"Now, don't jump to conclusions, Adric. Sometimes we humanoids try to disguise our, our true feelings." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"Call yourself a Time Lord? A broken clock keeps better time than you do. At least it's accurate twice a day, which is more than you ever are." ~ Tegan
"You must be new to the world, sir. Have not you heard there is plague? That is why the village is guarded so vigilantly. They're terrified of strangers and the pestilence they may carry." ~ Richard Mace
"A comet when there shouldn't have been a comet, a meteor that doesn't look like a meteor. Whatever the phenomenon was, it certainly wasn't natural." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"I've met kings, emperors, megalomaniacs in my time." ~ The Fifth Doctor
Mace: Er, should you find the wine cellar, sir, a bottle of sack'd be most appreciated.
Tegan: That's stealing.
MaceE: I am a highwayman, madam.
Tegan: This isn't a highway.
"Your brain is addled, sir. That was Death. You saw what effect my pistols had on him." ~ Richard Mace
"How does this android, as you call him, come from another world? There are no other worlds. Any fool knows that." ~ Richard Mace
"Sir, you have a very mean way of exposing a man's cowardice." ~ Richard Mace
"Shush! Shush, shush, sir! Thievery is a matter of stealth, not hearty greetings. " ~ Richard Mace
"Why isn't he here? Why's he never around when you want him?" ~ Adric
"You'd better prepare yourself for a shock. I don't think you'll have seen anything quite like a Terileptil before." ~ The Fifth Doctor
"Genocide? You'll find their annihilation more difficult than you think, and the Tardis will not help you." ~ The Fifth Doctor
The 5th Doctor: There's only one place in the universe a Terileptil can acquire such scaring. The tinclavic mines on Raaga.
Terileptil Leader: And to be sentenced to Raaga is always for life.
The 5th Doctor: Terileptian law was never my strong point.
"War is honourable, Doctor. Even on this planet it is considered so." ~ Terileptil Leader
The 5th Doctor: How do you feel, now?
Tegan: Groggy, sore and bad-tempered.
The 5th Doctor: Oh, almost your old self.
"I once knew a French acrobat. He wasn't very good at tumbling, but his skill with a piece of bent iron was phenomenal. Luckily, he passed his skill onto me which enabled me to extricate my fee from the strong boxes of more than one disreputable theatre manager." ~ Richard Mace
Richard Mace: You missed. You wasted our only shot.
The 5th Doctor: I never miss.
Tegan: What about the base?
The 5th Doctor: Oh, we'll find it.
Tegan: Just like you found Heathrow?
Nyssa: No, Adric. You move this ship and we could finish up anywhere.
Adric: And if we don't, the Doctor and Tegan could finish up dead.
Nyssa: Where are we going?
The Fifth Doctor: Ah, in search of our Terileptil.
Adric: You know where he is?
The Fifth Doctor: Yes, yes, that's why I'm searching.
The 5th Doctor: It's an electrical emission from a piece of scientific equipment. Not something you'd expect to find in seventeenth century Earth.
Tegan: Why didn't you say that's what you were looking for?
The 5th Doctor: Because I wasn't looking for it until I found it.
"I'm afraid your pace of life is a little to fast for me, sir. I shall stay here and fight the fire. A much, much quieter occupation." ~ Richard Mace
The sonic screwdriver made its last appearance in the classic series until its return in the TV movie fourteen years later. Producer John Nathan-Turner thought the writers were relying on it too much to get the Doctor out of tight situations. (Hello Mr. Moffat!)
In Time Crash, the Doctor's tenth self references somewhat derisively that the Fifth Doctor chose to work "hands free" after losing his screwdriver here.
The initial idea for this story was suggested to Saward by a former girlfriend who had recently read about the plague and the fire.
Director Peter Moffatt had previously worked with Davison in All Creatures Great and Small.
The opening sequence in the TARDIS follows on directly from Kinda. Since The Visitation was filmed before Kinda, the cast had to act out their characters' responses to the events of Kinda based solely on the script.
Eric Saward attributes the name 'Terileptil' to the words "territorial reptiles" in Doctor Who: The Making of a Television Series.
Peter Davison has stated that The Visitation is one of his three favourite serials from his time on Doctor Who.
Michael Robbins was the second choice for Richard Mace. The original choice of director Peter Moffatt was vetoed by producer John Nathan-Turner. Writer Eric Saward is said to have disliked Robbins's performance as Mace. Saward originally created the character of Richard Mace for several radio plays broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in the 1970s. In these, the character is still an eccentric actor, but the plays are set around the 1880s (Jack the Ripper is mentioned). While Seward may not have liked Robbin's performance, Robbins is said to have hated working on this project. He was one of the few guest stars to not enjoy his stay on the show.
Although this was the fourth story aired this season, it was actually the second to be produced, after Four to Doomsday.
The cast and crew found themselves filming below a Heathrow Airport flight path and the noise of approaching aircraft regularly disrupted recording. However, an air traffic controller's strike put an end to these disturbances, and they were able to make up for the time they had previously lost.
Links (Watch on Daily Motion)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Doctor Who: The Visitation (Special Edition) DVD is available at Amazon.com,
or watch via streaming at Amazon Prime, Netflix, or Hulu Plus.
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