Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 14, Story 86 - The Masque of Mandragora

"Well, how big's big? Relative dimensions, you see. No constant...Listen, listen. There are no measurements in infinity. You humans have got such limited little minds. I don't know why I like you so much." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Yes, yes, it is good. Do you know, this is the second control room. You know, I could run the Tardis just as easily from here as I could from the old one. Come to think of it, this was the old one." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"It's the Mandragora Helix. I thought we'd avoided it. It's a spiral of pure energy that radiates outwards in ways no one understands, though at its centre there's a controlling intelligence. It does seem more active than usual. Let's hope we can counter-magnetise enough to resist the pull." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Will you stop whittering." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"When Mars comes into conjunction with Saturn in the seventh layer, in the House of the Ram, and the moon is full grown, death comes to great ones. So it is decreed. Many do not believe it, but the decrees of fate will be obeyed. We have no choice." ~ Heironymous

"The stars will not be mocked!" ~ Heironymous

"Mandragora energy. And I brought it here. It got into the Tardis." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"That's the whole point, Marco. Perhaps the stars don't move as we think they move. That's what this man in Florence is saying. Maybe the stars don't move at all. Maybe it's we who move." ~ Giuliano

"A wave of energy has been released, Count. It's part of the Mandragora Helix. It could do untold damage. And I must take it back to the stars. Please. Please. Please. Please listen. Listen, please. I realise that must sound very strange to you. Let me put it this way. A ball of heavenly fire has come down to Earth. It could consume everything in its path. It could destroy the world." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, it depends, doesn't it. On whether the Moon is made of cheese, on whether the cock crows three times before dawn, and twelve hens lay addled eggs." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The Mandragora Helix has come home to roost." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Sarah: So what was going on back there in the temple?
The 4th Doctor: Sub-thermal recombination of ionised plasma.
Sarah: Oh, simple. I should have thought of that.

"Powers undreamed of. Supreme ruler of the Earth." ~ Heironymous

"Stop poking me with that pike!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Something's certainly entered the city, Giuliano. Some malevolent power quite beyond the understanding of that old fraud Hieronymous. The question is, why? Why here? Why now?  We seem to have an awful lot of questions. It's about time we started finding some answers." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"What think you brought me to San Martino? Many years ago, in another place, the voice of Demnos told me how my life would be. Told me I had been chosen because of my special powers. Ruler over all the Earth. From that night until now, I have waited. For years, the wise fools, the scholars of the new knowledge, have jeered and scoffed at me. The old duke tolerated me but did not believe. Count Federico despises me. The young duke considers me of no consequence. But they will learn their mistake, priest. They will learn their mistake as they die." ~ Heironymous

"And what better place than fifteenth century Italy? It's the period between the dark ages of superstition and the dawn of a new reason." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Excellent. A chance to solve both my problems in one blow. It'll seem like a sacrifice. A human sacrifice to the gods. Our hands will be guiltless." ~ Count Federico

"You can't count, Count." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You know, the finest swordsman I ever saw was a captain in Cleopatra's bodyguard. He showed me a few points. That's it. I don't know that Florence Nightingale would approve this little lash-up." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Giuliano, you're not afraid, are you?
Giuliano: Afraid? Oh, no.
The 4th Doctor: That's funny. Most people would be. Come on.

"Well, the first time I saw the leader of the cult, he was walking this way. He probably comes this way regularly. You know something? I don't think the Mandragora intelligence hijacked the Tardis and brought us here by accident. There must already be someone here who's sympathetic to its influence. Possibly there's been some tenuous influence for centuries." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Latin? I don't even speak Italian. Hey, I never thought of that before. How is it I can understand you?" ~ Sarah Jane Smith

"You're a fake, Hieronymous. A fraud, a charlatan, a marketplace soothsayer. You and I both know the truth of this, so just remember your place, Court Astrologer. That way you may also keep your head." ~ Count Federico

"Don't worry about me. I'm not likely to miss Leonardo da Vinci." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"The astrologer Hieronymous. It appears he's moving against me. He's forecast my death. Don't be alarmed. He plucks these lies out of the sky. But I want the old spider out of the city tonight. Throw him out, and all his rubbish with him." ~ Count Federico

"Well, I've taken you to some strange places before and you've never asked how you understood the local language. It's a Time Lord's gift I allow you to share. But tonight when you asked me how you understood Italian, I realised your mind had been taken over." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"You mean it's an hour already? Doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself." ~ Sarah Jane Smith

The 4th Doctor: When Mandragora swallows the Moon, that's when they'll strike.
Sarah Jane Smith: I know, but what does it mean.

"Nonsense? It isn't nonsense, miss. Just you remember what Hieronymous did to you. Mandragora doesn't conquer in the physical sense. It dominates and controls by Helix energy, astral force. It takes away from man the only thing worth having. A sense of purpose, what else? The ability granted to every intelligent species to shape its own destiny. Once let Mandragora gain control, and man's ambition wouldn't stretch beyond the next meal. It'll turn you into sheep. Idle, mindless, useless sheep." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: You're going to hold a dance?
Giuliano: Well, only if you don't think it's too dangerous.
The 4th Doctor: Dangerous? My dear Duke, you've got lots of guests to entertain. Of course you must hold a hop. Sarah will love it. Ask her.

Sarah: Oh, stop being so silly.
The 4th Doctor: Remember the French at Agincourt.
Sarah: But they lost. You know, the worse the situation, the worse your jokes get.

"Marco, is Leonardo among that lot?  I don't think I'm ever going to meet Leonardo. Will you open up the dungeon entrance, please?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"When did I ever guess wrong about anything?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Oh, come off it, Hieronymous. You know who I am. You can drop all that bosh about sacred stones and profanity. Just be your natural horrid self." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"It's part of a Time Lord's job to insist on justice for all species." ~ The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor: Leonardo? Leonardo who?
Sarah: Leonardo da Vinci.
The 4th Doctor: Oh, that Leonardo. No, I didn't get to see him. Good thing, too.
Sarah: Oh? Why?
The 4th Doctor: Well, his submarine design wasn't exactly practical, you know.

With the start of the new season, the previous police box exterior was replaced, as the old one had deteriorated due to wear and tear. A new serif font is introduced for the episode titles as well.

This serial also marks the first appearance of the TARDIS's secondary console room, designed by Barry Newbery, which continued to be used until the end of this season, making its final appearance in The Robots of Death. Depending on the account of information, either the set warped in storage between seasons, thereby becoming unusable, or new producer Graham Williams was not very fond of the wooden set; therefore the original, futuristic interior was restored.

Elizabeth Sladen stayed contracted to Doctor Who for an additional seven months just because she had heard about this upcoming serial and wanted to make it. Without this serial, she would have left in season 13

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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