The 6th Doctor: "You must forget how I used to be. I'm a Time Lord! A man of science, temperament, and passion."
Peri: "And a very loud voice."
The 6th Doctor: "Yes. Yes, that too."
The 6th Doctor: "I already told you. I'm known as the Doctor. I'm also a Time Lord, from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous."
Russell: "You're bonkers."
The 6th Doctor: "That's debatable"
The 6th Doctor: This is bad news. Very bad news. How can they have discovered the laws of time?
Lytton: They haven't. A time vessel landed on Telos. The Cybermen were able to capture it.
Lytton: Your regeneration has made you vindictive, Doctor.
The 6th Doctor: Not at all. I've never found it difficult to despise people like you.
The 6th Doctor: Mondas, the Cyber planet, was destroyed.
Lytton: But tell them how it was destroyed.
The 6th Doctor: You're enjoying this.
Lytton: It's not often I have the opportunity to watch a Time Lord squirm.
Lytton: He would transgress the laws of time.
Peri: You interfere continually.
The 6th Doctor: Not to that extent. Even I have to be careful.
Flast: They intend to change history.
The 6th Doctor: They can't! It's against all the laws of time!
"Wait a minute. No! No, not me! You haven't manoeuvred me into this mess just so I can get you out of it! It would have helped if I had known what was going on" ~ The Sixth Doctor
Flast: You are a Time Lord?
The 6th Doctor: Yes. And at the moment, a rather angry one.
The 6th Doctor: Hello. I'm the Doctor.
Varne: Unless you help us, you won't be for very much longer.
Working titles for "Attack of the Cybermen" included Return to Telos and The Cold War.
Eric Saward confesses on The Cold War DVD featurette that he wrote this serial not Paula Woolsey or Ian Levine.
In the original script, it was revealed that a colony of Cryons is living inside Halley's Comet. Lytton's job was to convince the Cybermen to use the comet as the agent of the Earth's destruction in order to lure the Cyber Controller there, where he would be ambushed by the Cryons. This scheme is uncovered by the Cybermen, who then turn against Lytton.
The repair to the Chameleon Circuit was in part a publicity effort by John Nathan-Turner to drum up more interest in the series. He hinted publicly that it might be a permanent development, but never pursued the idea beyond this story.
Pennant Roberts was originally assigned to direct this serial. However, he proved to be unavailable, so Matthew Robinson was asked to direct instead. Roberts would later go on to direct Timelash.
The story, sees the Cybermen trapped in icy tombs on Telos, making this a "prequel" to "Tomb of the Cybermen". In that story, Viner states "We know they died out many centuries ago. What we don't know is why they died out." Now, we do.
Ian Levine, who was working as a continuity adviser for Doctor Who at the time, was disappointed by the re-designed Cyber-tombs. (The characterization of the Abzorbaloff monster played by Peter Kay in Doctor Who: Love & Monsters was based on Levine and reflects his role in fandom.)
It has been estimated that 55 deaths occur on screen in this serial. In an interview Colin Baker stated that The Doctor shooting The Cybercontroller was like playing Cowboys and Indians.
The Cyrons were male in the original script, but Matthew Robinson suggested changing their gender, and John Nathan-Turner agreed.
Trailer & Links
Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen (Story 138) is available at Amazon.com,
or watch via streaming at Hulu Plus.
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