Sergeant: Come over here, quick. I can see people!
Tito: Sure, sure, lots of people.
Sergeant: And there's a woman.
Tito: A woman. A woman? Hey! Come on. [looks through the periscope] Hey, hey! Mama Mia. Bellissima.
The 1st Doctor: Can you tell us precisely where we are, please?
Sergeant: You're at the South Pole base of International Space Command, and frankly, pops
The 1st Doctor: Doctor.
Sergeant: Doctor, your story's gonna have to be awful good.
The 1st Doctor: I don't like your tone, sir.
General Cutler: And I don't like your face, nor your hair.
"All right, all right. Don't sit there like a lot of frustrated penguins. Get on with it." ~ General Cutler
Polly: 1986! Oh no, and I thought we'd be able to get home.
Ben: Yeah, we're still at sea. Here, but that'll explain the few people. Them computers must do all the work now. Here, I wonder if they got to the moon yet.
Sergeant: Sure, don't you listen to the news?
Ben: You mean you have sent people to the moon?
Schultz: No, listen, Glyn, there's something else out there.
Williams: What do you mean?
Schultz: There's another planet out there!
"Yes, sir, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can. You see, millions of years ago there was a twin planet to Earth and..." ~ The First Doctor
The 1st Doctor: Well you see, Ben, I know what this planet is and what it means to Earth.
Ben: And what does it mean to Earth?
The 1st Doctor: Well, that pretty soon we shall be having visitors.
Ben: Visitors? What, here? Well, who do you think's bringing 'em, Father Christmas on his sledge?
The 1st Doctor: Oh, quiet, boy, quiet!
Cutler: Now look, I don't know who you are or what you are, but we've got two men in space. If we don't act now we won't get them back alive.
Krail: They will not return.
"I do not understand you. There are people dying all over your world yet you do not care about them." ~ Krail
Barclay: Mondas? But isn't that one of the ancient names of Earth?
Krail: Yes. Aeons ago the planets were twins, then we drifted away from you on a journey to the edge of space. Now we have returned.
Ben: You were right, Doctor.
Barclay: But who or what are you?
Krail: We are called Cybermen.
Barclay: Weaknesses? What weaknesses?
Krail: You call them emotions, do you not?
Polly: But that's terrible. You, you mean you wouldn't care about someone in pain?
Krail: There would be no need. We do not feel pain.
"It is quite useless to resist us. We are stronger and more efficient than your Earth people. We must be obeyed." ~ Krail
"Oh, I can just imagine trying to tackle one of them geezers with a screwdriver." ~ Ben
Krail: Feelings? I do not understand that word.
The 1st Doctor: Emotions. Love, pride, hate, fear. Have you no emotions, sir?
Krail: Come to Mondas and you will have no need of emotions. You will become like us.
"If Cutler is right, then we are probably going to fight the first interplanetary war." ~ Wigner
Ben: Oh, a fine time he picks for a kip. Well, come on Polly, let's get back to the control room.
Polly: We can't leave him.
Ben: He seems all right. His pulse and breathing are normal.
Polly: I don't understand it. He just seems to be worn out.
"It's a doomsday weapon, Mister, and rightly primed it could split that planet in half. There are two or three at strategic positions round the globe. We have one of them and the means of delivering it to Mondas." ~ General Cutler
Wigner: No, General. You must take no precipitous action. This is quite out of the question.
Cutler: Yes, sir. But do you do give me authority to take any action necessary against the Cybermen?
Wigner [OC]: Yes, of course. You must do all you can.
"Now, look you. Ever since you came into this base you and that old man have poked your noses into things that don't concern you. Well, you've just done it for the last time. You, take them out of here and lock them up with the Doctor." ~ General Cutler
Ben: Look, the Doctor said that it's not only Earth that's in danger, but that Mondas itself is in far greater danger. Otherwise, why have they bothered coming here?
Cutler: And just how did he figure that out? It's draining energy from the Earth, isn't it?
Ben: Yes, but he said eventually it would absorb too much energy and burn itself out. Well, shrivel up to nothing. So all we've got to do is wait!
Cutler: Wait? Sure, wait until these Cybermen friends of yours get here and take over this planet. Oh no, mister, we're not going to wait. We're just going to accelerate the process a little. We're going to make it disappear just a little bit sooner, that's all.
"You'll need a screwdriver." ~ Barclay
Polly: What's happened to you, Doctor?
The 1st Doctor: Oh, I'm not sure, my dear. Comes from an outside influence. Unless this old body of mine is wearing a bit thin.
Polly: What do you mean, wearing a bit thin?
The 1st Doctor: Oh, don't worry child, don't worry, don't worry.
Cutler: The enemy! The enemy! I'll tell you who the enemy is. You are the enemy. You.
Radar: The Cybermen, sir. They must have landed.
Cutler: You, you, you, you killed my son!
Dyson: But, sir, they've landed!
Cutler: The only person I gave a care about in this whole world, and you killed him. So now I'm going to kill you and I'll start on you, Doctor.
The 1st Doctor: You give me your word that this young girl will be returned to me when that bomb is safely stowed away?
Krang: Yes.
The 1st Doctor: Very well, child, off you go. And don't forget your coat. I don't want you to get cold.
"Ben! Barclay! Do not help them. They're going to use the Zed-bomb to destroy the Earth!" ~ The First Doctor
Dyson: What did you do that for? We could have escaped!
Ben: To where? We're okay right where we are.
Barclay: And they can't set off this bomb while we defend this room.
Ben: Right. So all we've go to do is sit tight and wait until Mondas breaks up like the Doctor said!
Dyson: They gave us their word.
Ben: They just said anything they thought we'd listen to. They've got no feelings, remember? They told us that. So what's to stop them?
"Resistance is useless. Drop your weapons." ~ Shav
The 1st Doctor: What did you say, my boy? It's all over. It's all over. That's what you said. No, but it isn't all over. It's far from being all over.
Ben: What are you taking about?
The 1st Doctor: I must get back to the Tardis immediately!
"The Tenth Planet" is best known for being the last ever appearance of William Hartnell as The First Doctor. He was the oldest actor, starting at age 55, to play The Doctor in Doctor Who until Peter Capaldi, at age 56, took over for Matt Smith in the latest series.Produced 134 episodes during his 3 years on Doctor Who, the second highest number after Fourth Doctor Tom Baker, who produced 172 episodes over 7 years. This heavy workload became tough for him as time went on and his health began to decline.
Hartnell suffered from arteriosclerosis, which caused him to often make mistakes while delivering his lines. Due to both the lack of time and money, scenes at that time were usually filmed in one take, so these mistakes ended up in the finished episodes and are considered among fans to be something of a trademark of Hartnell's performance as the Doctor.
It also marks the first time the Doctor would "regenerate" on screen, although that term was not used until the end of the Jon Pertwee era.
The fourth episode is missing from the BBC archives and is listed as one of the top ten missing British television programmes, alongside the BBC news studio commentary from the Apollo 11 mission.
Upon leaving the show, Hartnell said, "If there is one man in England who can replace me as the Doctor, it's Patrick Troughton!"
Troughton makes his first (uncredited) appearance as the Second Doctor at the end of episode four of "The Tenth Planet".
Some fans don't fully accept the fact that the Doctor died of old age. They speculate that Mondas plundered not only Earth's energy but the Doctor's as well, shrinking his lifespan. The story itself does not specify the exact cause of "death".
In the original script, The First Doctor's last words were, "No. No, I simply will not give in".
"The Tenth Planet" also introduced The Cybermen to the Who Universe. Kit Peddler's creation because quite popular, and have appeared in a number of episodes over the years, second only to the Daleks at the most frequent monster to plague the Doctor.
The Cyberman "music" which plays when the Cybermen are first revealed in Part 2, and which is more often associated with "Tomb of the Cybermen" is actually a piece of stock music from the BBC library. Producer Innes Lloyd preferred to see the money spent on costumes and sets, and not on music, making use of the BBC's free stock library whenever possible.
The Cybermen are shown to have human hands in this serial. Costume designer Sandra Reid forgot to have the gloves made for the costumes. Instead, the hands were spray painted silver, but that did not change their appearance all that much on the black and white film stock.
Derek Martinus was very forward thinking in casting Earl Cameron as a Williams, placing a black man in space and in control of a space mission, something that was considered unlikely in those days. Martinus was not far off however, as Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, a Cuban national, became the first black man in space on 18 September, 1980.
The 10th Planet is set in 1986, by which time four African-Americans would also have made it into space. Williams is killed in the episode when his ship explodes. Ronald McNair, an African-American astronaut would loose his life in space in 1986, when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded during lift off.
Because of illness William Hartnell was unable to work on part 3 his lines were given to Anneke Wills, Michael Craze and David Dodimead.
Michael Craze found working in fake snow difficult, he had just undergone surgery to remove a bone chip from his nose during which he suffered a burst blood vessel which nearly cost him his life) and the jabolite "snow" blown around the film stage irritated his nose badly.
However, the snow did introduce Craze to his future wife, production assistant Edwina Verner. She threw some of the polystyrene 'snow' into his face as a practical joke, inadvertently aggravating the injury.
The part of Dyson was first offered to Bernard Hepton but reluctantly the production team had to withdraw the offer because rewriting had made the role too nondescript for an actor of Hepton's stature.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who, Story 29: The Tenth Planet DVD is available at Amazon.com
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