Polly: Well, that's who came through the doors. There was no one else outside. Ben, do you remember what he said in the tracking room? Something about 'This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin.'
Ben: So he gets himself a new one?
The 2nd Doctor: Ah! The Crusades, from Saladin. The Doctor was a great collector, wasn't he?
Polly: But you're the Doctor.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, I don't look like him.
"I've been renewed, have I? That's it. I've been renewed. It's part of the Tardis. Without it, I couldn't survive." ~ The Second Doctor
Examiner: Hello? Is there anyone there? Hello? Hello? Why don't they come? (sees the Doctor) Ah, so you've come at last. I'm from Earth. I'm the Examiner.
[There's a gun shot and the man crumples to the ground, dead. The Doctor searches the man and finds his badge.]
The 2nd Doctor: Earth Examiner. Accord every access. Vulcan.
Janley: They've just brought in an Examiner from Earth, and a couple of assistants.
Lesterson: An Examiner? What's he here for?
Janley: I thought you'd know.
Lesterson: It's the capsule, it must be. Well, they can't stop me working on it, I'll tell you that.
Hensell: Now look here, I run this Colony. I'm entitled to know why you have come to Vulcan. What is your brief?
The 2nd Doctor: I am the Examiner.
Hensell: Why are you here?
The 2nd Doctor: To examine. And I intend to start my examination at once.
The 2nd Doctor: A hundred years you say this has been buried?
Lesterson: Oh, at least. Now, there must be something in the inner compartment. We shall be able to find out where it came from originally.
The 2nd Doctor: It didn't come from this planet Vulcan.
The 2nd Doctor: Polly, Ben, come in and meet the Daleks.
Ben: What?
The 2nd Doctor: The Daleks.
"What do you think? Two hundred years in a swamp and you wouldn't look very lively either. Nothing could live through that, could it?" ~ Polly
The 2nd Doctor: Now, Lesterson's fanatic. The Governor's jealous of his own position. What does that suggest to you? Don't know. Haven't thought about it. But all is not well with this colony. Add to that one Dalek.
Ben: Oh, blimey, you don't half make mountains, don't you? One Dalek?
The 2nd Doctor: Yes! All that is needed to wipe out this entire colony.
The 2nd Doctor: You didn't even give them a glance! Why? Because you'd been in there and seen them. Where is the third Dalek?
Lesterson: I don't know what you're talking about.
The 2nd Doctor: You opened up the capsule without permission. You found the inner compartment containing three Daleks. You took one of them away and you hid it!
"These lumps of metal, Daleks, I want them broken up, or melted down. Up or down, I don't care which, but destroyed!" ~ The Second Doctor
Ben: You know, it's little things like this that make it difficult to believe that you're the Doctor. The other one, I mean. The proper one. Oh, nuts, you know what I mean.
The 2nd Doctor: Nuts? Yes, certainly, here we are. Crackers?
Ben: You, my old china, are an out and out phony!
The 2nd Doctor: China. Yes, I went there once I believe. Met Marco Polo.
The 2nd Doctor: I never talk nonsense.
Polly: Ahem.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, hardly never.
Polly: Well, what about that thing we saw in the capsule? That was alive all right.
Ben: Yeah, I can't explain that.
The 2nd Doctor: I can. And that's why we have to stay.
The 2nd Doctor: I know the misery they cause, the destruction. But there's something else more terrible. Something I can only half remember.
Polly: Doctor, what was it?
Resno: I tell you it's intelligent. It's watching me, Lesterson, weighing me up. I can sense it.
Lesterson: Don't be a fool.
Resno: I don't like it, I tell you. I don't know what these things can do.
Hensell: Examiner. You seem to be in two minds.
Ben: (sotto) Yeah, and two bodies.
"It can do many things, Lesterson. But the thing it does most efficiently is exterminate human beings. It destroys them, without mercy, without conscience. It destroys them. Utterly. Completely. It destroys them." ~ The Second Doctor
The 2nd Doctor: You're my servant, are you?
Dalek: I am.
The 2nd Doctor: Very well. Immobilise yourself. Go on. I order it! Immediately!
Ben: He's a right little delinquent, isn't he?
Polly: Doctor, what on Earth are you up to?
The 2nd Doctor: Ben, if you were a Dalek, what would be your next move?
Ben: I'm talking about Polly.
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, no, no, no, no. She's a clever girl, but she couldn't answer this.
"A Dalek is bet...is not the same as a human. If I am to help, I must know everything." ~ Dalek
The 2nd Doctor: Let's get out of here.
Ben: The fool. Lesterson must have reactivated them.
The 2nd Doctor: Yes. When I say run, run like a rabbit. Run!
Ben: He'd make a right Father Christmas, wouldn't he?
The 2nd Doctor: Oh, I'd rather fight a hundred of his sort than just one Dalek.
Lesterson: Oh, it's marvellous! I'm glad we understand each other.
Dalek: We understand the human mind.
The 2nd Doctor: One Dalek in Bragen's office. Three Daleks just gone down the corridors. That makes four.
Ben: Where did the fourth one come from?
The 2nd Doctor: Well, Lesterson can't have been making them. Perhaps there were more in the capsule than we thought.
The 2nd Doctor: You haven't been building Daleks, have you?
Lesterson: Building? No, I wouldn't know how to begin.
The 2nd Doctor: And there were only three in the capsule?
Lesterson: Yes.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, we've just seen four.
The 2nd Doctor: Bragen.
Bragen: Of course. Who else is fitted to be leader of the rebels?
The 2nd Doctor: No doubt you want to be leader of the Daleks too.
Bragen: I am the leader of the Daleks.
The 2nd Doctor: Well, see if you can stop this one from killing me.
"They're conspiring together! Oh, why didn't I realise? The Examiner was right. They are evil!" ~ Lesterson
Lesterson: How did you get there? I cut off the power.
Dalek: We can store power. We will soon have our own.
"We are not ready yet to teach these human beings the law of the Daleks." ~ Dalek
Polly: And when you've won, the Daleks will just go back to being servants again? You're bigger fools than I thought.
Dalek: We are your servants.
Polly: While it suits you.
Polly: But don't you see? Human beings can't be friends with Daleks. They don't have friends.
Valmar: I don't see why not.
Polly: It's a kind of hatred for anything unlike themselves. They think they're superior.
Dalek: Why do human beings kill human beings?
Bragen: Get on with your work.
Dalek: Yes, master. I obey.
The 2nd Doctor: Martial law? What good do you think that will do against the Daleks?
Bragen: The Daleks will do as I tell them.
The 2nd Doctor: We shall see, shan't we.
Ben: Well it seems Bragen's gone power mad. He wants the rebels to revolt, then he can finish them off.
The 2nd Doctor: The Daleks won't care who they fight. They'll exterminate every human being on this planet.
Polly: Doctor, oh please, let's go back to the Tardis.
Guard: The rebels are using the Daleks against our people!
Bragen: Well, get back and fight! Why do you come running to me? What do you think your guns are for?
Guard: Well, the guns don't work against them!
Bragen: Get back and fight them!
Lesterson: Ah, I tried to turn the power off, but they were miles ahead of me. Marvellous creatures. You have to admire them.
Ben: But we've got to stop them!
Lesterson: Oh, it's too late for that. They're the new species, you see, taking over from homo sapiens. Man's had his day. Finished now.
Ben: Well, you know what you're doing?
The 2nd Doctor: Of course I do.
Ben: Well, why can't you just take all the plugs out and cut the power off?
The 2nd Doctor: Because I prefer to do it my way!
Dalek: The law of the Daleks is in force.
Dalek 2: Extermination of humans.
"I did a lot of damage, did I? I think we'd better get out of here before they send us the bill." ~ The Second Doctor
"Power of the Daleks" is Patrick Troughton's first story.The Doctor is seen to regenerate for the first time, though the term "regeneration" is not used. The transformation of the Doctor's persona is not referred to as "regeneration" until Planet of the Spiders at the end of the Pertwee era. In this story, Troughton's character initially refers to the Doctor in the third person, and assumes the identity of another person, the Examiner, as if to make his true identity ambiguous. Polly is sure that he is the Doctor. Ben is less so, though he is sure by the end of the story.
This is the first Dalek story not to be written by Terry Nation. He was busy working on The Baron. The original script had newly-regenerated Doctor wondering where he'd left Susan.
Polly is absent from episode 4 in order to give Anneke Wills a holiday during production. Likewise, Ben is absent from episode 5 in order to give Michael Craze a holiday.
When Patrick Troughton first met Michael Craze and Anneke Wills, they greeted him wearing t-shirts reading the legend "Come back Bill Hartnell - all is forgiven".
Star Trek made its on-air debut in the US on 8 September 1966, pre-dating transmission of The Power of the Daleks by almost two months; and although Spock's home planet was referred to initially as 'Vulcanis', it became 'Vulcan' just a few episodes later. The two programmes appear to have selected the names independently.
The Daleks' reliance on static electricity is first referenced in "The Daleks". In that story, as in this one, they draw it from the metal floor. In "The Dalek Invasion of Earth", the Daleks draw electricity by means of dishes on the back of their casings. When they appeared in "The Chase", they no longer have these dishes and can move freely with neither the need for metal floors nor dishes.
In "Power of the Daleks", the Daleks have apparently reverted to their dependence on static electricity. The source of Dalek power varies depending on the time period from which the given Daleks originated.
During their "service" to the Vulcan colony team, the Daleks repeatedly say, "I am your servant," with particular emphasis on the "er" of "servant". This line is recycled in Victory of the Daleks with, "I am your soldier," pronounced with similar intonation.
All six episodes of this serial were wiped by the BBC. The master videotape was destroyed by the BBC sometime after transmission of the programme and although film prints were made for various purposes, none are known to have survived destruction orders. The audio for all six episodes, however, does exist, thanks to a fan's home recording. Telesnaps for all six episodes exist. Short segments of 8mm film footage from off-air recordings exist. Some footage copied for use in promotional material exists.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Doctor Who: Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes, The Patrick Troughton Years 1966-1969 DVD is available at Amazon.com.
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