggs has already checked in.
Samantha [on monitor]: Oh no. Well, who the heck? Look, can you remember what she looked like?
Ann [on monitor]: She? I seem to remember a boy with that ticket.
Samantha [on monitor]: Jamie. He's pinched it. Look, you have to stop him.
The 2nd Doctor: How high can fighters go these days, Commandant?
Commandant: Oh, ten miles plus.
The 2nd Doctor: How futile.
Commandant: You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still, it is in point of fact dropping straight down.
The 2nd Doctor: What about straight up?
Commandant: Oh, my dear Doctor. To get above our radar umbrella like that it'd have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high. The darned thing would be in outer space.
The 2nd Doctor: Exactly.
The 2nd Doctor: Why are you abducting all these young people?
Meadows 2: We had a catastrophe on our planet. A gigantic explosion. As you've seen, we have lost our identities. My people are dying out.
Commandant: But what use would our people be to you?
Meadows 2: Our scientists devised a process so that we could take on the physical characteristics of another being.
Samantha: Well, you should know. You got him to pinch me ticket.
The 2nd Doctor: Pinch your ticket?
Samantha: To stop me from going to Rome.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh. You mean Jamie has
Samantha: Has gone in my place.
The 2nd Doctor: First Polly and Ben, now Jamie. We've no time to lose.
Jamie: Inspector, what is this place?
Cossland: A satellite, Jamie. A flying ship in space. These people are from another planet. It seems the Doctor was right after all. Does anyone down there believe him yet?
Jamie: Oh, I'm not sure. I don't think so.
The 2nd Doctor: These people must not be arrested.
Commandant: Why not?
The 2nd Doctor: Somewhere in outer space, there are fifty thousand young people, three of my friends amongst them, and somehow we've got to bring them back. I want to get on this last flight, which means the Chameleons must think that everything is going according to plan.
Blade: We have found two impostors. The Doctor and Nurse Pinto. I want permission to have them destroyed.
Director: One moment. What do you know about the Doctor?
Jamie 2: He is not of this Earth or of this century. He has travelled through time and space. His knowledge is even greater than ours.
Director: What did you hope to achieve here?
The 2nd Doctor: A chance to plead with you for the lives of fifty thousand young people.
Director: They're only human beings.
The 2nd Doctor: And what are you?
Director: We are the most intelligent race in the universe.
Blade: What did you mean about our originals?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, as I see it, there are two categories. People like your Director and that man over there whose originals are safe on board here. And then there are people like you two, whose originals have been left behind at Gatwick airport. If they're tampered with, you're finished.
Samantha: Yeah. You see it suddenly dawned on me, what would they be doing with so many coaches?
Jean: Oh, why didn't that occur to me?
Samantha: Oh, you haven't got all the brains in London you know. Twenty five. There you are. Twenty five car numbers, twenty five people.
The 2nd Doctor: By the time they tell you that there's nothing wrong with it, you'll all have disintegrated, except of course the Director.
Director: Be quiet. This has nothing to do with you.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, you're quite right, it only concerns these two. I'll keep my mouth shut.
The 2nd Doctor: Our Tardis. Our police box.
Commandant: Ah Bruxelles. Oui, j'accord.
The 2nd Doctor: The police box on the runway.
Commandant: Oh, yes, of course. Jean, see that the Doctor gets his property back, will you? Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you so much.
The 2nd Doctor: Thank you, Commandant.
Ben: Well, we won't leave, Doctor, if you really need us.
Polly: The thing is, it is our world.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, I know. You're lucky, I never got back to mine.
"The Faceless Ones" is notable for being the last ever story to feature Ben And Polly. Anneke Wills recalls that Ben was being written out of the show as they felt two male companions was too much. Wills was asked if she wanted to stay on, but chose to leave with Ben Craze, in part as a show of support, and in part because she didn't want to be typecast. Neither character appears after episode two, except for the goodbye scene in episode six, which was pre-recorded.
This was also the last serial in which Shawcraft did the model work. The production office had expressed dissatisfaction with Shawcraft's work, especially with the large, and costly Macra prop. Further problems with the space station model for "The Faceless Ones" lead to the termination of their involvement with the show.
Malcolm Hulke and David Ellis' original pitch was called "The Big Store", which involved aliens who had taken over a London department store and were using it as a front for their invasion of Earth. One group of aliens was a faceless breed, artificially given human features in order to replace people kidnapped in the store. It was decided that an airport would be a better setting.
With the change in setting, the working title for this story became "The Chameleons". Chameleon Tours was originally named Pied Piper Tours.
In the original script, the Doctor and Ben investigated the hangar but failed to find Polly, being menaced instead by a falling engine (rather than gas), and Ben and Sam then rescued Polly in episode three.
Samantha Briggs was supposed to become a main companion, but Pauline Collins declined the offer, despite personal appeals by Innes Lloyd and even Frazer Hines. Collins would later play Queen Victoria in Tooth and Claw.
A new arrangement of the theme tune produced by Delia Derbyshire (with assistance from Dick Mills) to match the new title sequence makes its debut in episode two. The new title sequence featuring Patrick Troughton's face was first used in the previous story, but with the original theme tune used (as well as on Episode One of this story) due to a production mistake. This new arrangement remained in use (with some variations) until 1980.
Episodes 2, and 4 through 6 exist in audio format only. Episodes 1 and 3 can be found on the Lost In Time DVD. The missing episodes have been recreated by Loose Canon Productions.
As well as the complete print of Episode 1, the BBC Archives also hold an incomplete copy returned from ABC in Australia in 1981 after censors had removed the following scenes: 'Spencer' killing Inspector Gascoigne with a Chameleon ray-gun; the alien arm emerging from the cupboard; and panning shots of the alien figure – seen only from behind – at the end of the episode.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969 DVD is available from Amazon.com
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