"That picture canna be the moon. The moon's way up in the sky." ~ Jamie
"Well, it looks like some sort of weather control centre? Ah, yes. And that's the thing with which you control the weather. That's the culprit, then. That's what gave us such a bumpy landing. Some sort of gravity device?" ~ The Second Doctor
"A Doctor? You're arrived just in time. We need your help." ~ Hobson
"The gravitron there controls the tides, the tides controls the weather. And from this console here we plot it all on that map. Simple, eh?" ~ Benoit
"We'd better get out of these things and see how Jamie is. Perhaps I could be of help in the sick bay now." ~ The Second Doctor
"Some legend of his clan. As far as I can make out, this piper appears to a McCrimmon just before he dies." ~ Polly
"There's something about this epidemic that I don't quite understand. It's not like a real disease at all." ~ The Second Doctor
"Anyone would think we've got rats up here." ~ Ralph
"You see, on the moon they have a fortnight of days and a fortnight of nights. They have to make their own day and night artificially up here, or it would upset their whole biological time clock. They won't know whether they were coming or going. Get it?" ~ The Second Doctor
"I don't understand what could have happened. I must have dozed off or something. One thing I am sure of. Something went out of that door just as you came in." ~ Polly
"Oh, Doctor! Doctor, it was horrible. A great creature like a, like a Cyberman." ~ Polly
"Stop this Cyberman nonsense. There were Cybermen, every child knows that, but they were all destroyed ages ago." ~ Hobson
"That's enough. Now let's have a little calm thinking. For the past two weeks a completely unknown disease has appeared in the base. People drop in their tracks, they develop this black pattern on their skin. Then some of the patients disappear, right? Well, they can't leave the base without wearing space suits, and there are no space suits missing, so where are they?" ~ Hobson
"Because there is something evil here and we must stay. There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought." ~ The Second Doctor
Polly: Listen, are you really a medical doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, I think I was once, Polly. I think I took a degree once in Glasgow. 1888 I think. Lister.
"The fault must be here. This could be a major disaster if we can't stabilise the Earth's field." ~ Hobson
"Well, there's no sign of any improvement here. We've just had a report from Miami, Florida. Thirty minutes ago they were enjoying clear skies and a heat wave. Now Hurricane Lucy is right overhead." ~ Rinberg
"Oh no, I can't be alive. I've just seen the piper." ~ Jamie
"Well, it's simple. Strangers arrive period 11, the gravitron goes up the spout period 12. Come on. It's time we put that Doctor and his friend in cold storage." ~Hobson
Polly: Doctor, it wouldn't, I mean it couldn't possibly have anything to do with Lister, could it?
Doctor: Lister?
Polly: Well, I mean, you did say that you took your degree in Glasgow in 1888. It does seem an awful long time from now, 2070 or whatever it is.
Doctor: Polly, are you suggesting that I'm not competent to carry out these tests?
Polly: Oh, no. No, no, no, no. I was just wondering if there was anything that Joseph Lister didn't know in 1888 that might possibly help you now.
"It's the sugar! Don't you see? That's why the disease doesn't affect everyone. It's the sugar. Not everyone takes it. No, don't touch it." ~ The Second Doctor
"My men have searched every square inch of the base. There's no space to hide a cat, let alone a Cyberman! Anyhow, how did they get in?" ~ Hobson
"You will remain here. If you leave you will be converted like the others." ~ Cyberman
"We are going to take over the Gravitron and use it to destroy the surface of the Earth by changing the weather." ~ Cyberman
"Feelings? Feelings? Yes, we know of this weakness of yours. We are fortunate. We do not posses feelings." ~ Cyberman
"It was very simple. Only stupid Earth brains like yours would have been fooled. Since we couldn't approach direct, we came up under the surface and cut our way in through your store room, contaminating your food supply on the way. A simple hole, that's all." ~ Cyberman
"You see, it's simple. Nail varnish remover dissolves nail varnish. Nail varnish is a plastic. So we do what Jamie says. We sprinkle them, see?" ~ Polly
"Thought so. Sonic control. That should be easy." ~ The Second Doctor
"Now listen, everybody. I don't know how many more of these Cybermen there are, but our point of view we're under siege. I'll reckon they will be back in a bit." ~ Hobson
"You are surrounded. All resistance is useless." ~ Cyberman
"I refuse to believe that. Everything's got a weak point. It's just a question of waiting until it shows up, that's all." ~ The Second Doctor
"It doesn't depend on us, though. It depends on what the Cybermen are hatching up. If a rocket is on it's way, they're bound to be aware of that already." ~ The Second Doctor
"I know, Roger. It's tough on all of us but the lives of millions of people depend on this weather control unit." ~ Hobson
Hobson: They've punctured the dome!
Benoit: The oxygen masks! Quick everyone, take a mask. Over there.
"Blimey, I'll be after a job as a copper when I get back to 1966." ~ Ben
Benoit: Doctor, are you all right?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes, of course.
"How far down can this be aimed? Can it be brought to bear on the surface of the moon?" ~ The Second Doctor
"And Doctor, what the? Oh well, perhaps it's just as well. We've got enough madmen here already." ~ Hobson
The working title for "The Moonbase" was The Return of the Cybermen. The story is set on the moon in 2070.
The Cybermen were originally to look a lot more like ghosts, with "shrouds" over their once-human faces, but in early pre-production it was decided to redesign the costumes for a more robotic, silvery look.
Jules is played by Victor Pemberton, one of his few acting roles. He also worked as a story editor on "Tomb of the Cybermen" and wrote the script for "Fury from the Deep".
In the early summer of 1966 the first two things to be established about this serial, designated production "HH", were its four-part length which was dictated by the budget it was allocated, and the fact that William Hartnell would not be appearing in Episode 3. The memo of 24 June, 1966, about the leading actor's holiday plans became redundant mere days later when a new turn of events meant that William Hartnell would not be appearing in Episodes 1, 2 or 4 either.
There was no story idea to fill the "HH" production slot, with or without the Doctor in Episode 3, until November 1966. Innes Lloyd particularly wanted a serial set on the moon, as the US was aiming to put an astronaut on the moon before the end of the 60's. By '66 the US space programme was well underway and had generated a great deal of public interest, which Lloyd wanted to tap into. The cast and crew of this serial like to point out that they reached the moon three years before the United States managed it, in 1969.
The Cyberman's "sting" was created by taking the output of a spark generator and superimposing it over the filmed material. The intention was that the spark helps clear the congested blood passages in Jamie's injured head, speeding his recovery, but this was not actually followed through by dialog in the script.
"The Moonbase" is notable for the first story in which John Levene (who later played Sergeant Benton) appears. He portrays a Cyberman in this serial.
In an early edit of the script the Cybermen had names, much like the Cybermen who appeared in the 10th Planet. Indeed, the entire script is a de-milatarized redo of The Tenth Planet.
Ben is quite knowledgeable about certain things on the moonbase. He knows that the Gravitron uses thermonuclear power, that interferon is a viral antibody, that acetone is present in nail varnish remover and that the spray from the fire extinguishers would evaporate in a vacuum.
This is due to Jaime being a last minute addition to the script. For the first two episodes, Jamie was largely incapacitated, although Frazier Hines claims he had the best role in the serial, laying in bed and having his face moped by Anneke Wills. During episodes 3 and 4, Jaime's parts were made up by taking material away from Ben, and Ben in turn took over the parts that moonbase scientists were supposed to contribute.
Kit Pedler gets the writing credit on both "The Tenth Planet" and "The Moonbase" but most of the dialog was written by script editor Gerry Davis with Pedler acting as a scientific adviser. Pedler was given the writing credit in keeping with BBC policy of having the same person receive more than one credit for each production. Davis did the vast majority of the writing in "The Moonbase" as Pedler fell ill, and the film schedule was so tight that there was no time available for him to recover.
The principal filming for each episode of "The Moonbase" was one one week - rather than a fortnight - before the air date.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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