Monday, December 31, 2012

Classic Who - Season 4, Story 31 - The Underwater Menace

Ben: It's a machine, my old haggis, which will take us away from Scotland forever.
Jamie: Where to?
Ben: Ah, well, that as the Doctor would say, that is in the lap of the gods. We never know.

"Nae man can tether time nor tide." ~ The Second Doctor, quoting Robert Burns

The 2nd Doctor: Yes, well, don't be frightened anybody. If we pass out it's compressed nitrogen. It's called caissons disease.
Ben: Polly, try and get us out of here.
Polly: I'll try.

"Oh you're not dead, you just got a touch of the submariners', that's all." ~ Ben

Ramo: Yes. She told us you would fall from the sky in time for our festival of the vernal equinox.
The 2nd Doctor: And just what part are we to play in this festival of the vernal equinox?
Ramo: A very important part, I regret to say. Guards.

Ramo: What do you know of Zaroff?
The 2nd Doctor: A great deal. He's here, isn't he?
Ramo: How did you know?
The 2nd Doctor: The food. It couldn't be anyone else but Zaroff. He led the field in producing food from the sea. His progress is astonishing.

"Oh, he's a canny one, yon Doctor. Dinna fash yourself, Polly." ~ Jaime

The 2nd Doctor: First, let me say how glad I am to see that the reports of your death twenty years previously are a little premature.
Zaroff: The whole world believed I had been kidnapped.
The 2nd Doctor: The East blamed the West. The West, the East.
Zaroff: Oh, I wish I could have been there.

Zaroff: You know I could have you torn to bits by my guards, yes?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes.
Zaroff: I could feed you to my pet octopus, yes?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes.
Zaroff: Well you have sense of humour. I too have sense of humour. I need men like you. (both laugh) You come with me, yes?

"You're not turning me into a fish!" ~ Polly

"Ancient temples under the sea. But that's not possible! That's only a legend. We're on the ancient kingdom of Atlantis." ~ The Second Doctor

The 2nd Doctor: Even supposing you succeeded, you know what will happen, don't you?
Zaroff: You tell me, Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, the water will be converted into superheated steam, the pressure will grow, and crack the crust of the Earth. Destroy all life, maybe even blow the planet apart.
Zaroff: Yes. And I shall have redeemed my promise to lift Atlantis from the sea. Lift it to the sky! It will be magnificent.

The 2nd Doctor: Yes. Just one small question. Why do you want to blow up the world?
Zaroff: Why? You, a scientist, ask me why? The achievement, my dear Doctor. The destruction of the world. The scientists' dream of supreme power!

The 2nd Doctor: We're both on the same side, Ramo. You distrust Zaroff out of instinct. I distrust him because I know the truth.
Ramo: Why should I trust you?
The 2nd Doctor: That's a very good question. I wish I could think of a good answer.

The 2nd Doctor: When he talks of his project, have you noticed his eyes? They light up like this!
Thous: What does this mean?
The 2nd Doctor: The Professor is as mad as a hatter.

"I have made a mistake. If I had not interfered with the temple sacrifice, the sharks would have torn you apart. But it's not too late. I'll return you to Lolem and tell him I need you no longer. And he can have that stupid priest as makeweight. " ~ Zaroff

The 2nd Doctor: Oh, I thought I recognised the voice. How on Earth did you manage it?
Polly: This is linked to the back of Amdo's mouth. It's a bit old but it works.
The 2nd Doctor: It was the sweetest sound I've ever heard in me life.

The 2nd Doctor: The fish people! Exactly. And why? Because they are slaves. But slaves, like worms, can be made to turn.
Polly: Right. So if you organise the fish people to cut off the supplies. Yes, but that's no good. Then they'll just go and live off their stocks.
The 2nd Doctor: Tell them, Ramo.
Ramo: We have no stocks of food.
The 2nd Doctor: Exactly. Zaroff has not yet found the answer to his great problem. All his seafood goes bad in a few hours, and has to be thrown away.

The 2nd Doctor: What would it do for us? I don't know, really, but it's a start. Do you think you can do it?
Sean: Well, we'll have a go, Doctor, but it'll take a great gift of the gab to win over the fish people, you know?
The 2nd Doctor: But you are Irish.

Ben: Hey! Did you see anyone come through the market place?
The 2nd Doctor: A man?
Ben: Yes.
The 2nd Doctor: About five foot nine?
Ben: That's right.
The 2nd Doctor: Black coat, baggy trousers and a bow tie?
Ben: Exactly.
The 2nd Doctor: No. As a matter of fact I haven't.

"Tell them what? I tell them nothing. They're not people like us, they're just a bunch of sardines. You heard me. Cold-blooded fishes. You haven't got a drop of good red blood in your body. A flatfish from Galway would have more guts in them than that bunch. You wouldn't hurt a little child.  I'll tell them. All right, all right, all right. Oh, calm down and listen. Listen, will you? Look, you supply all the food for Atlantis, right? It can't be stored, right? It goes rotten in a couple of hours. That's why Zaroff has you working like slaves night and day, right? Well, has it never occurred to your little fish brains to stop that supply of food? Feed yourselves but starve Atlantis, eh? What do you think would happen then? Well now is your chance. Will you do it, or will you stay fish slaves for the rest of your lives? You're men, aren't you? Well, start the blockade right now." ~ Sean

Zaroff: The process has started. My nuclear reactor is activated, and when the desired figure is reached, fission will take place, and none of all this will matter for any of us.
The 2nd Doctor: He's only bluffing. Nothing can start without him.
Zaroff: Ah, Doctor, how do you know that?
The 2nd Doctor: Simple. The great Zaroff would have to be there to set off the explosion. Miss your big moment? I think not.

The 2nd Doctor: Now, listen everyone. I have a plan.
Sean: Good.
The 2nd Doctor: It might even work.

"Very well done, Ben, very well done. I'm not quite sure about that not being normal bit, but very well done. I couldn't have done better myself." ~ The Second Doctor

Ben: Do you know what you're doing?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, what a question. Of course I don't! There's no rule against trying, is there?

Sean: Will you listen to that.
Jacko: What is it?
Sean: How would I know, but it certainly isn't closing time at Betty Murphy's pub. It can be only one thing. It's the Doctor, of course. He's started to flood Atlantis. The sea's breaking in.

The 2nd Doctor: Naturally. They can't help themselves, can they? They must be devoted to you, to allow you to blow them all to pieces!
Tech: You what? What's he talking about, Professor?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, have I dropped a brick? Oh, I seem to have shaken some of them. Zaroff, I think you ought to know the sea has broken through and is about to overwhelm us here

Sean: Oh, no. I can't believe it.
Jacko: What?
Sean: A flaming English police box.

Jamie: Is it a fact, though, Doctor? You can't exactly control the Tardis?
The 2nd Doctor: Control it? Of course I can control it.
Jamie: No, no, what I meant was, can you not exactly make it go where you mean it to?
The 2nd Doctor: If I wanted to. It's just that I've never wanted to.

"The Underwater Menace" was a replacement for "The Imps" by William Emms, which was abandoned when the author fell ill.  Interestingly enough, "The Imps" was a replacement for "The Underwater Menace" which the studio originally deemed too expensive to produce. 

The cast was reduced from the original script in order to save on money, and make the production of the story viable. For example, originally, there was another character named Ebon. It was decided to combine her with Ara.

Working titles for "The Underwater Menace" included Under the Sea, Atlanta and The Fish People.

In the original script, Professor Zaroff had more motivation for his scheme - he was driven mad by the deaths of his wife and children in a car crash.

Zaroff was at one point assisted by a female scientist called Steen.

The original story was written before it was known that Jamie would become a main character. As a result, he had to be written into the script, and his lines were shared with Ben.

In the opening TARDIS scene, Polly, Ben and the Doctor are each heard "thinking" about where they would like to land next in a rare example of internal monologue. This was achieved by pre-recording the actors' voices and playing them back during the making of the episode.

Despite interest in the DVD release by avid fans, "The Underwater Menace" is considered by those same fans to be the worst story of Patrick Troughton's tenure, an opinion shared by Troughton himself.

Innes Lloyd disliked this story, saying that "it did look like something from a '50s American 'B' movie".

While The War Machines still remains the only time in the history of the series where the Doctor is referred to explicitly as "Doctor Who," the Doctor's note to Zaroff in the first episode is signed "Dr. W," making this the closest the Doctor has ever come to referring to himself as "Doctor Who."

Only Episodes 2 and 3 of "The Undwater Menace" have survived.  Episode 2 was missing until December 2011 when it was recovered from a former ITV engineer. Episode 3 was retained by the BBC, thus was never "lost." Parts 1 & 4 are presented as very good telesnap reconstructions by Loose Cannon Productions.

Links (Watch at
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969 DVD is available at

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