Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 22, Story 142 - Revelation of the Daleks

The 6th Doctor: How do I look?
Peri: (sotto) Yuck.

"Shut the fool up." ~ Davros

"I killed him, and he forgave me. Why did he have to be so nice about it?" ~ Peri

"Look, if I open that door too soon, the molecular structure of the body will break down and poor old Stengos will turn into a pool of high protein water. Even if I were confident I could reconstitute him, we do not have a suitable vessel into which he could be ladled. Excuse me." ~ Grigory

"Well, how do you think I feel? I'm a nine hundred year old Time Lord. Not much dignity in scrambling over a wall like a small boy into an orchard on a scrumping spree." ~ The Sixth Doctor

Perpugilliam 'Peri' Brown: [scaling a wall] Okay, but don't drop me.
The 6th Doctor: Drop you? I'll be lucky if I can lift you, the amount you weigh.
Perpugilliam 'Peri' Brown: Oh, watch it, porky!

"Now listen, you guys. I don't wish to alarm you but there's some pretty weird things going out here. As you know, we have snatchers in the complex, but it gets even creepier when the word is that the snatchers have been out-snatched. So, if any of you guys are able, lock yourselves in your caskets now. Snap down those bolts, otherwise you could find yourselves on the outside going who knows where!" ~ DJ

"I am to become a Dalek. We are all to become Daleks. We are to serve a new order. We are to become the supreme beings." ~ Stengos

"I have the President's wife out there, and I can tell you that she is, uh... she is far more active now than she ever was when she was alive." ~ Jobel

"America doesn't have the monopoly on bad taste." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"No, I've arrived in my own future and I'm dead." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"He does go on, doesn't he." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"You know, if the statue actually had been made of stone, I doubt if it'd have killed you. No, it would take a mountain to crush an ego like yours." ~ Jobel

"What, the United States? Of America? On Earth? It's just that I've heard recordings, you know. My great granddad brought them back from one of his visits and er, I really love the sound of those old American DJs, so I kinda decided to kinda base my style of presentation on 'em, you know?" ~ DJ

"So Davros has finally done it. Daleks that can reproduce anywhere." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"You are fools! You cannot kill me! I am Davros!" ~ Davros

"This is a highly directional ultrasonic beam of rock and roll. It kills." ~ DJ

The 6th Doctor: I see you've been busy.
Davros: Whereas you have been stupid, Doctor.
The 6th Doctor: Prerogative of a Time Lord.

"But did you bother to tell anyone they might be eating their own relatives?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"When you have become a Dalek, you will suffer for every indignity you have ever caused me!" ~ Davros

This story was nearly the final Doctor Who serial ever made; ultimately, the show was put on hiatus for the following eighteen months instead. The original ending had the Doctor tell Peri they were off to Blackpool. This would have led into The Nightmare Fair. The ending was frozen before the Doctor could complete the sentence, leaving his destination open.

The complete footage of the Doctor finishing his line "...Blackpool" at the end of the episode (a scene that was cut, being replaced by a freeze-frame in the finished programme) now no longer exists.

This was the last Doctor Who serial to feature 16mm film use on location rather than video.

Clive Swift, who played Mr. Jobel in this episode, would again appear in Doctor Who, this time in the revival series, as Mr. Copper in Voyage of the Damned.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2

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