The 3rd Doctor: Somewhere in London.
Sarah: And when?
The 3rd Doctor: Well, when we left. Give or take a few weeks.
Sarah: It's not the nineteenth century or the twenty first?
The 3rd Doctor: My dear Sarah, you are perfectly safe. Now all we've got to do now is go and find a telephone and ring the Brigadier.
"That's a very unfair word, you know, because actually the Vandals were quite decent chaps." ~ The Third Doctor
Sarah: There's no bus.
The 3rd Doctor: There's no anything. No, nothing's moving. No bicycles, no pedestrians, no cars, nothing.
Sarah: Why?
The 3rd Doctor: Well, perhaps it's Sunday. Great Britain always closes on Sundays. Come on, I think we'd better walk.
Finch: And waiting for this mysterious scientific advisor of yours to turn up?
The Brigadier: That's right, sir.
Finch: Hmm. I suppose he'll just materialise out of thin air.
The Brigadier: Very probably.
Duffy: Names.
Sarah: Sarah Jane Smith.
Duffy: Name?
The 3rd Doctor: Doctor John Smith. No relation.
Duffy: Age?
Sarah: Twenty three.
Duffy: Age?
The 3rd Doctor: You'd never believe me.
The 3rd Doctor: How do you do, sir? I'm the Doctor.
Lodge: You've got nothing to be cheerful about. There's no judge and jury now, mate. Military law.
Sarah: But why?
Lodge: Where you been? Because of the monsters!
The 3rd Doctor: Sir, I am the scientific advisor to UNIT, and I demand to be put in immediate touch with Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.
Shears: I suppose he's an old friend of yours?
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, as a matter of fact he is.
Shears: How very interesting. You've been found guilty of looting.
Sarah: That thing. What was it?
The 3rd Doctor: A Tyrannosaurus Rex. The largest and fiercest predator of all time.
Sarah: But, but those things died out millions of years ago.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, sixty five million years ago, to be precise.
"Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. That was a time eddy. For a moment there, time went backwards." ~ The Third Doctor
The Brigadier: Ah, well, that's where you come in, Doctor. So far we've absolutely no idea where they're coming from or come to that, where they go.
Sarah: Where they go?
The Brigadier: Yes, that's one of the few good things about the entire situation. According to my patrols, they seem to vanish. Just disappear. No one sees them come, no one sees them go.
Sarah: But things that size, where could they go?
The 3rd Doctor: Well, that's pretty obvious, isn't it, Sarah?
Sarah: Hmm?
The 3rd Doctor: Back where they came from, into the past.
"General, we need to study this creature, not shoot at it. How much do you think we'll learn from a dead dinosaur?" ~ The Third Doctor
The 3rd Doctor: Good grief! It's a Stegosaurus. What a splendid specimen. No, no, don't shoot. I want to take a good look at it.
The Brigadier: Be careful, Doctor!
The 3rd Doctor: Don't worry, Brigadier, it's a vegetarian.
The 3rd Doctor: The Brigadier and his men couldn't see what happened, sir. They were temporally affected by a time eddy.
Finch: A what?
The 3rd Doctor: Whenever a creature appears or disappears, the temporal displacement causes a localised distortion in time. Now as far as the people in the immediate vicinity were concerned, time literally runs backwards, so naturally, they'd have no recollection of what had occurred.
Finch: The man's mad. Temporal displacement. Time travel is impossible, we all know that.
Sarah: Can I help at all?
The 3rd Doctor: No.
Sarah: Oh, come on, Doctor. I'm supposed to be your assistant. There must be something I can do.
The 3rd Doctor: Well, there is.
Sarah: What?
The 3rd Doctor: Go away.
Benton: Sir, they've spotted one. Section twelve, power station. The Chief Engineer said if we don't remove it quickly, he'll have to switch off.
The 3rd Doctor: Any idea what kind it is?
Benton: Er, a pato-something.
The 3rd Doctor: Apatosaurus, commonly known as the brontosaurus. Large, placid and stupid. That's exactly what we need.
The 3rd Doctor: Mind you, that creature isn't what I wanted at all. What I really wanted was a brontosaurus.
The Brigadier: What's the difference?
The 3rd Doctor: The difference, Brigadier, is that the brontosaurus is a placid vegetarian, whereas the Tyrannosaurus is the largest and fiercest flesh eater ever known on your planet.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, fascinating. The trouble is the Blinovitch limitation effect. If they could overcome that their problem's...
Sarah: I think someone has.
The 3rd Doctor: What, on this planet?
Sarah: This is the only one I've been able to check up on, Doctor.
The Brigadier: I am sorry, Miss Smith. This whole affair's under strict security black-out. You can take your photographs when the crisis is passed.
Sarah: Oh! When the crisis is passed, there won't be anything to photograph.
[Benton has some of the chains that were holding T Rex down. A link has been cut.]
Benton: We found this, sir. They were all like that. Cut clean through.
The 3rd Doctor: And this machine's been sabotaged. There's not a single reading.
The Brigadier: Dismissed! No, not you, Benton.
Benton: Well, she didn't want to rest. I got her some transport and she shot off somewhere.
The 3rd Doctor: Oh, where?
Benton: She wouldn't say. She said to tell you she'd gone out to play.
The 3rd Doctor: You know, sometimes that girl baffles me.
"You're mad. You're absolutely raving mad! Creating monsters in central London?" ~ Sarah Jane
Yates: I'd like to know what's been going on, sir.
Finch: I've no idea what you're talking about.
Yates: I agreed to sabotage the Doctor's apparatus and delay his experiment, but I didn't agree to murder.
The Brigadier: Project abandoned. No further action to be taken. See, Doctor?
The 3rd Doctor: You'll forgive me, Minister, if I prefer to believe the evidence of my own eyes.
The Brigadier: And what possible reason could the Minister have for being involved in the apparition of these monsters?
The 3rd Doctor: The monsters are a side-issue, Brigadier, a device to clear central London. No, some vast scheme is underway, I'm sure of it, and it's rapidly moving towards its climax.
The 3rd Doctor: Yes, well now that you've caught me, General, you can end the evacuation and return your eight million Londoners, can't you.
Finch: That decision doesn't rest with me. It rests with the Prime Minister. Captain Yates?
Yates: Sir?
Finch: Until further orders, you'll keep that man under close arrest. Come with me, Brigadier.
"Right then, Doctor, you'd better get busy. You'd better start overpowering me, hadn't you. You know, a bit of your Venusian oojah?" ~ Sgt. Benton
The Brigadier: Well, don't just stand there, Benton. Go and put yourself under arrest.
Sgt. Benton: Sir?
Bryson: Well, they're out on this big hunt, Miss, looking for the Doctor.
Sarah: The Doctor?
Bryson: Well, they had him arrested but he escaped. Well, he made the monsters.
Sarah: Don't be ridiculous.
Bryson: Well, they caught him red-handed.
"Soon the Doctor and his associates and everyone on this planet, except our chosen group, will never have existed. Shall we begin?" ~ Charles Grover M.P.
"Oh, boy. I really do choose my friends, don't I." ~ Sarah Jane
Finch: You realise this is mutiny?
The Brigadier: There's no question of mutiny, sir. I'm only doing my job.
The 3rd Doctor: Just what are they going to do, Mike?
Yates: They're going to roll back time. The world used to be a cleaner, simpler place. It's all become too complicated and corrupt.
The 3rd Doctor: Roll back time, I see. Can Whitaker really do that?
Yates: I believe so. All the preliminary experiments have been successful.
The 3rd Doctor: Do you realise what'll happen if they succeed?
Yates: We shall find ourselves in the golden age.
"Well, I never thought I'd find myself blowing up a tube station. If you're wrong, Doctor, I'm going to have a job explaining this to London Transport." ~ The Brigadier
Finch: You'll be court martialled for this, Sergeant!
Sgt. Benton: Yes, sir. Very sorry, sir!
Whitaker: No! He's reversed the polarity!
[Whitaker and Grover fight over the lever.]
The 3rd Doctor: Keep back!
[Grover pulls the lever down again, and he and Whitaker and the console disappear.]
Sarah: Well, where've they gone?
The 3rd Doctor: Back to their golden age. And I hope they like it.
"But what about you? Oh no, don't tell me. You're a Time Lord." ~ Sarah Jane
The Brigadier: Come on, Benton.
Sgt. Benton: Still I'll say one thing. Not many Sergeants get the chance to punch a General on the nose.
The Brigadier: Just don't make a habit of it, Benton.
The 625-line colour PAL transmission master videotapes for the serial were scheduled to be wiped and reused, but only Episode 1 was erased. The serial remained incomplete in the BBC Archives until 1983, when a monochrome print of Episode 1 was found and returned. Episode 1, broadcast in January 1974, was one of the latest Doctor Who episode to have been junked by the BBC (followed only by Episode 1 of Death to the Daleks, which aired a few months later).
This is the first story to feature the Doctor's car colloquially known as the Whomobile (though never actually named on screen).
This was the first Doctor Who story to be directed by a woman, namely Paddy Russell, since The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve in 1965, which was likewise directed by Russell.
At one point, Sarah states she is twenty-three. This would make the date of this story 1974.
From one point of view, Sarah is not really the Doctor's companion until the end of the story. She was merely on her way back to present day London after she stowed away in the TARDIS on its previous voyage. Indeed, she at least feigns discomfort at the idea of travelling in the TARDIS again. The Doctor's offer to take Sarah to Florana leads into the next story Death to the Daleks. This invitation, which included a long and vivid description of the wonders of Florana, prefigures a penchant of his ninth and tenth selves to describe a wonder of the universe in glorious detail to encourage a companion to stick around. (World War Three, Last of the Time Lords, The Sontaran Stratagem)
Sarah Jane Smith refers to the events of this episode in a conversation with Rose Tyler during School Reunion.
Producer Barry Letts has often stated that he was very disappointed with the quality of the model dinosaurs built for this serial. They were created not by the BBC Visual Effects Department but by a freelance effects designer.
Barry Letts wanted the dinosaurs at the end of this episode to be a surprise, so the title was shortened to "Invasion". As a result, when the BBC decided to purge most of the Second Doctor's adventures (one of which was titled "Invasion"), this one was also erased by mistake.
Links (Watch on DailyMotion.com)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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