Friday, January 4, 2013

Classic Who - Season 19, Story 118 - Kinda

"Oh, just mild mental disorientation. Nothing that forty eight hours of induced deep sleep won't cure." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Adric: That's the sonic screwdriver.
The 5th Doctor: Well done, Adric. It's functioning as a delta waveform generator.
Adric: What if we need it?
The 5th Doctor: Why should we need it?

"There's always something to look at if you open your eyes!" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Which still leaves us with the question, where is Roberts? And the others. There are now only three of us left." ~ Todd

"Adric.  There is a difference between serious scientific investigation and meddling." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Intentions unknown. Hypothesis unfriendly, as K9 would say." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You, my dear, cannot possibly exist, so go away" ~ Anatta

"There are no predatory animals on Deva Loka. No diseases, no adverse environmental factors. The climate is constant within a five degree range and the trees fruit in sequence all the year round." ~ Nurse Todd

"An apple a day keeps the... Ah, never mind." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You will agree to believe in me sooner or later. This side of madness or the other." ~ Dukkah

"You forget, I'm now in command! I have the power of life and death over all of you!" ~ Hindle

"There is no other way. The Not-we must know how it is with the Kinda. The presence of those in the dome threatens us. They must go away and leave us in peace." ~ Panna

"No, no, no, quite impossible. That would be in direct contradiction to the laws of the material universe." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Yes, of course. Can't you see it? He's got it right. He's absolutely right. The plants are the danger. I'd like to help you." ~ Adric

"Oh, good. That is good news, isn't it. If in doubt, then fire and acid every time, don't you think?" ~ The Fifth Doctor

"When I was a boy, I was beaten every day. Never did me any harm. Made me the man I am." ~ Hindle

"So it's got teeth? Fangs, claws. A fire-raking tongue, licking you all over!" ~ Hindle

"I'm not surprised you look so sad. Telepathy is a very boring way to communicate." ~ Tegan, possessed by the Mara

"The Kinda have a sense of humour." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"You were right. This is no planet of primitives, and the answer's out there in the forest. Come on. Leave the box." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"Emergency class 5B. If in the opinion of the officer designated SR security a situation should develop where a threat to the territorial integrity of the dome will, could or might extend to a threat to the security of the home world itself, then Emergency class 5B shall be declared. The procedure, implementation immediate, shall be in two phases. Phase one, the preparation, priming and location of explosive devices sufficient to render the dome and its contents to its base chemical constituents. Phase two...Don't you see? Well, then we'll be safe. For ever and ever. Outside'll never get in. Don't you see?" ~ Hindle

"Prophecy teaches that at the beginning of things when the Not-we are come, a man will arise from among We who has the gift of voice, and so must be obeyed." ~ Karuna

Panna: No male can open the Box of Jhana without losing his mind, it's well known, unless... Is he an idiot?
Todd: Are you an idiot?
The 5th Doctor: Well, I suppose I must be. I have been called one m...
Panna: Keep silent, idiot.

"Wheel turns, civilisations arise, wheel turns, civilisations fall. Wherever the wheel turns, there is suffering, delusion and death. That much should be clear, even to an idiot. Now stop babbling and get ready." ~ Panna

"It is the Mara who now turn the wheel. It is the Mara who dance to the music of our despair. Our suffering is the Mara's delight. Our madness - the Maras' meat and drink. And now he has returned." ~ Panna

"Idiot. Don't you know anything? Of course I'm not dead." ~ Karuna

The 5th Doctor: What would happen if one person dreamt here alone?
Karuna: It is forbidden. There are powers waiting to be born. Powers of great evil. There is great danger in dreaming alone.

"I, I'm fine. Please, get back to the dome. Hindle has it wired for total destruction." ~ Adric

"What is the one thing evil can not face? Not ever! Itself." ~ The Fifth Doctor

"The curse of time. It is the Mara which starts the clocks." ~ Karuna

"Oh, he'll be all right. He was just driven out of his mind. Just what he needed." ~ The Fifth Doctor

Todd: You don't actually go into space in that?
The 5th Doctor: Oh no. That would be completely impossible, wouldn't it.
Todd: Unlikely, anyway.

Kinda is based on Buddhist concepts, with Buddhist names and themes throughout the story. The name of the planet "Deva Loka" means "realm of the Gods". The Mara derives from a demon of the same name in Buddhist mythology which, as in Doctor Who, symbolises temptation rather then evil (at least, in the sense of "sinfulness"). In Kinda, Dukkha, Panna, Karuna, Anatta and Anicca's names and functions all derive from Buddhism as well. Dukkha is "suffering", Panna is "wisdom", Karuna means "compassion", Anatta is "not-self" and Annica means "impermanence". In Snakedance, the character of Tanha appears; Tanha is "thirst", which figuratively means "restlessness" or "craving".

In addition, the story contains Biblical references (an arboreal paradise, a serpent, and apples).

Kinda was commissioned by Christopher H. Bidmead, worked on by Anthony Root and actually produced under Eric Saward. It therefore is at least in the running for the title of "serial that went through the most script editors".

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DVD available for purchase from

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