Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 17, Story 108 - The Horns of Nimon

"When making modifications, it's extremely important to shut everything down except that which is not necessary to shut down. Well, of course. Terribly easy to damage things otherwise. Ow! Like me, for instance." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"No, I don't. What could possibly go...Ow! Wrong. You know, I've simply got to stop saying that. Every single time I say what could possibly go wrong, something goes...Oh! It's uncanny, isn't it?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Fascinating, isn't it? I wonder what it would be like to be crushed to a singularity?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Seth: You've been to Aneth?
The 4th Doctor: Yes, but not yet.

"Have to noticed how people's intellectual curiosity declines sharply the moment they start waving guns about?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Yes. Oh yes, I can make it work. The question is, can we generate power soon enough to take the ship to escape velocity before we fall into a black hole with an event horizon. Shush. You just hold the gun steady. Don't tax your mind." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Look, why don't you give me the gun and then I can keep an eye on myself so that I don't get up to any funny business?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Your duty is to save the life of the man who's just saved yours." ~ Romana

"Eighty nine point four seconds. No dematerialisation, no defence shields, and only half power on full drive. K9, I think we're going to find out what it's like to be a cricket ball. Well, it's been a great, great partnership, old girl." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Oh, you know, K9, sometimes I think I'm wasted just rushing around the universe saving planets from destruction. With a talent like mine, I might have been a great slow bowler." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Soldeed: Who is this woman and where does she come from?
Romana: I come from Gallifrey, if that means anything to you.

"Oh no, not again. How is it wherever I go in the universe there are always people like you pointing guns or phasers or blasters?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Did you know that someone's building a black hole on your doorstep?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Looked like a nuclear reactor to me. Your tribute had a very practical purpose. I think there's something horribly evil going on here. Let's go, shall we?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Ah, well, people often don't know what you're talking about." ~ Romana

"Sorak, you must understand the Nimon. The Nimon is as a god to us. It pleases him to be godlike, to receive tribute and to grant us power. We want that power, so we give him the tribute he asks, or rather, we get Aneth to do it for us." ~ Soldeed

"We're going to have to be very clever. Power on this scale could blow the whole planet to bits if I touch the wrong thing." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, if it's compatible it'll work better than the original. On the other hand, if it's not compatible there'll be a bang so big you won't even hear it." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Oh, my prophetic soul!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The controls, they're jammed. It's gone critical. It's turned into a bomb and there's nothing we can do about it." ~ Romana

The 4th Doctor: Yes, well, what could possibly go wrong out here?
Romana: You said that once before, remember?
The 4th Doctor: I've said it hundreds of times before.
Romana: And how may times have you been right?
The 4th Doctor: Oh, four or three.

This serial was supposed to have been followed by one more, Shada, but due to a strike, production of Shada was abandoned, making The Horns of Nimon a premature season finale. As such it marked the end of several eras: it is producer Graham Williams' last Doctor Who story, as well as the final script to be edited by Douglas Adams. This is the final story in which David Brierley voices K9, and it featured the final use of the original 1963 arrangement of the "Doctor Who Theme", from the 1967 remix by Delia Derbyshire, as well as the last use of the diamond-shaped series logo and "tunnel" opening sequence by Bernard Lodge, which had been in place (with some modifications) since The Time Warrior. The opening credits image of Tom Baker, now close to six years old, is also retired. This is also the last story to be scored by composer Dudley Simpson.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DVD available for purchase at

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