Jamie: Have you no sense? Have you forgotten what we saw on that time scanner?
Polly: Don't. It was horrible.
Jamie: Aye. Well, I'm not being left without nothing to defend ourselves with.
Jamie: Er, any good asking?
The 2nd Doctor: Where we are? Well, according to my calculations we're certainly in the future and on a planet very like the Earth.
Jamie: How do you know?
The 2nd Doctor: I don't know. I'm guessing.
Jamie: Keep your eyes skinned.
Polly: Why? What's the matter?
Jamie: They're a weird sort of folk. I don't know that I understand them.
"Precisely. Who wants to see their face in a pair of suede shoes?" ~ The Second Doctor
"I don't see things, Questa, you fool. There are things. Horrible things. Creatures infesting this camp at night." ~ Medok
"I'm going to set you free. Just hold still a minute. There we are. One more. Don't bother to say thank you. Now, tell me something about these things that you see. Do they, for instance, appear to crawl slowly over the ground?" ~ The Second Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: He can run, you know. He's got legs. He doesn't have to crawl over the ground.
Ola: Why do you say that?
The 2nd Doctor: No reason. No reason at all.
Ola: Anyone who spreads that kind of rumour in this Colony will find himself in the hospital for correction.
Medok: All right, if you really want to know. It's hard to say. They move at night, in the dark. And horrible. Creatures like giant insects.
The 2nd Doctor: With big claws?
Pilot: You have already been told. He has refused to cooperate and to obey orders. He suffers from hallucinations.
The 2nd Doctor: Ah, that's the point. Does he?
"This is an emergency. Control must be believed and obeyed! No one on the Colony believes in Macra! There is no such thing as Macra! Macra do not exist! There are no Macra!" ~ Control
Polly: Doctor? What on earth are you doing?
The 2nd Doctor: I've been scotching a rumour. Or should I say scorching.
"I take orders from no one but the Doctor." ~ Jaime
"I saw it. A huge face, like an insect, or a giant crab. It was horrible and it was looking at us and it had claws. Claws like we saw on the time scanner." ~ Polly
Ben: There is nothing evil or harmful in this colony.
Polly: How can you believe that stuff?
Ben: It stands to reason. It's safe. There is nothing here!
Ben: No. There were no such creatures.
Polly: Ben!
Ben: There are no such things as Macra.
Polly: But you saw them!
Ben: There were no such creatures! There are no such things as Macra!
"Dreadful. Did you hear that rhyme? The man who wrote that ought to be sent to the Danger Gang, not us." ~ The Second Doctor
"Don't bother to explain to them. Just get them to work." ~ Ola
The 2nd Doctor: Well, I'm not sure I understand all this machinery myself.
Jamie: Do you not think you might make better use of the opportunity, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: What do you mean? Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Yes, I'll be supervisor.
Pilot: Where did you find it?
The 2nd Doctor: What?
Pilot: The formula.
The 2nd Doctor: In my head. You know.
Pilot: Don't lie. That is a secret known only to three people in the Colony.
The 2nd Doctor: And you're one of them, I'd say.
Ben: I don't know what I'm going to do. I've got these voices in my head. Sometimes I just think I'm having a bad dream.
Sunna: But the voices are here to help us. They are our friends.
Ben: That's it. What about my friends?
The 2nd Doctor: Before we act, we must think. Now, the Macra that have come to the surface of this planet have not found sufficient gas in the atmosphere, so they've had to get somebody to pump it up from down below.
Polly: But if it's life and death to them, why do they waste it? Why divert it into the old shaft?
The 2nd Doctor: That's obvious, Polly, obvious. Because there's something trapped down there they wish to keep alive.
"I'm doing my best, Polly. I'm thinking at top speed." ~ The Second Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: Now I think there's only one thing for it. Plus must be made minus and minus must be made plus.
Polly: What's the matter?
The 2nd Doctor: The question is, which is plus and which is minus?
Polly: Doctor, what are you doing?
The 2nd Doctor: It's all right, Polly, confusion is best left to the experts.
Officia: But stop it. You've no idea what you're doing.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh yes, I have. I can stand an operation on its head quicker than anyone.
The 2nd Doctor: They're like germs in the human body. They've got into the body of this colony. They're living as parasites.
Polly: You make it sound like a disease.
The 2nd Doctor: Polly, that's what I think they are.
"There must be no discussion with the strangers!" ~ Control
The 2nd Doctor: There you are. That's what's taken over this Colony. You haven't been in touch with Control, but with these. They've used this Colony for their own ends, destroying you to live themselves.
Pilot: Why, they're horrible. No, Doctor. It is they who must be destroyed. We must kill them.
Control [OC]: It is forbidden to touch that instrument! You must not obey the Doctor! You will kill us all! He intends to create an explosion! Come away from those instruments! You will destroy the Colony!
Ben: Oh, shut up. Okay, Doctor. Fire away.
Ben: Yeah, I just heard it on the grapevine. They're going to draft us as members of the Colony, and make you the next Pilot.
The 2nd Doctor: They can't do that to me. Let's get out of here.
Ben: Yes, but how?
The 2nd Doctor: Take a leaf out of Jamie's book. Give them the old dance routine.
The original exists only as an audio track. A nice Loose Cannon produced reconstruction of all four parts is available.
The Macra seen to be in charge in the last episode is white rather than black, a scene for which the sole Macra prop had to be repainted.
This story is the first to use a new title sequence incorporating an image of Patrick Troughton's face, designed by Bernard Lodge and realised by Ben Palmer. A new arrangement of the theme tune was also produced by Delia Derbyshire with assistance from Dick Mills for the title sequence. Due to a production error it was not used until the following story.
The Macra were originally giant insects but it was thought that they would be too similar to The Zarbi from The Web Planet. They were then changed to giant crabs, although some of the dialogue comparing them to insects remains in the script.
The Macra are again seen in the NuWho Series 3 episode "Gridlock", although those Macra have devolved and are no longer intelligent, empire building monsters.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969
is available at Amazon.com
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