Prof. Jones: More muck! More devastation! More death!
"Well, this is the space time coordinate programmer. The wretched thing's nearly worn out. That's the trouble with the Tardis. She's getting on a bit, you know, Jo." ~ The Third Doctor
"You haven't been listening, have you? Honestly, Doctor, you never listen to a word I say!" ~ Jo Grant
"But Doctor it is exactly your cup of tea. This fellow is bright green, apparently, and dead." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"No! No, look it's time to call a halt! It's time that the world awoke to the alarm bell of pollution instead of sliding down the slippery slopes of, of, of, whatever it is." ~ Jo Grant
"Jo, you've got all the time in the world, and all the space. I'm offering them to you." ~ The Third Doctor
"Well, now, what. Shut the blasted door! Of all the silly young goats. Can't you read? It said on the door to watch it, didn't it?" ~ Professor Jones
"But it's still using up the oil and doubling the atmospheric pollution. No, the world has got to find ways of using the energy the sun is giving us now. Well, like using the movement of the wind and the tides and the rivers. Well, I mean, like here at the Nuthutch. Well, you are quite warm? Heat from the river. And the heat pump works on electricity generated by a windmill. Alternative technology, see." ~ Professor Jones
"Nobody must go down the mine. Hinks. Nobody must go down the mine. Nobody." ~ Stevens
Fell: It was too late to save the miner. He was already dead, but this? Well, to leave them trapped down there, it's, well, it's murder!
Stevens: Don't be ridiculous man. They'll never have survived a fall like that. I just need a little more time, that's all. That mine must not be investigated. You know that as well as I do.
"I found it on the floor. It had been removed from the brake linkage. This was no accident, Mister Davies. This was deliberate sabotage." ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Is it, indeed? I hadn't realised. I've been wanting to meet you for a long time. Your paper on DNA synthesis was quite remarkable for your age.
Prof. Jones: A promising youngster, huh?
The 3rd Doctor: No, no, no, I mean for the age that you live in.
"Oh, never fear, Blodwyn, Bert is here! Come on." ~ Bert
"Venusian akido, gentlemen. I do hope I haven't hurt you." ~ The Third Doctor
"Doctor, it's not that I'm afraid, exactly, it's just, it's just those maggots." ~ Jo Grant
"Mister Stevens, two of my friends are still down there in that mine in the gravest danger. If I consider it necessary to close Global Chemicals, then closed it will be!" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Well, the moral of story, of course, is never trust a Venusian shanghorn with a perigosto stick." ~ The Third Doctor
"You shouldn't feel ashamed of your grief. It's right to grieve. Your Bert, he was unique. In the whole history of the world, there's never been anybody just like Bert. And they'll never be another, even if the world lasts for a hundred million centuries." ~ Professor Jones
"Orders? What do you mean, orders? I suppose if your officer gave you orders to kick the Prince of Wales, old Callow, up his royal britches, you'd do it, I suppose, would you? What about Miss Cartwright's ginger cat, eh? At death's door, he is, poor devil, not to mention Tom the sea captain." ~ Milkman
Jo: Look, I'm sorry, I know I'm a cloth-head, but...
Jones: That's all right, love. It's not your fault.
"Please, Doctor. There is no point in going on like this. You have convinced me that you are an arrant sensation monger, a political hothead and a scientific charlatan. Giant maggots indeed!" ~ Stevens
"Oh, don't apologise, my little superman. Just be sure next time. The day is coming fast. D-day. Der Tag. Nothing must be allowed to stop it. Nothing." ~ The Boss
"I don't understand you lot. Seems to me the problem's solved. We'll see no more of those creepy-crawlies, you mark my words." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"Well, I never thought I'd fire in anger at a dratted caterpillar, but..." ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
"You clumsy young goat. You've ruined the lot. All wasted. Dried fungus. My hybrid. I'll have to do the whole lot again. No, leave it! I shudder to think what might happen." ~ Professor Jones
Jo: Okay. Well, what shall I do?
Prof.Jones: Keep me company? Make some coffee?
Jo: Like a dutiful tea girl?
Prof.Jones: Right.
Jo: In a frilly cap and an apron?
Prof.Jones: Perfect.
Jo: Would you like a nice cup of arsenic?
Prof.Jones: Fine, fine, whatever you've got.
"Gone to get you a maggot. Silly young fool. She'll get herself killed!" ~ Professor Jones
"Oh really, Doctor. As far as I can gather from your computer record at UNIT, the difficult thing is to stop you talking. No, no, no, you won't provoke me so easily." ~ The Boss
"Today Llanfairfach, tomorrow the world, eh? A machine. A megalomaniac machine, but still a machine!" ~ The Third Doctor
"Oh, you are mistaken. I can't be wrong. I am infallible." ~ The Boss
Stevens: Freedom from fear, freedom from pain.
The 3rd Doctor: Freedom from freedom.
"Hello? Is that you, Sergeant? It's Jo. Look, I'm up on the slag heap with the Professor. He's hurt and we're surrounded by maggots. Please hurry." ~ Jo Grant
"Doctor, it's working. I say again, it's working. They're dying like, well, like maggots. We've licked them!" ~ Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
The 3rd Doctor: Careful, Sergeant. What a beautiful creature.
Benton: (sarcastic) Oh yes, Doctor, beautiful.
"Stevens, you know, we should have arranged for a symphony orchestra to herald my triumph. To take over the world, to sweep into power on the crest of a wave of Wagnerian sound! You like that idea, of course? No? Oh, er, the 1812, perhaps? Or would we dare the glorious ninth?" ~ The Boss
"Stevens, listen to me. You've seen where this efficiency of yours leads. Wholesale pollution of the countryside. Devilish creatures spawned by the filthy by-products of your technology. Men walking around like brainless vegetables. Death. Disease. Destruction." ~ The Third Doctor
"Reverse pulse. Tan, tan tara. Loss of control. Stevens. Integrate booster function. Please. Please. We've been such good friends. Stevens, Stevens, please, please. Argh, it hurts! The pain! My circuits are on fire! No! Who would have thought it would come to this? Stevens, Stevens, my friend. My sentimental friend." ~ The Boss
Jones: Well, very soon now. We'll just stop off in Cardiff, pick up our supplies, get married and
Jo: Married?
Jones: Aye.
This is Katy Manning's final story. However, she would reprise her role thirty-seven years later in the Death of the Doctor (Sarah Jane, Season 4). In that episode, she shows disappointment that the Doctor is now traveling with a married couple in the TARDIS, saying that she only left the Doctor because she got married, suggesting that she would have continued to travel with the Doctor if he had allowed her to bring Professor Jones. Stewart Bevan (who plays Cliff Jones, Jo Grant's 'love interest') was Katy Manning's boyfriend at the time of shooting.
The Brigadier takes a phone call from the Prime Minister, who is named as 'Jeremy'. This was a joke by the production team intended to suggest that the Liberal Party, then led by Jeremy Thorpe, could win the next General Election; Thorpe, of course, was never Prime Minister.
Some of the giant maggots were created from inflated condoms.
The consequences of the Doctor's journey to Metebelis III are followed up in Planet of the Spiders.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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