Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Who - Season 21, Story 136 - The Twin Dilemma


"Change?  Change?  There is no change.  No rhyme, no time, no place for space...nothing.  Nothing but the grinding engines of the universe, the crushing bordem of eternity!" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Then stay behind. This is work for heroes, not for faint-hearted girls." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"How can you be so pathetic?  Talk about me giving a performance, you never stop giving them, when you're not really mad and trying to kill me, that is.  Look at you now.  I never saw anyone who loved himself so much for less reason." ~ Peri

The 6th Doctor: I can sense some massive danger threatening the universe.
Peri Brown: I thought you WERE the danger to the universe.

"I'm a knight errant, not an errant fool." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Silly me. What's a little radiation sickness between friends?" ~ Peri Brown

"Whatever is it now? Aliens? No, no. No, no, don't shoot. It's not my fault. I'm just a poor pilgrim. It's all her fault. Mercy, mercy, mercy. Don't shoot me. Don't shoot me." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"You know, I'll never understand the people of Earth. I have spent the day using, abusing, even trying to kill you. If you'd have behaved as I have, I should have been pleased at your demise. Earthlings."  ~ The Sixth Doctor

"I'm old, lacking in vigor, my mind's in a turmoil. I no longer know if I'm coming, or've gone, or even been. I'm falling to pieces. I no longer even have any clothes sense. Self-pity is all I have left." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"One day you will discover for yourselves that treason is universal." ~ Azmael

Peri: I will! I'm not letting a manic depressive paranoid personality like you shut me up.
The 6th Doctor: Manic depressive? Me?

"Calm down? Calm down? Calm down? The fate of a whole planet is hanging in the balance and he tells me to calm down?" ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Well, moving planets around is not for amateurs, you know. I mean, the twins may have the mathematical skills, but I have the empirical knowledge. The practical experience that can guarantee success. I mean, one tiny error in your calculations, the planets you're trying to shift could fly off in any direction." ~ The Sixth Doctor

"Be careful of Lt. Lang. He's been dying to kill someone ever since he got here. After all, you DID destroy his entire squadron." ~ The Sixth Doctor

The 6th Doctor: I can sense your presence in my mind.
Mestor: Then why do you resist me?
The 6th Doctor: I'm secretive by nature.

According to Colin Baker, his coat was created because John Nathan-Turner had the idea that it should be in "very bad taste" to show the Doctor's alien nature. Baker had wanted to wear black to reveal the Doctor's darker side.

Azmael last met the Doctor in the Doctor's fourth incarnation. He was the best teacher the Doctor ever had. On that occasion, Azmael got drunk.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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