"I don't know. That's the cause of half my troubles through my journeys. I never know. I have no control over where I land. Neither can I choose the period in which I land in." ~ The First Doctor
Ben: Well, he's a right one. What gear's he got on?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, I'm afraid you're going to lose your bet, young man. That gentleman comes from the seventeenth century.
The 1st Doctor: No, sir, we met nobody and saw nothing. Are you, er, expecting some friends?
Longfoot: Avery's boys are no friends of mine. Never said that.
The 1st Doctor: Avery?
Longfoot: You know not that name? Oh, then you're the happier for it.
The 1st Doctor: And you are expecting this Avery?
Longfoot: Him? Why, he's been buried these long years past. Ah, but his spirit rides. Aye, in the dark souls of those who follow in his wake.
Longfoot: Heed my words. Be watchful.
The 1st Doctor: Thank you. Goodbye.
Longfoot: Goodbye. Hey! One more word, sir. If you should come this way again and find me gone, remember these words. This is Deadman's secret key. Smallwood, Ringwood, Gurney.
Polly: Ha, ha, very funny. I do wish everyone would stop calling me lad. It does make me feel very odd.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, well, I think it better at the moment, my dear. What would they say to a maiden in trousers?
Ben: Probably die laughing.
Cherub: You're a fool, Joe Longfoot. But before you goes to join your mates, tell me what I want to know. Speak up.
Longfoot: (dying) Avery's curse on you, you black villain.
Cherub: Speak, damn your eyes! It wouldn't be like you to go to Davy Jones' silent, matey. So I reckon we best get on to that old fella and get our hooks into him.
Cherub: Aye, Captain Avery. The sharpest skipper that ever sailed out of Bristol port.
Pike: Aye, and one of the blackest. Morgan was a woman aside 'a him.
The 1st Doctor: Of course, of course. Avery the pirate. I should have known.
Pike: Old man, are ye truly a sawbones?
The 1st Doctor: I would prefer you to use the correct term, sir. I am a doctor.
Pike: Well, Doctor, ye had best start using your cleverness. So talk, before I let Cherub have ye.
The 1st Doctor: Now that we understand each other, I think it would only be fair that if I impart the information you require, I should receive some small reward?
Pike: Aye. You'll get your reward, never fear.
The 1st Doctor: In fact, a share?
Pike: A share?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, indeed, yes. After all my dear Captain. Thank you. There is quite enough to go round, is there not?
Pike: For them that deserves it. Aye, well.
Ben: The old Doctor's a wizard, no less, Tom, and us two's his apprentices.
Tom: You got the power?
Ben: We have, Tom, from our master.
Polly: Oh shut up, Ben. You are a fool.
Ben: Yeah, maybe you're right, Duchess. Early days for Sherlock Holmes, I suppose.
Polly: Yeah, well, I'm not playing what's his name? Watson to you.
Kewper: Pike is the bloodiest pirate now alive, sir. No one has ever seen that deadly hook and lived.
The 1st Doctor: Oh, yes, I quite agree. A somewhat violent man.
Kewper: Aye! I have no fear of what lies therein.
The 1st Doctor: Ah, such brave words, my friend, brave words. But these cards hold the secret to your life or death.
Jamaica: I can tell you that without cards. Death!
The 1st Doctor: Do not mock that which you do not understand.
Blake: I have not said I hold you in complete trust.
Ben: Oh no, I know, because we're strangers. Anyway, mate, as long as you're against the Squire and those other two layabouts, we're with you.
Polly: But why don't you trust the Squire?
Blake: Word of mouth has it that the Squire rules the smuggling ring, but as yet I have no proof.
Pike: Ye speak straight, Jamaica. They expect us tomorrow night at two of the clock.
Jamaica: Then, we must go tonight at one.
Pike: Jamaica, ye'd have made a fine skipper but you're short on guile. Any dark of the night they'll expect us. We'll spike 'em. We'll land by day. Some will go direct to the church and loot the smuggler's horde. Me and Cherub will seek Avery's gold.
Jamaica: Aye, Captain, plunder the inn, the village, and the Squire's fine hall.
Pike: Aye, it will be a merry night, but not for ye.
The 1st Doctor: No, but it's this village. I feel that I might be responsible for it's destruction, and therefore I must at least try and avoid this danger until Blake comes back.
Ben: Yeah, but you heard what Blake said. We wouldn't stand a chance against Pike's mob. They're a right bunch of yobbos.
Polly: We wouldn't stand a chance.
The 1st Doctor: Ah, wouldn't we, my dear?
"Oh, a right couple of nut cases you two are. Oh well, all right, I'll try anything once." ~ Ben
The 1st Doctor: No, no, before. These names. Yes, yes, that's it!
Pollly: What is?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, of course. Dead man's secret.
Ben: What?
The 1st Doctor: Yes, yes, of course. That's the answer to the puzzle. Yes. All these dead people.
Ben: What, here in the graveyard?
The 1st Doctor: It was some kind of rhyme. Now, let me see. Dead man's secret key. Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney.
Bem: Dead man's secret. Well, that means names on tombstones. But how does that help?
The 1st Doctor: Well, we must find these names, mustn't we. Yes, that'll be the first step.
Cherub: Enough jabbering, sawbones. Where's it hid?
The 1st Doctor: Well, I must admit the Churchwarden did tell me something, but to be quite honest with you, I am baffled.
Cherub: What's the puzzle?
The 1st Doctor: The dead man's secret key. Er, Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney.
"Avery's curse, what of that, ay? It's a curse men fear. Remember Avery's end? Did he not die a pauper? They say he bargained for his life. His soul in return for the souls of those who come after, seeking and finding the cursed treasure." ~ The Squire
"There is no other way, child. Without either of you they can't hold a hostage for me to force my hand." ~ The First Doctor
The 1st Doctor: Have no fear, Captain. I am not likely to try and cheat you just as he did.
Pike: Out with it, then. Show me the gold.
"Sawbones, I'm coming for ye. See if your magic will help you now." ~ Captain Pike
Polly: So they're all dead then, the ones who wanted the treasure.
The 1st Doctor: Yes, superstition is a strange thing, my dear, but sometimes it tells the truth.
While he never actually appears in this story, Captain Avery was a notorious real-life pirate in the 17th century. He was born in Devon and disappeared from record in 1696 (believed to have safely retired). Forty-five years after the broadcast of this story, he appeared as a character in the NuWho story The Curse of the Black Spot. The Brilliant Book 2012 would deliberately link the two stories in a text feature.
The title sequence film is used to represent the space/time vortex as seen on the TARDIS scanner screen in Episode 1, with the story title, writer's credit and episode number captions overlaid in black on the swirling patterns.
No complete episodes survive of this story. The recreation was done by Loose Cannon Productions.
According to Derek Ware, in the original script the role of The Spaniard was a speaking part but his lines were cut before filming.
Several of the cast and crew suffered seasickness during filming scenes set on board the Black Albatross.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who - Lost in Time Collection of Rare Episodes - The William Hartnell Years 1963-1966
DVD is available at Amazon.com.
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