Adric: Just as you gave your word to Tegan.
The 5th Doctor: That's not fair.
"E-space is another universe. There isn't a taxi service goes back and forth." ~ The Fifth Doctor
Tegan: Is it really that dangerous?
The 5th Doctor: Do you really think I'd be making all this fuss if it weren't?
"I'm not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"Do you know, I think since his regeneration, he's become decidedly immature." ~ Adric
Tegan: Things have collided with the Earth before. What was so different about the one that destroyed the dinosaurs?
The 5th Doctor: It's size. It was gigantic.
"What are we supposed to have done?" ~ The Fifth Doctor
Scott: Androids. Are they yours?
The 5th Doctor: No. If you want proof, you'll find they'll kill me as willingly as they'll kill you. See what I mean?
"Brave heart, Tegan." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"Now, the androids are programmed to protect that hatch. In order to carry out that duty successfully, it's important they remain operational. The androids now know we have the ability to inflict serious on them, so if we attack that hatch, we create a dilemma. The conflict between duty and survival should cause enough confusion in their logic circuits for them to start making mistakes, which is exactly what we want." ~ The Fifth Doctor
The 5th Doctor: Ow! Your troopers got quite carried away, didn't they. I would suggest you get your people well back. The hatch may be booby-trapped.
Scott: What about you?
The 5th Doctor: Well, my arms are only this long. I can't get any further away.
"The device is already lost. Let the Earth see the effectiveness of Cyber technology. Explode the bomb." ~ Cyber Leader
"I think drastic action is called for. Abandon methodical procedure for blind instinct. Right or wrong, here we go." ~ The Fifth Doctor
Cyberman: A Time Lord. But they're forbidden to interfere.
Cyber Leader: This one calls himself the Doctor, and does nothing else but interfere.
"I want to announce my presence, to see what the reaction is." ~ The Fifth Doctor
Adric: I don't like being so far from the Tardis.
The 5th Doctor: Someone should have seen us by now.
Adric: Look, why don't we go back?
The 5th Doctor: Minute or two more.
The 5th Doctor: I've seen wounds inflicted this way before.
Adric: Doctor, we have got to get out of here!
The 5th Doctor: Yes.
"Even under the threat of death, he has the arrogance of a Time Lord." ~ Cyber Leader
The 5th Doctor: Well, it's the only way you'll stop them.
Briggs: Who?
The 5th Doctor: I don't know, but I have the feeling whatever's causing your power loss is out for considerable more than control of this ship.
Adric: Do you remember what you asked me after we deactivated the bomb?
The 5th Doctor: Why a bomb and not some other device.
Adric: Well, with the Earth on red alert, a missile wouldn't get through.
The 5th Doctor: Hmm. We still don't know what they're really after.
"It's vast. We'll never find him. I know. I'm just a mouth on legs." ~ Tegan
Ringway: Shut up! I'm tired of your snide remarks and bullying ways.
The 5th Doctor: Oh, you haven't seen anything. Wait until the Cybermen start.
Ringway: You know them?
The 5th Doctor: Oh yes, we go back a long way.
"They're an invasion force. Earth is where they want to go. There are considerably more than a few on board." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"You never change. Always the perfect guests." ~ The Fifth Doctor
Cyber Leader: Your Tardis has been found, Doctor.
The 5th Doctor: I didn't know it was lost.
The 5th Doctor: If the freighter crashes into Earth with you on board, won't that make it rather difficult for you to carry out your task? I mean, you would be very crumpled.
Cyber Leader: I shall not be on board, Doctor.
The 5th Doctor: You don't surprise me.
Cyber Leader: I see that Time Lords have emotional feelings.
The 5th Doctor: Of sorts.
Cyber Leader: Surely a great weakness in one so powerful?
The 5th Doctor: Emotions have their uses.
Tegan: You won't like Earth.
Cyber Leader: Like or dislike does not come into my consideration.
Tegan: It will when you start going rusty.
"Gently? This is my planet they're about to destroy!" ~ Tegan
"Earthshock" is notable for being the final appearance of Matthew Waterhouse (Adric) as a companion. Adric would make a cameo appearance in the following story "Time-Flight".
The story is also notable for being the first appearance of David Banks as a Cyberleader in a Doctor Who serial. Banks would go on to appear as the Cyber Leader in "The Five Doctors", "Attack of the Cybermen" and "Silver Nemesis".
It also marked the first appearance of the Cybermen since 1975's "Revenge of the Cybermen".
Producer John Nathan-Turner wanted to bring back an old enemy, but resisted using the Daleks. Before the title was changed to Earthshock, Nathan-Turner was adamant about keeping the return of the Cybermen a secret. He instructed Eric Saward not to have any reference to the Cybermen in the story's title. Nathan-Turner even had the studio observation galleries closed for the duration of recording and turned down an offer from Radio Times to provide advance publicity of the Cybermen on their cover. The success of this convinced Nathan-Turner to continue to mine the series' past continuity for ideas and old enemies.
The working title for for "Earthshock" was Sentinel.
Although credited as script editor, Antony Root in fact did little or no work on Earthshock. He was credited to avoid Eric Saward, who had by this time replaced him in the job, being credited as such on his own work, which contravened BBC regulations.
Costume designer Dinah Collin was assigned the task of bringing the Cybermen into the Eighties, and worked on the project with Richard Gregory of effects firm Imagineering. They decided to abandon the rubber diving suits which had previously been the basis of the Cyberman outfit, opting instead of the more high-tech look of army G-suits. At John Nathan-Turner's suggestion, the jaws of the updated Cybermen were left clear so that the actors' mouths could be seen. The producer felt that this would reinforce the notion that the Cybermen had once been human. In a similar vein, Collin and Gregory considered leaving the Cybermen's hands bare - as had been the case in their first appearance in The Tenth Planet - and then seamlessly integrating the flesh with the Cyberman's "metallic" arm. However, it was ultimately decided that this effect would be too complex to achieve. Collin also wanted to do away with the "handlebars" on the sides of the Cyberman helmets, but this was vetoed by Nathan-Turner and Eric Saward, who felt that they were an essential part of the Cyberman image.
The Cyberscope prop was built using parts the modelmaker had scavanged from the Nostromo set constructed for the movie Alien. Similarly, the digital readouts on the device flash up a random series of numbers which were also seen on the monitors of the Nostromo set.
"Earthshock" replaced a script called The Enemy Within by Christopher Priest. story idea dealt with the 'secret' of what actually powered the TARDIS, in this case fear. Somewhere hidden inside the TARDIS was the one being the Doctor feared above all others, and the psychic tension between the two of them produced the energy to move through space and time. The story involved the Doctor having to confront and ultimately defeat this fear and was designed to write out the character of Adric. This was deemed unusable.
The cast didn't enjoy working with the director Peter Grimwade. According to Peter Davison, he didn't enthuse anyone. However, writer Eric Saward has said that Grimwade did lift the production by directing it with pace and a good visual eye. Steven Moffat has singled this serial out as a "really well directed show" from the series' original run which pushed the limits of what could be done in a multi-camera studio.
Despite Davison's criticism of Grimewade, Davison has stated that Earthshock is one of his three favourite serials from his time on Doctor Who.
Eric Saward was very happy with the score by Malcolm Clarke, which he said added another dimension to the story.
Although the Cybermen refer to the events of "Tomb of the Cybermen" during the flashback sequence, the story was did not exist in the archives at the time, so a clip from Doctor Who: The Wheel in Space: Episode 6 was used instead.
This is one of the few serials in which the ending credits have been changed from the regular credits. Adric's gold star is shown broken in pieces while the credits roll in silence. John Nathan-Turner got the idea from an episode of Coronation Street.
One of the android costumes would later be repainted silver and used as the costume for the Raston Warrior Robot in The Five Doctors.
Unknown to the Doctor, a future companion named Jack Harkness is, for reasons unknown, on Earth at the time of the freighter explosion, though Jack would believe the destruction of the dinosaurs was caused by a meteor hitting Earth.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: Earthshock (Story 122) DVD is available from Amazon.com,
or download the episode from iTunes, or watch via streaming at Amazon.
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