Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 22, Story 141 - Timelash

"I am never, ever, lost." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Doctor, if you're about to suggest the Eye of Orion, don't. I've heard all about that elusive place once too often. No one lives there and few visit, apart from you." ~ Peri

"That is a Kontron tunnel. Put more colloquially, it's a time corridor in space." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Not only is our planet divided, we are under imminent threat of invasion from our former allies, the Bandrils. Is that good leadership? Why aren't we preparing to defend ourselves? Why are we having a war at all?" ~ Mykros

Mykros: What about those in the hospital? Good heavens, man, your own wife is there on a life support system. You can't! It's murder!
Renis: Rebelling is useless. We both know that. Perhaps my wife will be strong enough to survive on her own.

Renis: You are
The Borad: Repulsive? Perhaps, but I have a hundred times your intellect, the strength of twenty Guardoliers, and a life spanning a dozen centuries.

"It appears the Doctor is attempting a return visit to our planet. I look forward to our reunion." ~ The Borad

"Time just flies when you're in the Tardis." ~ Peri

H.G. Wells: Foul fanged fiend.
The 6th Doctor: I can assure you I'm not that long in the tooth, and neat blood brings me out in a rash.
H.G. Wells: Back from where you came, spirit of the glass.
The 6th Doctor: Not just yet, if you don't mind.

H.G. Wells: It's fantastical. A machine that transcends time itself. Can I see it?
The 6th Doctor: Er, some other time, perhaps.

"Goodbye, Herbert. Perhaps I'll allow you to exorcise me another time." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Incredible!  Just incredible! Just look at this place, I can't believe it! You know it's actually bigger on the inside, than it is on the outside!" ~ H.G. Wells

"The stories I've heard about you. The great Doctor, all knowing and all powerful. You're about as powerful as a burnt out android." ~ Tekker

"Pull him back! He's dangling on the edge of oblivion." ~ Vena

"If you were to die, I don't think anybody would notice the difference." ~ Tekker

"At last. Why am I being kept here? And why have I had this contraption fitted to me? Well, can't you speak, dumbo?" ~ Peri

"Of course it'll work. I hope." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Kontron crystals have a wide application of uses. I have turned this one into a ten second time break." ~ The Sixth Doctor

H.G. Wells: Holy mackerel, it actually works!
The 6th Doctor Of course it did. Get down!

"Time Lords to not have a monopoly over the fourth dimension, Doctor." ~ The Borad

The Borad: No! You've tricked me!
The Sixth Doctor: You tricked yourself.

"I am a Time Lord. I am, in fact, President of the High Council of Gallifrey. Destroy me, you'll have more than a petty war on your hands." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Get out! Why will you never cooperate?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

The Sixth Doctor: Should there be another day, I will explain to you which of the many time laws I am not allowed to transgress."
H.G. Wells: But who would know?
The Sixth Doctor: I would, so would every other Time Lord from here to Gallifrey, and I can assure you, they are not all as pleasant and agreeable as I am.

"That's good. It means we can stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in the face of the enemy. I've always wanted to die a hero's death. You know, it's funny. When I was at school, everyone used to think I was a coward because I didn't like cricket. If only they could see me now." ~ H.G. Wells

The Sixth Doctor: Listen, Herbert, if you want to do something useful while waiting to enter Valhalla, could you read off the numbers on that screen you see immediately in front of you?
H.G. Wells: Of course. This one?
The Sixth Doctor: How many screens do you see immediately in front of you?
H.G. Wells: Just the one.
The Sixth Doctor: That's the one.

"The waves of time wash us all clean." ~ The Sixth Doctor

The Kontron tunnel from Karfel leads to Earth (and the Highlands of Scotland, near Inverness) in the 12th century. When the Borad is sent through it, the Doctor comments he'll have "somewhere to swim for the next thousand years." Peri wonders if he'd be spotted, to which the Doctor replies, "from time to time," implying the Borad may be responsible for sightings of the Loch Ness Monster.

This story was originally submitted as a Dalek adventure; it was rejected, but Eric Saward asked author Glen McCoy to resubmit it without them.

This serial makes several references to Wells's novels: The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man and The Island of Doctor Moreau.

In the original script, it was the First Doctor, along with Ian, Barbara and Susan, who visited Karfel. Some vestige of this remains in the final version, as Tekker inquires about the Doctor having only one companion with him.

No date is given for the scenes set on Karfel. In A History of the Universe and AHistory, Lance Parkin arbitrarily places it in the year 802701, the same year in which H.G. Wells' The Time Machine is set.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2

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