Monday, December 31, 2012

Classic Who - Season 4, Story 30 - The Highlanders

Ben: Where does this remind you of?
Polly: Oh, it's cold and damp.
Ben: No, where does it remind you of?
Polly: Ouch! Prickles! What?
Ben: Where else could it be? We're home, Duchess!
Polly: Oh, you never give up hope, do you?

Colin: Abide a moment! Do you wish to pray before you die?
The 2nd Doctor: Die?
Polly: Die for what?
Ben: Well, you can't kill us in cold blood.

The 2nd Doctor: A gentleman at last. Doctor von Wer, at your service.
Sergeant: Doctor who?
The 2nd Doctor: (soto) That's what I said.

Polly: Well, there must be something we can do?
Kirsty: We can but mourn.
Polly: Crying's no good. Have you still got breath to run. Come on. We're going to create a diversion.

The 2nd Doctor: German. And I know more about the English law than you do, it seems.
Sergeant: I'm the only law what matters to you right now, matey. And if this gentleman don't want you, you hang.
Grey: No, wait. You show a touching faith in his Majesty's justice, sir. A doctor, eh? We need doctors where you're going. Send him along with the other prisoners to Inverness.

Polly: No we're not! Even your dour Scots lassies must have played piggy-back.
Kirsty: What? I don't understand.
Polly: Well, you bend down and I climb on top of you and scramble up. Look, I'll show you.

"Halt! You dolt. Couldn't catch a couple of wenches, could you? Call yourselves soldiers? The terror of the Highlands? You wouldn't frighten an one-armed dairy maid. Well, I've done enough walking for one day. Go and fetch my horse. If you're not back within one hour, three hundred lashes apiece. Imbeciles! Give the lantern to me. I don't want to be left here in the dark. Right then, march!" ~ Ffinch

Ben: Why did we ever get mixed up in this, Doctor?
The 2nd Doctor: I'm glad we did. I'm just beginning to enjoy myself.

Ben: What's he on about?
The 2nd Doctor: Blood letting.
Ben: Yeah, but that's stupid.
Jamie: It's the only way of curing the sick.
Ben: Killing him, more like. He's lost enough blood already.

Ben: Oh, blimey, look. Outside he's got a chance to get away and rescue us. What chance do you think he's got paddling round in here?
Jamie: Aye, nevertheless, I'm still worried.
Ben: Now don't you worry about him, mate, worry about us. See that line? Well, that's where the water level comes up to. And tonight is not my bath night.

"Don't cry out. I'm not very expert with these things and it just might go off in your face." ~ The Second Doctor, while holding a gun on Grey.

Ben: Quick, we can make a break for it and swim.
Jamie: I can't swim.
Ben: Now you tell me.

Willy: Ah, wee Jimmy. But this Englishman, he is a friend to our Prince?
Colin: He is a friend of mine. He helped bring me here, weak but alive.
Willy: Ach well now, I crave your pardon. A friend of the McLaren's is a friend of mine.

Kirsty: Aye, the clothes for you and trays and oranges. But, what so we have to spend our money on oranges for?
Polly: You'll see. Hey, these are great. Last time we went back to the past I had to wear boy's clothes all the time.
Kirsty: What?

Ffinch: This is really too much.
Polly: Oh, Algy, we thought you'd be flattered. We turned to you for help immediately, didn't we Kirsty?
Kirsty: Just the sort of man two defenceless girls would turn to.

The 2nd Doctor: [As an old woman] There's nothing nicer than a nice game of whist.
Perkins: Madam, I told you.
The 2nd Doctor: [Voice normal, pointing Grey's pistol at Perkins] I'm sure you'll oblige an old woman.
Perkins: The German Doctor!
The 2nd Doctor: Perhaps you'd like to count the trumps?

Polly: You know, those dresses really do suit you, Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, you saucy girl.
Kirsty: You're the very image of my old granny McLaren.

Polly: Oh, go on, I know you better than that. You must have a plan.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, it's just a wee idea really.
Polly: Go on.
The 2nd Doctor: I've only just thought about it. It won't work, but it'd be a try.

Polly: But listen Ben, how did you manage to get loose? Underwater, I mean?
Ben: Well it's the old Houdini trick, duchess. You flex your muscles when they tie you up, then when you're ready, you relax them. Well that way you're half the size you were before. Get it?
Kirsty: No.

Polly: I liked you better in your dress, Doctor.
Kirsty: Aye, you made a good granny.

Polly: Do you think they'll beat the English blockade?
The 2nd Doctor: The fog will help them. More than it will help us.
Polly: We never even said goodbye to Jamie.
Ben: No, he just disappeared. I wonder where he went to.

Ben: We want your company, mate.
The 2nd Doctor: If you don't mind.
Polly: You won't refuse us, Algy dear.
Ffinch: Oh, this is really too much.

Polly: Doctor, can we take him with us?
The 2nd Doctor: If he teaches me to play the bagpipes.
Jamie: If you want, Doctor.
Ben: That's all we need. Come on.

This story exists as an audio recording only, the film having been wiped by the BBC with no copy known to exist.  Recreation by Loose Cannon Productions.

While still an actor in the early 1960s, director Hugh David, had been considered for the role of the First Doctor but, being only thirty-eight years old at the time, was deemed to be too young by the series' original producer, Verity Lambert

The Highlanders marks the first appearance of Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon.  Jamie was a "last minute" companion, and two endings were filmed for this serial, one in which he stays with his laird, and one in which he goes off with the Doctor.

Hines, who worked on the show from 1966 to 1969, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest running companion of the Doctor.  He describes working with Patrick Troughton as the happiest time in his long career.

Hines has continued his association with Doctor Who and has appeared in and narrated several of the audio adventures published by Big Finish. He has also provided audio commentaries for several of his stories when released on DVD, and has narrated some of the soundtrack releases put out by BBC Audio and AudioGO.

The next "pure historical" serial, Black Orchid, would not be broadcast until 1982. However, Highlanders is the last historical to use events from real history, as Orchid is entirely fictional.

The Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith based much of his performance on Patrick Troughton's Doctor, his interest in hats being a part of it.  The Second Doctor expresses a fondness for various hats in this story.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969
DVD is available at

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