Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classic Who - Season 13, Story 85 - The Seeds of Doom

(Oh...just go get a bunch of flame throwers...sheesh!)

"Why not? I've got my toothbrush. Remember, no touch pod. Could be dangerous." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Sir Colin? Dunbar here. That chap you called in from UNIT. Is he quite sane?" ~ Mr. Dunbar

Dunbar: Bonsai, Mister Chase?
Chase: Mutilation and torture, Mister Dunbar. The hideous, grotesque Japanese practice of miniaturising shrubs and trees. What is your Bureau doing about that?
Dunbar: Well, I...
Chase: No answer. You are concerned about the fate of the blue whale, and the natterjack toad, but the loveliest, most defenceless part of creation, the great kingdom of plant life receives no protection at all.

"I'm only seven hundred and forty nine. I used to be even younger." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Mister Stevenson, what you have done could result in the total destruction of all life on this planet." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I suppose you could call it a galactic weed, except it's deadlier than any weed you know." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Well, on most planets, the animals eat the vegetation, hmm? On planets where the Krynoid gets established, the vegetation eats the animals." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"I understand policemen are few and far between in the Antarctic." ~ Mr. Chase

The 4th Doctor: Inimicable? They're lethal.
Stevenson: How do you know?
The 4th Doctor: Never mind how I know, Stevenson, just take it from me. On any planet where the Krynoid gets established, all animal life is extinguished.

Keeler: Oh, you mean you have a homicidal maniac on the loose?
The 4th Doctor: Oh, much more dangerous than that, and he's desperate for food and warmth. There's only one place he can find food and warmth.

"Oh, don't be a bigger fool than you already are. Don't you understand anything? It's dangerous." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Nothing's hopeless. All we have to do is think." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Greed. Greed. The most dangerous impulse in the universe." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Action! Action, that's what we need. If we don't find that pod before it germinates, it'll be the end of everything. Everything, you understand? Even your pension!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Chase: However, as I propose to have you both executed
Sarah: Why? We haven't harmed you.
The 4th Doctor: Be reasonable, Sarah. What choice has he got? We keep interfering.

"What do you do for an encore, Doctor?" ~ Harrison Chase

Sarah: You can't tackle them single-handed.
The 4th Doctor: Oh no, I've got a pistol.
Sarah: But you'd never use it.
The 4th Doctor: True, but they don't know that, do they.

"I shall set the machine on automatic control, which means it will start up again in a few minutes time. Your death will be agonising, Doctor, but mercifully quick. Blood and bone contain the most valuable nitrogen elements. Just think. After shredding, your remains will pass automatically through my compost acceleration chamber and within twenty five minutes you will be pumped into the garden to become part of nature's grand design." ~ Harrison Chase

"Quick, Sarah, the button! Not that button, the other one!" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Scorby: Is it going to keep on growing? How big's it going to get?
The 4th Doctor: Oh, about the size of Saint Paul's Cathedral. After that, it'll multiply itself a thousand-fold until it takes over your entire planet.

"You're as mad as Chase, Scorby. Other people don't matter. All these guards, all these guns, it's just a big game to you, isn't it? Gives you a sense of power. You're not complete unless you've got a gun in your hand." ~ Sarah Jane Smith

"Somehow the Krynoid can channel its power to other plants. All the vegetation on this planet is about to turn hostile." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"We've got to find Chase before he has another attack of megalomania. Krynoid on the outside, a madman lurking inside, not a happy situation." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Oh Scorby, just think about what we're up against. Everything that grows in the ground is your enemy. You wouldn't get far." ~ The Fourth Doctor

Sarah: Where do we go? We've a Krynoid outside, steam inside, bombs overhead.
The 4th Doctor: Steam. Steam!

"Fifteenth, fifteenth. No, impossible. I'm fully booked for the next two centuries, but any time after that." ~ The Fourth Doctor

"Have we been here before, or are we yet to come?" ~ The Fourth Doctor

Episodes 1 and 2 are heavily influenced by Howard Hawks' 1951 film The Thing From Another World: an artifact found frozen in the Antarctic ice is revealed to be a deadly plant-like alien. That film was itself based on the short story, Who Goes There?, written by John W. Campbell, Jr.

This serial was the last serial to use the Brachacki police box prop, as it finally wore out and collapsed.

The costume for the humanoid stage of the Krynoid was created by taking one of the surviving Axon costumes from The Claws of Axos and spraying it green.

Links (Watch on
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

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